Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2102: Late killing (2)

The Dapeng Golden-winged Birds fanned their wings in the air, and the huge winds rose out of the air. The hill that had just disappeared and the large number of trees on it seemed to be pulled up, and the sound of the bounce was floating. .

Dapeng spread its wings and the wind blew.

The wind pulls the mountain and it is invincible.

The ground was dug out of a large pit. A mountain peak has been vacated. The Dapeng Golden Winged Birds are screaming, and a huge wind blade flies out. Brushing... rushing to the mountain and traversing , the mountain will be unloaded eight.

With a bang, the bottom of a mountain peak, a strange one, and a pair of wings, disappeared in the blink of an eye and flew outward.

The Dapeng garuda is very fast. In theory, it is impossible to run through the singularity. However, within a short distance, the transient movement of the singularity can escape the pursuit of the Dapeng garuda.

Brushing, a few strange movements, and rushed into a mountain forest, quickly through the jungle.

Sun Hao showed his wings and chased the tail. Dapeng Golden Wings flew at low altitude. Large and large trees were pulled up by the wind, and there was a huge wind tunnel in the cave.

From time to time, Sun Hao also fanned his wings, issued two wind blades, slammed forward, and in the jungle, two long grooves were drawn.

I can't escape, but the speed is very fast, the size is small, and I can drill through the mountains. Sun Hao doesn't want to catch the muddy as a short time.

Momo was fleeing in the sky, and there was a deep anger in his heart. For many years, he had not escaped so much.

This time, when I came to the Terran, Momoso didn't feel that she would suffer such a big defeat. As long as she does not enter the core area of ​​the Terran and Kunlun, who can help herself?

But the reality is so cruel, like a dog who lost his family, he was chased by the mountains.

This trip to the human race, I am afraid that I will not pay a certain price, it is difficult to retreat from the whole body, but if you want to completely destroy your deity in the cave of the heavens, then you really need to look at the skills of the Terran Kid.

Everyone still has to fight.

The river runs wildly, and the body keeps shaking. Every time it sways, the body rushes out of a strange, fleeing in different directions.

In an instant, the Dapeng Golden Fin bird is in the middle of the jungle. It has already appeared nine full-headed, various postures, extremely fast, leaping and jumping, or drilling in the mountains, or entering the forest, or diving, and instantly went in all directions.

In Sun Hao’s knowledge, the nine heads are actually entities, and there is no difference in each head. It seems to be the real avatar of Momo.

In the late stage of the fit, there are some means. If you want to catch Momoso, you are not easy.

As soon as the gods moved, Sun Hao put the side animal husbandry out: "Show me the real direction of his escape."

Bian Meng sniffed a few times, Wang Wang called: "Sun boss, more than one direction, which one do you want to chase?"

Sun Hao thought for a moment and said quickly: "Remember the breath of other directions, we must first pursue the most vigorous position of the fierce."

In more than one direction, it is likely that there are different distractions, escaping from different directions, this is a kind of alienation that can escape.

The main soul is not sure which one, perhaps the main soul can be freely converted, the distraction as long as you escape one, the main soul of Momoso can escape to heaven.

The disintegration of other distractions may damage the roots of Momoso, but it is better than the death of the Lord.

After the fit, the monks can hardly be killed. It is more like this kind of mystery. Every secret technique has the magical effect of Sun Hao's smashing back to the soul. It is naturally difficult to really fall.

In the midst of the war between the imaginary and the tyrannical, under normal circumstances, the races with the fit and the monks sitting in the town will not be offended. The fundamental reason is that the means of combining the powerful means are endless, and the techniques of escape are varied.

Once you are able to escape by a fit, hiding in the dark to shoot your own race, it is quite troublesome.

A fit and a big energy can often make a race and a big domain make people feel uncomfortable and turn upside down.

This time, Sun Hao started very embarrassedly, and destroyed the main soul and the **** of Momo Soda, so that he could not save his bones. Even if he knew that it was wrong to stay with the Morgans, he could not understand what was going on.

But if you don't kill Momoso, you will all go back to the original point. Once Momosol escapes, the scourge is so big that it is hard to imagine. Maybe Sun Hao will be prepared for a long time.

The most ferocious position?

Bianmu immediately reacted, and the nose sniffed a few times. The dog's paw pointed: "This side. However, it is recommended that the boss behave arbitrarily, and other directions are quickly escaping. Maybe it will escape the world of the hole."

Sun Hao understands.

Every distraction of Momoso is not slow, and the guy flies separately. As long as he escapes one, he may not always be able to completely intercept him.

The big wings were on display, and the side grazing was thrown on the shoulders. The Dapeng Golden Winged Birds vacated and flew away in the direction of the strange.

No matter what distraction is in other directions of Momoso, there is no doubt that one is one of the strongest ones. It is very likely that one is the deputy soul of Momosotian.

In the end, the Momo cable day will definitely hurt.

The difficulty of the opponent is beyond the imagination of Sun Hao. For the first time, Sun Hao has a feeling that people are not as good as days.

However, this is normal. If you don't have two brushes, it's really weird.

Dapeng Golden Wings are incredibly fast. Less than a fragrant time, Sun Hao has locked in the violent rush of the jungle in front.

Knowing that I was discovered by Sun Hao, the ridiculous rush is unscrupulous, and strives to be quicker. When I pass, I only see a blue smoke, what catches something, and only asks for speed.

Under the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, the big tree, or even the hill, the sound of the explosion of the rumble was constantly heard. When the end was too bad, the big tree was broken by the roots, and the mountain was broken by life.

With the help of the big trees and the mountains, the odds are as long as possible, so that Sun Hao can't catch himself.

Everyone is a fit and powerful. Although Mosuotian’s strength is weak, but he is trying to escape, he really does not believe that his opponent can easily hold himself.

Not to mention the other, this is a singular avatar, the opponent must be very surprised.

The singularity of Momo's days is quickly rushing in the jungle. Once Sun Hao broke out in a wide range of attacks, he moved in a moment, making it difficult for Sun Hao to hit himself.

The longer the time drags, the worse it is for Sun Hao.

After Sun Hao chased the poor and slashed for a quarter of an hour, he found that this was not a solution at all. The conventional means could not stop the strength and still be alive.

Do not want to be entangled with the poor, Sun Hao began to move the real.

When he opened his mouth and spit, he had to condense the empty tower and vomit it into the air. Sun Hao said softly: "The four friends help me to hold the poor."

The top of the condensate tower was slightly swayed, and the four auras in the air scattered away.

A blue aura, shot to the east.

A red aura shot to the south.

A white aura shot to the west.

A black aura shot to the north.

Dapeng Golden Winged bird screamed in the mouth, and Sun Hao screamed: "Four spirits are fixed, strange, where are you going to escape?"

Four spirits set the day?

The singularity of the rush was a slight shock. In the knowledge of God, I immediately sensed that the space around me was in a state of magic. Looking up at the sky, I couldn’t help but scream.

A desire to fight from a strange heart, a feeling of encountering a natural enemy rushed into the heart of Momo.

Four spirits! He actually saw the four spirits, the four spirits in the air and the normal four spirits were slightly different, but the fulfillment was indeed the special mission of the four spirits.

The Oriental Qinglong, the Southern Suzaku, the Western Sky Elephant and the Northern Dangkang, the Four Spirits reveal their true bodies, and they completely settle the scope of their own dozens of miles. No matter how they move, they can't escape.

And this fixed space area, the scope is shrinking.

The strange wings spread, flew to a hill, facing the four spirits in the air, roaring in the sky.

Above the sky, the image of Tianxiang and Dangkang is not very obvious, but Qinglong and Suzaku are not in a state of anger. They burst into bursts of dragons, gar, and screaming against the roaring roar. It seems to be a grievance. Right.

The four spirits and the four fierce, the ancient name, itself is the existence of opposite nature.

There is a natural hostility in the bones.

Four spirits set the sky, one side of the world is trapped in a strange space, surrounded by strangeness.

At this time, the four spirits are not as good as the individual strength.

The four spirits are growing very fast, but they are limited by Sun Hao's cultivation, and the cultivation time is not long. At this time, the cultivation is still only in the late stage of the distraction, and there is a long way to go from the combination.

It is reasonable to think that the four spirits are difficult to settle down. (To be continued.)

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