Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2135: Fit road

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Completed the refining and refining of the phoenix tree species of Fengqi fireleaf, and once again organized a family feast. Sun Hao did not immediately leave Nanliangcheng.

I continued to stay in the city for a few years and began to carefully sort out my cultivation.

The biggest change after the refinery of the phoenix phoenix tree was that Sun Hao finally stabilized his cultivation foundation and made up for the damage caused by the excessive cultivation of the vein network.

The biggest advantage is that Sun Hao can continue to practice other categories of cultivation.

This advancement came quite suddenly, and Sun Hao was a little caught off guard. The advanced results also made Sun Hao a bit stunned.

Pulse network training, has already completed the advanced tasks, and then, as long as you continue to cultivate the body to build wood, you can let your meridians continue to expand outward, the foundation of the world.

Jianmu is the first tree in the world. It is built on the foundation of building wood. It can be said that the space of Sun Hao’s internal meridians has the potential for unlimited development. It is only the self-cultivation and tolerance of Sun Hao.

Of course, the growth of Jianmu is not a day's work. This requires a long-lasting practice.

The pulse network training practice is successful, and Sun Hao’s practice can be completely transferred to the next stage.

The cavitation body can continue to advance.

When Sun Hao practiced the Yuzhong Point in a safe and unharmful way, and expanded it into a “real Yuan Lake”, he was very glad that he had obtained the opportunity of this advancement.

This time, Sun Hao was forced to open up 412 acupoints in the body and expand it into a real lake. Although the damage was huge, it reached the limit of its own.

However, more than four hundred air pockets have been built in the field.

Now, when Sun Hao practiced the acupoints in the middle of the cave, he suddenly discovered that he would use the normal method to cultivate daily. Only this one point of acupuncture, he needs to practice for a hundred years to succeed.

A hole for more than a hundred years!

That is to say, if you take a regular road in front of more than 400 acupuncture points, you will have to spend more than 40,000 years.

We must know that Sun Hao has come all the way, the speed of practice is extremely fast, and the cultivation to the power of fit is only about 10,000 years. If it is a secret technique, it will not be suitable for a long time.

However, I realized the progress of the practice of the Central Point, and Sun Hao’s face showed a bitter smile.

If you want to be completely qi and fit, you need to completely repair more than 700 acupuncture points in your body into acupuncture points. That is to say, you still have more than 300 acupuncture points to practice.

In your own physical condition, the best way is to cultivate slowly, so that your own foundation will be more solid and there will be no sequelae.

Three hundred acupuncture points mean that you need to practice for more than 30,000 years.

This is still the time required for his own opportunistic completion of more than half of the time, Sun Hao thinks about the scalp numb.

When it comes to the realm of fit, it is really difficult. Every step is very slow. Every practice needs to be persevering. It is testing the heart of the monk.

It’s really not easy.

Then, do you simply drive the Yuanshen and use the stick to forcibly open up the cavitation body?

At least it is not possible at present, because the damage of the physical body has not fully recovered, some hidden internal injuries still exist, and the foundation of their cultivation has not yet been stabilized, and it is really impossible to make quick gains.

Moreover, there is another one. At the same time, Sun Haoxiu's refining and body-building techniques can also begin the practice of God and body, soul and experience. There is no shortcut to these two kinds of cultivation. It still takes a lot of time and complete. There is no need to forcibly push the gas and body forward.

The vein network practiced successfully, and Sun Hao’s meridians became a huge building. After the construction of the wood, the spirit of the soul has the conditions for practice.

The vast and sturdy construction space is enough to support Sun Hao’s two deputy souls and the seven great souls to start flying in the meridians, and gradually form a linkage with their own air pockets and their own body meridians. Force, complete the soul and body.

This practice is still not easy. When you look at Sun Hao's incarnation, you can show the powerful strength of each soul. But when you practice the practice, you should drop the soul from the sky and drive into the meridians to soar or crawl. The difficulty is beyond the imagination of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao tried a practice.

What is it like, it is like when I was a child, when I was dreaming, I wanted to forcefully fight against the enemy, but I couldn’t make any sense of strength anyway.

In other words, your own soul is in the meridians, like a newborn, there is not much power.

Just as you have just ascended to the bottom, you can't adapt to the rules of the virtual world, you need to learn to walk again.

In my own meridians, in fact, it is also a different space. After the souls enter, I am afraid that it will take a long and long time to move freely. If you want to fly in the sky, you can swim in the meridians. I am afraid it is not a day's work. It also requires long-term cultivation and training.

In a word, the soul and the body are not too easy.

The cultivation of God and harmony is another experience.

At the moment, Sun Hao's Zhang Liu Jinshen and Shentong Law are already in the process of practicing God and body, and this has been practiced for centuries. The method is the "Golden Body Law" secret technique.

There are two places to practice, one is to suppress the fierce and singular high mountains of the heavens and the earth, use the power of the strange, control and rhythmically destroy the magical law, and let the golden body gradually integrate into the law.

The second place is inside the inner house compound. Under the small fairy pear tree, take the ancient sword and the golden body, and let the golden body appear a crack, and integrate into your own magical law.

These two methods are also not easy, and it still takes a long time of water-milling. It seems that it takes a short time.

This still knows the cultivation technique, and there is a state in which the mystery accelerates the practice. If there is no such secret, it depends on oneself slowly, so I really don't know how many years to practice.

Feeling the difficulty and difficulty of these cultivations, Sun Hao was very emotional.

The predecessors, who are really powerful and talented, are really unimaginable.

They walked through the roads that the predecessors had not walked, leaving some powerful methods of cultivation, so that future generations could walk more smoothly on the road of monastic practice. The birth of each method is afraid of representing the rise of a generation of Tianjiao. .

The acupoints of the sea, the veins of the network, the golden body of these methods, which are not the solid foundation left by the predecessors of the human race to the younger generation.

Standing in the city of Nanliang, Sun Hao looked at the fairy mountain floating in the center of the high city, and suddenly realized in his heart.

Why are there so many monuments of the sages of the Terran in the Kirin Pavilion, and they also know that their personal cultivation is actually a large part of the accumulation of race, if there is no race and prosperity~www.wuxiaspot. The development of com~ monk individuals may be extremely difficult.

Self-cultivation can go smoothly, or stand on the shoulders of giants.

The reason why the Zhongxu Wanzu struggles endlessly, fights for the sake of racial interests, and speaks out, is still a kind of inheritance and development.

Sun Hao now, is to get the grace of his predecessors, and at the same time began to practice his own qi and body, God and body and soul and body.

The three major practices go hand in hand.

Every cultivation is difficult to achieve, and Sun Hao does not need to rush to expand his own air pockets, and some time is slowly cultivated.

During this time, Sun Hao is still thinking about the practice of the last two in the period of the fit.

At present, Sun Hao has not found two ways to practice secrets, that is, heart and body and Dan and body.

Relatively speaking, the heart and the body are very rare in the human race. The human race is the most unpredictable, and the practice of the practice is hard to be popular, and it is rarely passed down.

In the case of the human family, there is also a description of this.

The key to the harmony and harmony of the human race is to experience the red dust, and it takes a long time to enter the world to practice and finally achieve the goal of practice.

In fact, many of the prehistoric monks did not complete the heart and body combination step by step. Even the recorded Mahayana monks often only completed the initial heart and body, and after satisfying the basic promotion conditions. Then I will go there.

I don't know if I can find a secret technique in the Jinshishi room.

It is estimated that I hope to be more embarras

Dan and the body of the Famen tribe can be found in the classics, but Sun Hao has not deliberately pursued.

For his own practice of Dan and body, Sun Hao had some thoughts in his heart, and he intended to use it as a method of his final cultivation, and put it in the last practice. Now he is not in a hurry. (To be continued~^~)

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