Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2107: Tracking method (4)

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The cow itself is not strong, but the cow is very rare, and it can grow to a very high altitude ordinary mountain beast through its own cultivation.

The far-off classical book "Journey to the West" records that in the past there was a big heavenly sacred cow demon king, and the fighting power was thorough, but there were not many, and it was able to fight the powerful existence of the **** of war by virtue of its own cultivation.

This buffalo incarnation of Momoso is now quite powerful.

Under Sun Hao, a big white cow, the head is like a mountain, if the eyes are shining, the one-horn is like an iron tower, and the teeth are sharp. From the beginning to the end, there are more than 800 feet long, from the hoof to the back, there are three hundred feet high.

The huge horror of the body, under the big white cow, turned into a small point.

The great white cows are fierce and fierce, and the siege of the siege is stunned by people.

A breath of breath, a flame in the sky, burned to Sun Hao.

The head of the pen is placed, and the head of the bull is headed to the Dapeng garuda.

Barbarian brute force, fierce.

Around the Tiantiansen, there was a disaster of extinction. The mountains were all flattened, and the beasts with weaker strength in the mountains were stepped into meat slurry without exception.

The Great White Bull is very powerful. The downside is that the action is awkward.

The slightly faster trespass can avoid the pedaling of the big white cow, and the fear is more flexible, and it can entangle the big white cow to keep fighting.

Sun Hao's body was slightly vacated, avoiding the impact and snorting of the big white cow, and the gods knew that a piece of purple gold in his mind brought a reminder.

Below, the easy road lights feel that their bodies are violently shocked, the dinosaurs around them are full of morale, the overall combat power is doubled in an instant, and the speed, strength and flexibility are all improved.

Sighing a strong battlefield commanding ability, Yi Lu lights a big wave, the treacherous warriors around him screamed and stormed the big white cattle.

Like ants and elephants, many fearful fighters quickly rushed to the buffalo's body, biting and slashing.

The big white cow roared in the sky, kept shaking his body, waving his tail, flapping the whole body, and driving away the fearful soldiers of the mosquitoes.

From time to time, there will be fearful soldiers who can't escape. They are swept by the giant tails, and a **** rain is sprinkled in the sky. But the fierce horrors still smashed the white cows, and the white cows were dyed into big flower cows by blood.

Above the sky, the layers of transparent cockroaches also quietly approached the big white cow. Just after the big white cow spit out a snort, Xiao Xiao swooped down with the invisible Tengu knight, and passed through the nostrils of the big white cow. .

Cattle, nostrils are defensive weaknesses, just as the mortal buffalo can only be taken after walking through the nostrils, the white cow is worn through the nostrils, although it will not be directly controlled, but also the monk who penetrates into his nostrils. But what can be done, the breath attack is also instantly broken.

A pair of big eyes looked at his nose and saw the appearance of the Tengu Knight wearing his nostrils and constantly attacking himself.

What is depressing is that his nose is worn, but there are not many ways to deal with the enemy. The only thing he can do is to keep his head and try to get the enemy out.

Momoso does not know how this world may have such a strange dog, can fly can stealth, the defense is super metamorphosis, his own breath is not weak real fire, actually can not kill this strange Flying dog.

What can be done is that these flying dogs can no longer be invisible, but their nostrils have been worn by them, and the pain is pouring into their hearts.

The big white cow roared in the sky and kept swinging his head, trying to get the Tengu Knights out.

At this time, Sun Hao in the sky also began to participate in the war.

At least one of Momo's days is gone, and Sun Hao does not want to stay here for a long time.

Dapeng Golden Winged Birds received a pair of wings, and the prisoner's body was descended from the sky. The shield was destroyed. In the hands of the criminal, only a large hammer was taken and quickly fell from the sky.

With a bang, the prisoner’s body was unbiased, and it landed on the head of the big white cow. The huge force of landing, suppressing the bull's head and slamming down.

With a big hand and a stretch, Sun Hao’s prisoner’s body was tightly grasped by the horns, and the belly button was violent: “Give me down.”

One hand and one round of hammer, one hit on the hard skull of the big white cow.

The enormous percussive power, the enormous oppressive force of the squad, was instantly suppressed on the head of the big white cow.

The big white cow roared unwillingly, his head crashed down and splashed the dust.

The huge body pushed Jinshan down the jade column, like a mountain collapsed, and the rumbled in the ground on the ground of the cave.

The earth trembled fiercely, and the huge vibrational force shook the surrounding trees, and there was a flying dust and debris in the sky.

The horror and the horror of terror were also shaken, and it was a little unstable on the ground.

Sun Hao’s headless and ferocious warrior stood firmly on the forehead of the big white cow, waving a big hammer in his hand and constantly beating him.

The nostrils were worn, the forehead was hammered, and more importantly, the head was firmly pressed to the ground by the squad, and the big buffalo of Momoso was desperately trying to struggle, but it did not help.

In the mourning, the buffalo struggled on the ground, and in the cave of the cave, a large mountain forest was razed to the ground.

Yi Lu Denghuo commanded his own terrorist army to rush in and rushed into the body of the white cow, constantly slamming and biting, the white cow body, riddled with holes.

The great white cow was extremely tenacious, was crushed on the ground, suffered from the fierce attack of Sun Hao, and insisted on more than ten days, which gradually calmed down, the eyes of the eyes gradually dimmed, and the struggle of the body gradually calmed down.

This time, Momoso did not show up and let go.

The facts are already very clear. Sun Hao did not intend to let him go. Even the three avatars were destroyed, and there was no point in letting go.

Now, it depends on who is better.

If Momosotian can escape from the cave of the heavens, then what happens here, the tree and the Morgans will know clearly, and nothing else, his Momoso will definitely not end with the Terran.

Perhaps the Morgan Protoss will join the powerful races such as the Shuren and the Flying People to encircle the Terran and launch a war.

If Sun Hao completely destroyed the distraction of Momoso, so that he could not escape any message, then the Morgan Protoss and the Tree Man did not know what happened within the cave.

Under the suspicion, it will not immediately target the Terran.

They will not know that the Terran has actually developed a powerful and powerful power.

Then the Terran will have more time to develop, and Sun Hao will have more time to practice.

Killed the big white cow, Sun Hao kept on the go, with a small donkey chasing the direction of Luo Mei chasing.

Easy road lights stayed, and the drums kept on the big white cows, saying that they had to stay here for a while, and cultivated their own terrorist army with big white cattle, maybe they could make their own "flying fear" and "tire" The legion is sharper.

Easy Road Lights This guy has an obsessive passion to study the Hao ignored him and went.

Still take the avatar in the last direction as well.

The last direction should be the black dragon's true body. I don't know if the completely deified black dragon will be as powerful as when playing against him. If it is true, it is difficult for him to be his opponent.

However, from the side of the animal husbandry sense, the distraction strength in that direction is not very strong, if it is not the mystery of the hidden power of the black dragon, it is completely reduced to the power of the black dragon.

Regardless of the status, Sun Hao needs to see the situation as soon as possible.

After flying, after three days, Sun Hao saw a huge battlefield far away.

The landslide is cracked, the rivers and lakes are blood-stained, the fire is raging, and the ash is tens of days.

The blood of the sky is floating in the air, as if it is wrapped in something that does not scatter.

The Dapeng Golden Winged Bird came out of the air and floated above the blood fog, flashing its wings slightly.

In the blood mist, there was a voice of Luo Mei: "The master, this little loach has fought with me for more than half a month, and finally I can't stop my **** Dafa. I was sucked and killed."

Dapeng Golden Winged Birds put their wings together, and Sun Hao opened his arms and floated in the air. He nodded and said: "Well, the charm is good, and it can completely destroy the black dragon of Momosotian, and the strength will grow."

Luo charm giggled in the blood mist: "Black mud is not very powerful, it is a few tricks to turn over and over, can't stop me."

It seems that the black dragon is really only a distraction. There is no main soul to be the master. It is inevitable that the strength of the distraction will be greatly reduced.

However, floating in the sky above the blood, Sun Hao suddenly thought of a very important thing.

He destroyed the four distractions of Momoso days before and after, but he did not finally take his main soul.

The worm is dead and not stiff? (To be continued.)

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