Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2134: Xuanyuan

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Sun Hao kept his promise and appeared on his own tower in the tower of the tower. He set up a fragrant incense banquet, and once again treated the monks around him, and explained doubts to them. At the same time, he also gathered together with his guilt and sat down.

In the past 100 years, the biggest change was Sun Hao’s guilt. The double-repairing yin and yang combination law helped Sun Hao to vent their floods. At the same time, their cultivation has been greatly improved, and each spring breeze has no sigh of resentment, and they are happy together.

Compared to a hundred years ago, grass has grown up.

Today's grass is pavilion, quiet and skilled, sitting next to Xuanyuanhong, the bird is dependent on people, the face always has a shallow smile, looks ordinary and ordinary, the room is never too much, just smile, quiet Listen.

Compared to the home that makes Sun Hao feel at ease.

Over the past 100 years, Sun Hao’s monks have made Sun Hao a little bit a headache. A little different from a hundred years ago, Sun Hao’s monks were faintly divided into two factions, and Sun Hao was able to perceive them. If there is no opposite emotion.

A faction, the Qingyun system, the intellectual idiot, the ancient cloud, these monks hold together, forming a weak force around them.

Sun Hao does not know whether Xuanyuanhong is the leader of this faction. At least, Yaqin and Xiaolan have a share.

The strength of this faction is very strong, and it can basically control the overall situation within the empty tower.

The premise is that the second faction does not confront them.

The strength of the second faction is not weak. The spirits of the four spirits, the easy road lights and other people, Sun Hao does not know whether Xia Qingyu is the leader, anyway, it is a share.

The two factions can be said to be very important people around Sun Hao.

I don't know why, the past two factions have been relatively harmonious, but in this hundred years, there is a vague opposition.

For the occurrence of this phenomenon, Sun Hao’s heart is also Mo Ke Nai, and the two factions are standing behind many many dependants, involving too many interests, and there are many flaws. Once the opposition is formed, it is estimated that there are problems in adjustment.

The wise man like Zhizai can't think of a good solution. Sun Hao naturally can only close one eye and follow them. As long as they are not too fierce.

Among the two factions, there are wise men, the Qingyun system is the intellectual idiot, and the mortal system is actually a small scorpion. No one is a fuel-efficient lamp, and they are mutually balanced.

For various reasons, Otaru gradually drifted away from the Qingyun system, but became a think tank of the Wanshen system.

The Qingyun Department has the big demon king of Luo, and the four spirits are also very powerful, plus a side animal husbandry.

In a word, the power of the two factions is evenly matched.

In addition to these two vaguely opposite factions, Sun Hao has a third party, that is, a neutral party. No one can help anyone who is not guilty. This party basically has no worldly shackles, relatively simple monks. .

For example, small fire, small bamboo and bags.

Small fires can't read these doorways. Ordinary people follow Sun Hao. Xiaozhu is not wanting everything. Waiting for Sun Hao to eat and drink is good. The bag is a mess, just follow the little princess.

The vague opposition does not mean that everyone is incompetent. The feelings of many years are still there. When Sun Hao’s family feast, everyone still showed relatives and did not show any blushing. In general, Sun Hao’s family feast was quite harmonious.

This family banquet lasted for three days. Sun Hao routinely guided the practice of the monks around him, answered some questions from everyone, and exchanged some fun in the practice.

After the feast ended, Sun Hao recruited Zhichi, and simply asked about the situation.

Zhichi knows that he is not a grandson, but he smiles and says that some things that the secular younger generations have inevitably affected everyone, and the opposition is inevitable.

Very concealed, Zhichi pointed out that for Sun Hao, this opposition is not necessarily a bad thing for the overall development of the condensate tower.

Sometimes, competition is the driving force for the progress of monks.

Such opposition can be controlled within a certain range, as long as the core layer does not really tear the skin, proper fighting is also good.

After letting Zhifei retreat, Sun Hao recruited Xiaoyan and asked the same doubts.

Xiao Xiao said with a smile: "Xiao Hao, when a force expands to a certain extent, it is impossible to have a piece of iron. Because of different ideas and different ways of dealing with problems, differences must exist. Why do I know why I will join the Soul?" To be simple, in fact, because the souls need me to come out, they can fight against the intellectuals. In the middle, I can play a role in balancing the strength of both sides."

Sun Hao stayed in a sigh and said with a sigh: "How much I hope that everyone can follow the Hanggai Prairie, there is no dispute, and live freely."

Xiao Yan chuckles: "Agarwood, monks need to enter the world to understand the world of life, and now let them fight with the world, fighting each other, it is not a good thing."

Sun Hao’s eyes looked out of the outer tower of the condensed air tower, and he said in his mouth: “Recall that when I first set foot on the road of practice, I didn’t want anything. I was happy every day, and I was delighted to practice a spell. Now I am repairing. When it’s high, it’s getting more and more, but it’s not as carefree as it used to be.”

Xiaoxuan relied on Sun Hao’s side and whispered in his mouth: “Yes, at that time, Xiaohao, you let me develop Zhulinyuan, I am very motivated, and I earn a few Lingshi stones every day, I just smile, now I want to come, Happiness is so simple."

Sun Hao gently embraced Xiao Xiao, and whispered: "I don't know why, I always feel that the situation inside the empty tower is not normal. The opposite should happen, but it should not be so fast, but unfortunately There is no instrumentality in the condensing tower, and I can’t grasp the movements in the whole tower without any detail."

Xiao Yan said: "Xiao Hao, you forgot, you are now a fit, you just take a seat, practice a secret surgery for years or even decades, and humans, a hundred years, but For generations, you may even change your dynasty. You can't use your eyes to look at worldly things and worldly grievances."

Sun Hao said, "This is also true. In a flash, a hundred years have passed. If it is in Xia Guonan County, the grass is already white and gray. It may be that I think more, but Xiaoyan, I suggest you. I still secretly organize an intelligence team to grasp as much as possible the various movements in the tower. I don’t want the monks around me to become the opposites in the future."

Xiao Yan said softly: "Understood, Xiaohao, need to say something to Xiaohong?"

Sun Hao whispered: "No one should say, try to keep a low profile. If you don't want to underestimate the new monks in the empty tower, perhaps someone is dissatisfied with the tower in the tower. It is not necessary to bring people into the tower in the future. I don't want my own back to be unstable."

Xiao Yan hugged Sun Hao’s arm tightly and whispered: “I understand that the current cultivation environment of Tazhong Tower, the fastest practicing monk is also more than a god, so I will not be the same thing. It is a bit of a big deal."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "With the completion of the mystery of my recent cultivation, the cultivation environment in the tower of Tazhong will be improved day by day. In the future, the repair of the monks in the Tazhong will be only a lower level than me. That is to say, in the future, the new monks in the tower may practice to the distraction period. Moreover, as long as they practice to a certain extent, they can break the tower and really appear in the virtual world to continue their own road of cultivation. It is necessary to strengthen the secret control of the monks in the tower."

Xiaoxiao nodded and said softly: "Well, I know how to do it."

Outside the tower in the tower, the grass pulls Xuanyuanhong's hand, and Jiaojiao said: "Mother You can rest assured, I have bags and side animal husbandry around me, I will not go wrong, I want to go this time. Anzhong, a student of the Tazhong Academy in Tazhong, read a few years and soon returned."

Xuanyuan red touched her little head and looked at the sky. She said in her mouth: "Hey, for the mother, I can count many things, but I can’t be sure of my own child, Xiaocao. When you were born, I used to talk to you. I have said that I hope that you will be safe and happy, happy and happy, and reading something, don’t be too hard."

The grass spit out the tongue, and said in his mouth: "I know, mother-in-law, right, if the mother is missing the grass, I can come to me, I am in the academy, the name is Xuanyuan."

Xuanyuan Red screamed: "Have you changed your name?"

The little grass mouth is tilted up: "Mother, I have become a hundred years old, and I am getting old grass. It is more appropriate to change Xuanyuan. You can also say it with you."

Xuanyuan red nodded: "Well, go, I will have time to see you with you."

Xuanyuan turned back and said: "Bag, grazing, go, go to the Shuyu Academy."

Xuanyuan red said loudly after the body: "Small grass, find the right Taoist, and say to the mother."

Xuanyuan said loudly: "I know, mother, I will pay attention."

Running out of the distance, Bianmu suddenly said: "Sissi, Sun boss is like a fox, it is estimated that your little trick has been seen through."

The Xuanyuan silver bell-like laugh rang: "Don't forget who my daughter is, giggling, bag, turning into a small sports car, we are going to the dead valley to practice this time..."

The sound of the surprise of Buktu came out. "No, it is very dangerous. The boss is not easy..."

Bian Wang Wang called: "It's okay, nothing, there is no side, no problem."

The voices of several people speak in the wilderness, and the farther and farther they pass, the more they go. (To be continued.)

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