Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2133: 1 0 0 years

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Flying away from East Kunlun, Sun Hao did not go directly to the West Kunlun Kunxu holy mountain, but in the West Kunlun Kunxu holy mountain far away, looking for a city with more personal monks, lived in Nanliang City.

Even though Sun Hao had consumed a lot of resources in the middle of the fit, the dead camel was bigger than Ma, and a little bit of something came out. Sun Hao turned into a big man and rented a bigger house, hidden in In the city of Nanliang.

The Kunxu Palace stands in the middle, surrounded by a circle of humanities, Xianshan and Chengchi, and Nanliang City, which is outside the Kunxu Palace, the fifth level, a majestic city in the south.

Do not look at the fifth-tier city, but the scale and population still surpass the numerous cities.

The city is floating in the middle of the city, surrounded by the mountains, from the inside to the outside, the level is clearly divided into seven rings, the total number of monks and mortals living more than 30 million.

Sun Hao lives in the fourth ring, just not going up, the conditions are not bad, the surrounding monk level is mostly in Jindan to Yuan Ying, of course, this number is not particularly large, has not reached that kind of casual on the street The extent to which you can meet.

Sun Hao showed his accomplishment as a great fulfillment of Jin Dan, and it is quite respected here.

Invisible to Nanliang City, the main purpose of Sun Hao is not to feel the mortal life, but to stabilize his own cultivation foundation and digest the phoenix tree species.

In the mid-term of this advanced fit, it is a bit beyond the imagination of Sun Hao. The preparations for all aspects are not sufficient, especially the meridians and Danhai. The damage suffered is quite a lot, and it takes a long time to cultivate.

Besides, when Hao Anyi left, he told Sun Hao that after a hundred years, Sun Hao could rest assured that he would develop the human race. In the meantime, Sun Hao also quietly and quietly waited for a hundred years and quietly waited for the opportunity.

Xiaohuo and Xiaozhu came out to serve Sun Hao’s life.

Xuanyuan Red came out with the grass to familiarize himself with the life of Nanliang City. Bianmu fulfilled his promise and came out with a small fire. Of course, he had to spend time with Zhu Ling to train his own anti-frost ability.

The small chapter came out as a playmate of Xiaocao.

Most of the other monks practiced in the Sui Ningkong Tower. Sun Hao’s subjective consciousness also often entered the guilt of the stagnation of the empty tower, but he did not neglect them.

As the grass grew up day by day, Sun Hao’s cultivation gradually entered formality.

Xuanyuanhong's requirements for Xiaocao are not high. She does not need to practice hard for her practice. She only hopes to cultivate her into a little lady with a little talent, instead of trying too hard to pursue her own cultivation.

Xiaocao’s childhood, accompanied by his parents, accompanied by Xiaomu and Xiaozhang, is quite relaxed and comfortable. Like the children of ordinary mortal families, he entered the practice school of Nanliang City. The pet is the home of Tubula. A few dirt dogs, and a very cute pink octopus.

There are genes of Sun Hao and Xuanyuan Red in the body. The progress of the cultivation of the grass is not too slow. However, because the practice is relatively casual and the requirements for themselves are not high, it is not particularly fast, but it is Where is the cultivation?

Moreover, because he played with Bianmu, the Bianmu guy taught a strangely hidden ability to cultivate himself and the real world. He even taught Sun Hao, if he didn’t seriously observe it, he couldn’t understand it. The cultivation of the grass has progressed.

Bianmu is really good for Xiaocao, because the birth of the grass is free of its relationship with the board, plus the grass or the relationship between it and the small animal, the grass becomes the third heart of the animal husbandry. The person to be treated.

The master Zhu Ling, the little master Xiaocai, and the fierce grandson of the fierce god.

No matter when, as long as the grass comes back, Sun Hao will not be able to open the subjective consciousness, and will share some of her distractions and live with her daughter.

Xuanyuanhong did a better job, really put the practice on the side, and taught the son in the manor.

Take her words, practice can be tens of thousands of years, but the daughter grows up for so many years, once I miss it, I can't go back.

Sun Hao deeply believes that many times, along with Xiaocao, Sun Hao, like ordinary parents, attended the parent conference of her practice college to participate in various celebrations of her peers, brothers and sisters.

Sometimes, I walked around with the grass, excursions or wild animals, a family of three, happy.

The grass grows up in this joyful carefree.

Don't even say, under the careful guidance of Xuanyuanhong, when Xiaocao was in his teens, his character gradually developed. He was very wise, quiet, always liked to grin, and rarely got angry. Seeing people are very polite. .

The people around Sun Hao are very fond of the little princess.

At this time, some of the little things that Bianmu taught her, she has already cultivated successfully, and the whole person’s cultivation has become as cloudless as the pastoral, completely confusing, but she has been practicing for two days. It is estimated that it will not be very high.

Plus she has been very well-behaved, but she did not investigate how she was practicing.

As the grass grew older, she became more and more quiet, her face always had a faint smile, and she was sweet to everyone. However, after she was twenty, she was not willing to go to the monk college in Nanliangcheng to practice. Now, I begged Sun Hao, and went back to the Sui Ningkong Tower. With Zhong Rui’s sister, and her mother, with her side of the priest, she began to play around in the Sumi.

At this time, Sun Hao’s Sui condensing empty tower has already become a small world. There are mountains and rivers in the river, the sun and the moon are all full of stars, and the mortal monks are also developing in the majesty. The grass is walking in the tower, which is more open than in Nanliang City. Much more.

Children are too big to be pregnant, and women are not pregnant.

Xuanyuan Red did not have too much control over the grass, naturally let her go around the square in the Sui Ningkong Tower. Of course, Xiaozhang and Bianmu, basically back with her, after all, must be condensed in the empty tower It is not a real pure land, there are also various dangers. The cultivation of grass is not high, and protection is a must.

After the grass began to condense the travel inside the empty tower, Sun Hao really reassured to carry out his unfinished practice.

After more than 20 years of cultivation, Sun Hao's meridians and Danhai have gradually recovered their normal water levels. The vigorous energy digestion is completed, and some of the losses need to continue for a long time, but there is no fundamental damage.

The time to practice the vein network branch refining is mature, and Sun Hao has taken out the cherished species of the phoenix tree.

This is a kind of spiritual tree that is up to the middle class, and it is also a kind of variegated tree with phoenix breath. Sun Hao has high hopes for it, and hopes that the tree species can completely transform their own wood shoots into seedlings.

Just like a newborn baby, he can't find it himself. It must be fed by an adult to a certain age before he has the ability to find food.

The difference between the buds and the seedlings is that the buds can not absorb the energy of the heavens and earth to grow themselves. Only the trees that have truly become seedlings have a strong self-growth ability.

The most important step in the seedling development of Jianmu sprouts is the supplement of the origin of wood properties.

If Sun Hao fails to find a strong tree species, this step is afraid of thousands of years or even thousands of years.

The phoenix tree species, such as the flaming red feathers, blooms with a slight red light and looks like a small flame.

Sun Hao inhales it into Dantian and drives the vein network to perform refining.

Among the species of the phoenix phoenix tree, the power of the strong original wood attribute and the power of the original fire attribute are generated. Under Sun Hao’s yin and yang combination method and the five-line rotation, the speed of inhaling the real element is controlled rhythmically without Too many accidents, decades later, Sun Hao’s deity stood up from the yard with a faint smile on his face.

The energy of the phoenix tree species of Fengqi fire leaves is completely exhausted, turning into a fireworks, dissipating in the Danhai of Sun Hao. The effect after refining and chemical has not lived up to the expectations of Sun Hao, and the wood shoots absorb enough wood attribute origin. Completed for seedlings.

Jianmu was born, and Sun Hao felt the greatest is the effect of his powerful aspirator-assisted practice. Before the construction of the wood, Sun Hao’s five attributes and sneaky, plus the five attributes of the rotation production, their cultivation The speed is already super powerful.

However, after the construction of Jianmu, Sun Hao felt that if the speed of his own aura was a small stream, it has now become a river in the Yangtze River.

It's not just the speed of absorption is more than ten times faster than its previous speed. Moreover, Jianmu seems to absorb something that Sun Hao can't understand, keeps on keeping his trunk, and is also nourishing Sun Hao's body.

It is the existence of this kind of energy that has allowed Sun Hao to practice for more than a few decades.

Unconsciously, a hundred years passed by. (To be continued.)

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