Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2108: Shen dog 3 sniffing

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So, where is the main soul of Momoso, where did it go?

This guy is really hard! This way, the worms are still dead and not stiff?

Sun Hao frowned slightly, and said in his mouth: "Bianmu, you think about it again. Are there any other hidden gods hidden in the nine singularities?"

After the side of the animal husbandry, Wang Wang shouted: "Wrong can't be wrong, Sun Boda, Bianmu is guaranteed by dog ​​products. At that time, the nine great ones are only real, and these four directions are true distractions. It’s an empty shell, it’s definitely a inferior trick for the fish, and it’s impossible to deceive me.”

Sun Hao wondered and said: "Is the side animal husband so sure?"

The side of the animal husbandry head said a few times in a row: "Absolutely, it really can't be true. At that time, the nine majors were so strange, absolutely only these four are true, and all others are illusions."

Sun Hao said: "In this case, why is the main soul of Momosotian not in this arbitrary avatar? Until now, I still have not been able to perceive the signs of the death of the Moses God, killing him. God may affect his cultivation foundation, but as long as his main soul is there, it is possible to turn over and graze and think again."

Bianmu put a few dog heads and said: "I can't be wrong according to the truth, but since the boss raised your objection, we can go back and explore again, hoping to find some useful clues."

The blood mist of Luo Mei was completely recovered from the empty tower. Sun Hao returned with the animal husbandry and flew back. After five days, he came to the place where the incarnation of the incarnation.

It is here that the poor is divided into nine and flees away.

Nine of the avatars, only four of which are entities, the others are illusory.

However, after Sun Hao even destroyed four avatars, he suddenly discovered that the opponent's main soul disappeared and disappeared, and did not appear in any of the avatars.

To be precise, in the singularity of He Qi and He Bo, the main soul of Momosotian also appeared and threw a few words to deter Sun Hao.

However, he was ignored by Sun Hao and was strong.

But that is nothing but the silky will of its main soul, and it is not the true soul of the soul. Then it is said that the main soul of Momosotian has changed the image and escaped.

When I came to the singularity of the singularity, Bianmu carefully sniffed and said with a sigh of relief: "Sun Boda, Bianmu is guaranteed by his own whip, and there will be no mistakes. When you are separated, the nine avatars are indeed only four. It’s an entity, the other is fake, it’s not a mistake.”

This guy's guarantee has changed from a dog to a whip. Sun Hao feels more sincere. Moreover, since the hyena is dare to guarantee it even if it is whiplash, then this thing must be like that. Absolutely true, the nine avatars are definitely not the main soul.

So is it that the main soul of Momoso has never been here?

But the poor run so fast, flexible, and not like?

Sun Hao floated in the air and began to judge what the real situation is.

Can escape the scent of the animal husbandry, Mosuo's strange ability is indeed a horror, it is worthy of the fit and power, the means of escape to make Sun Hao stunned.

Sun Hao judged that the reason why Momosotian can escape the scent of the animal husbandry should be because of the relationship between the space, it is very likely that Momosotian also has a magic weapon like the condensate of the empty tower, which can be a self-contained Completely cut off your own breath, so that the side animal can not smell.

The level of this isolation must be very high, and the magic weapon itself must not have the slightest breath of Momosol itself, or else, the animal husbandry will still sniff out the clues.

In addition, Sun Hao can't think of any other possibilities.

So, where is Momoso Day now?

The depth of the cave is extremely vast, and Momoso is likely to be hidden in any direction. If he wants to find his invisibility, he will no doubt find a needle in the haystack.

Sun Hao’s heart sighs leisurely. It seems that he has a small vision of the fit and power. This time, he can’t catch the Momo.

The Morgans, the means of endless integration, were able to destroy four distractions by their own strength, hoping that they would be badly hurt. Otherwise, after he fled back, the troubles of the Terran would be quite a lot.

Sun Hao floated in the air to judge the way of Momo's escape. This time, he was squatting beside him: "Rely, the old boy of Morgan Protoss actually escaped the perception of the second dog in my world. It seems that the dog does not show up, you When I am a waste, I don't believe I can't find you..."

Sun Hao’s heart is moving, watching the change, and seeing what kind of performance is there.

A drop of dog blood emerged from the nose of the side of the animal, topped on the tip of the nose, dripping and spinning.

Bianmu is also showing his blood and magical powers, a tip of the nose, the dog's blood is flying, floating in front of the side of the animal husbandry, while the dog's paws waved, Wang Wang shouted: "God dog sniffs the sky, a sniff... ”

The nose plunged under the dog's blood and slammed a few times.

The dog's blood blooms faintly red, and the slick turns a few times, and the red light dissipates.

On the side of the dog, the face of the dog was so expressive, and he said in his mouth: "The shit, you can't smell any smell, the breath is stunned, the dog is sniffing, the second is the god..."

The nose plunged under the dog's blood and slammed a few times.

The dog's blood blooms with a faint golden light, and the drip moves a few times, and the golden light disperses.

On the side of the animal husbandry dog ​​face with a stunned expression, his mouth said: "Rely, there is no trace of charm in the world of the hole, the isolation ability is strong enough, his grandmother, this is to force me to move thick."

The dog's paws played a series of paw prints in front of the body. The dog's blood in front of the animal husbandry became crystal clear with the palm print, which seemed to be a small blood jade, transparent and bright.

The dog's mouth is lingering and swearing for a long time.

Sun Hao listened with his heart, and his heart couldn’t help but smile. It’s very interesting to have a mouth-to-mouth password.

Bianmu’s chanting is very fast. If Sun Haoxiu is not so advanced, I really don’t necessarily understand what it is chanting.

The mouth of the mouth is like this.

Grandma's design is a design of aloes, design agarwood is the design of long legs, design long legs Ling is the design of animal husbandry; grandmother, with the human family has a causal effect with aloes, causality with aloes is a cause and effect with long legs Ling There is a cause and effect with Changji Ling.

Grandma's, there is a cause and effect with me, you actually want to escape my perception, actually want to fool the world's second dog, you want to be beautiful...

After the end of the chanting, the last screaming, it seems to have made the strength of breastfeeding: "God dog sniffs the sky, three smells causal..."

One sniffs, two sniffs, three sniffs cause and effect.

Bianmu is really a bit magical, I don’t know if this third sniff can make a difference.

After the execution of the sputum, the blood jade suddenly bloomed white brilliance, and it was rotated. The grazing head stretched into the white light, and the nose swayed. It smelled for a long time, and the mouth barked: "Rely, the old boy actually hides in the cloud. In the net Tianluo into a piece of residual wood..."

The spirit of Sun Hao was alive, and the silent Momo cabled sky, actually surpassed the sea, if there was no side animal husbandry, this time may have been actually escaped by him.

Yang Tian haha ​​laughed, Sun Hao said: "Bianmu, you are very good, really worthy of the world's second dog, Momoso met you, it really fell eight years of blood mold, gone, let's go to the cloud network Pack him up."

Bianmu stretched out the dog's paws, took a shot, took the blood jade into his nose, and the limbs were soft. The body was completely soft on the ground, and there was gas weakness in his mouth. Wang Wang called: "tired dog, really tired. Dead dogs, even more tired than even the hundred dogs, Sun boss, help me, the dog can't run..."

Three sniffing causes and effects, if it is so easy, it is strange.

Sun Hao saw the way of the side of the animal husbandry, smiled heartily, and waved his hand, and the side animal husbandry received the squirting tower, and the body vacated, looking at the position of the flying redwood in the cloud, that is, the cloud The direction of the net Tianluo, like flying away.

Deep in the bottom of my heart, the edge of the animal husbandry and anger is screaming into the mind of Sun Hao: "Sun boss, say good, three things, no money."

Sun Hao turned into a change, turned into a Dapeng gold-winged bird, double-winged fan, soaring into the air, turned into a lightning, lasing away, the heart said very naturally: "That is nature, when you need to graze, give me That is to say, my grandson Sun Shenxiang speaks count."

Bianmu: "That is that, Sun Boss can be a thousand years in the same year, and the character naturally has nothing to say, Wang Wangwang, I have to think about it and see if you want me to do something for me."

Sun Hao said at the bottom of his heart: "You'd better take a break right away. Just the secret technique is beyond your ability and needs to be repaired."

Bianmu: "That line, I went to my dog ​​sister to rest."

Sun Hao... (to be continued.)

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