Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2103: Late killing (3)

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The four spirits are not enough, but the four spirits are in, and they are fixed in the world, firmly locked in the strange.

What is really against the poor is the Dapeng garuda that Sun Hao incarnates.

Poorly looking at the escape, the fierce hair, standing in the foothills, roaring and leaping out, leaping out of the body, the body emerged a flame of green, bite into the neck of the Dapeng garuda.

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird has a double wing and a gust of wind, and it turns into a singularly sharp blade.

The fierce and singularly swaying the wind against the wind, roaring in his mouth, arbitrarily slammed into the wind blade that flew over and rushed to the Dapeng garuda.

This guy is completely unwilling to play, with the intention of better delaying time and gaining more time for other distractions to escape.

The fierce turmoil, the strength is amazing, even if it is Sun Hao, he is really not allowed in a short time.

Flying sand and stone, the sun and the moon are dull.

The Dapeng garuda and the strange space in the space where the four spirits settled, launched a fierce battle.

The speed of the Dapeng garuda, the wind attribute attack, every hit is turbulent and turbulent.

Poor and fierce, strong body and incomparably flexible body shape, it is a ghost in the battle.

The war lasted more than a day.

The Dapeng garuda was bitten by a few singularities. Every time it went down, it would drop a large piece of golden wings and sprinkle a **** rain.

It’s not too good for the poor. The wind blade of the Dapeng Golden Winged bird squats on his body more than once, scratching a **** mouth, and the iron shovel of the Dapeng garuda has been hit or caught many times. He caused tremendous damage.

In terms of real strength, Dapeng Golden Wings are even higher.

After more than a day of fighting, the poor finally couldn't help it. He began to erupt himself with the most powerful sacred magical power. After the exhibition, the strange eyes turned into a red-blooded blood, and the fierceness of the whole body became more fierce. , shocking people's hearts.

The strength of the singularity is instantly increased by 20%. When you hit it, every bite will be broken. Every time you break, the wound after each bite will be difficult to heal. The battle lasts for a while. The Dapeng garuda has been covered in blood. Dripping.

A pair of **** eyes, it seems that people can see a **** sea, and win the hearts.

The order of the Dapeng garuda is still above the singularity, and will not be taken away by its **** murderousness, but the blood flow of a scar is not only endless, but also makes the Dapeng garuda very uncomfortable.

Sun Hao hit the liver fire, Dapeng gold-winged bird also broke out the life of the gods pass "Yin and Yang two gas", Dapeng gold-winged bird, eight weathered two gas, yin and yang fire.

The heavens and the earth are divided into yin and yang, and the two gasifications are all things. When the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird is fallen, it is difficult to keep the remnant soul. In fact, when he is on the verge of death, he will be burned by the yin and yang, and the spirit will be destroyed.

The general fit is absolutely unable to stop the yin and yang.

The yin and yang are the genius of the Dapeng Golden Winged Birds. It is the magical method of collecting the essence of the Eight Winds, the spirituality of the Yin and Yang, the surrounding world, and the smelting of secret techniques.

The monk falls into the yin and yang, just like ordinary people fall into the oil pan, and they are frying.

The singularity of yin and yang is that both yin and yang are very powerful. Nothing is burning, nothing is burning, and the monks fall into it. As long as the two yin and yang resistances are insufficient, the balance will be broken in an instant.

Once the balance is broken, it is like a big river breaking the bank, and it’s impossible to get rid of it.

In the imaginary monk, only the true ability to stand in the middle of the imaginary genre, or to resist one or two, other monks, then unless the talent is different, or the cultivation of a special magical mystery, can be in the yin and yang Under calcination, stabilize the position.

The poor is the Momo cable god, and the cultivation itself has reached the late stage of the fit, but when the Dapeng gold-winged bird spits out the yin and yang, it turns into a big screen of yin and yang in the air, and it feels very bad after the head cover falls. It’s very good.

In the calcination of the yin and yang, the flames of the sacred green are weakened layer by layer, gradually revealing the strange body, constantly tumbling in the yin and yang.

The eyes were completely turned into two groups of blood, and the head of the head kept roaring in the yin and yang. The voice of Momo's resentment passed from the mouth of the poor: "The boy, Liang Zi took it, there is a kind of you who have destroyed this." The pure fierceness of the seat is very singular, if not, one day, this seat will be brought back by the band..."

After that, the strange roar and the body blasted.

In the yin and yang, the poor flesh and blood instantly turned into pus and blood. After a while, the pus and blood became a black cloud.

But no matter how it is done, the strange blood red eyes are always the same, full of resentment and unwillingness, looking up to Sun Hao.

The black gas cloud, also under the blood red eyes, re-into the yin and yang of Sun Hao, turned into a strange virtual shadow.

This singularity is still standing tall and roaring.

No matter how the yin and yang two gas are calcined, it is completely unbearable that this one is completely composed of black and black clouds.

This is pure and fierce.

Unruly, fierce and immortal.

Bathed in the yin and yang, and withstood the smoldering of yin and yang, the black and horrible still said with awkwardness: "It’s useless, unless there is no fierceness in this world, or if it’s not, my savage origins will last forever. ......"

After that, he slammed his body, and the black body seemed to have a dark flame. In the yin and yang, he rose up and looked at the air Dapeng garuda: "burn, you kill Ah, I am ruining my singularity, but I can’t help me to be a strange source. I think you can’t afford to use me, hahaha, I see how long you can hold me, hahaha...”

In the late period of the fit, the monks really struggled to the extreme, and they all played like this. They were able to fight against themselves in a tenacious way. Is this strange and fierce source so mad that there really is no way to destroy it?

I think that I have come from the calcination of yin and yang. Sun Hao understands that the strangeness can block the calcination, and it is not unusual.

However, I want to take advantage of this fierce source that has been lost. I am afraid that Momoso is thinking too much.

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird has a pair of wings and flies up.

Underneath the body, the golden scented condensate tower was illuminating in the air, and Sun Hao said coldly in his mouth: "How can I take your singularity and help you practice in the future, since your world is fierce and poor? The strange gas is so amazing, then the seat is not welcome, give me the town."

The condensate tower is dripping, the golden light shines, and it is covered in a black and sturdy body.

Unexpectedly, he struggled to roar, his body kept changing, and suddenly he moved quickly and tried to escape from the golden light.

In the high altitude, Suzaku fanned the wings, a high-pitched gar, Zhu Ling's crisp voice passed out: "Two hairs, we will suppress him into the scented air tower, I saw this guy's heart is not a good feeling ~www Qinglong cloud swayed, Wang Yuan’s voice came out: "Well, I am completely disgusted with him, Xiao Pang, Wen Min, everyone together, push him into the tower, and always suppress the abyss in the underground. Among them..."

Tianxiang and Dangkang air crashed and said good.

Sun Hao’s heart moved to look at the four former companions and said with a smile: “That would trouble four friends, yes, it’s best to leave him with a glimmer of life, and everyone will be useful in the future.”

The refining of God and body is the fusion of the golden body and the law. Sun Hao has been practicing for so long, and it is the first time that he has met the strangeness that can directly damage the Fa. Naturally, he hopes to leave him and promote himself in the future. God and body.

The four spirits answered and said: "Received."

The green dragon swayed, the suzaku spread its wings, and the sky was like a wave. When Kang shook his teeth, the force of the space that was fixed in the air was built together, and the body continued to shrink into the middle.

Walking around, struggling to roar, I found that the area where I was able to move was getting smaller and smaller, and I was unwilling to say it to the sky: "Boy, I will never die with you forever!"

The words of the four spirits have not been finished, and the space of the four spirits has firmly tied him. The condensed air tower has been swirling and floating over it, covering the top of his head. The four spirits are working together, just like escorting the prisoners. This dark and singularity was pressed into the tower of the Sumi.

Dapeng Golden Winged Birds received a double-winged, incarnation of Sun Hao's body, floating in the air, the right hand extended, the condensed air tower rotated, and fell on the palm of Sun Hao.

Inside the tower of the gods, I found that under a mountain, the sorrow was firmly suppressed, and only one head could barely twist and twist, and I was unwilling to struggle.

Finally got this difficult guy, Sun Hao's heart was a little relieved, but also deeply sighed.

It’s not easy to win the truth. (To be continued.)

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