Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2136: Back to the stone room

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Sun Hao himself is the master of alchemy. He has his own understanding of alchemy. In addition, Sun Hao has encountered strange poison and body skills in the grass poison people, and he has learned many basic principles of Dan and body.

Therefore, according to his own situation, Sun Hao will cooperate with Dan and the body as a crucial step in his own practice and put it at the end.

Now, Sun Hao is gradually improving his ideas.

To put it simply, Sun Hao intends to combine the poison and body of the poisonous person, plus his own alchemy technique, to create a Dan and body training that may be essential to the human monks.

Perhaps it is a practice that can greatly help the human monks, especially the monks after the fit period.

At present, the initial germination of Sun Hao’s heart is “the technique of body Dan”.

That is to treat your own flesh into the alchemy, turn the monk itself into a main medicine, take the technique of alchemy, and smelt your own practice, not only Dan and body, but also the cultivation of other systems. It is also smelted into one by the technique of alchemy.

To achieve the true, nine-in-one, nine-in-one, to achieve a true fit and perfection.

This is what Sun Hao envisioned, a very important practice.

The premise of the completion is that Sun Hao's other nine-in-one is basically completed, and finally the system of Dan He is used to smelt all the systems.

The difficulty is not small.

After Sun Hao created this method, he will also inherit the inheritance in the human race. In the future, once the monks have practiced to the fit, even if they only complete the three-in-one or four-in-one, they will have the opportunity to repair these fits through the technique of Dan He. As one, I won a big flaw in the combination of some defects, and I got a little chance.

Since the predecessors can create a practice of practice, why can't Sun Hao?

Sun Hao wants to open up the practice of Dan and body.

However, this practice of practice will not be easy, because Sun Hao needs to treat the gods, souls, hearts, qi, symbols, arrays, devices and flesh as a kind of medicine. In the middle of the adjustment and treatment, it takes a long time to explore and ponder.

How to refine yourself into a one-of-a-kind, peerless power can not be a day's work.

Fortunately, Sun Hao has to go from the mid-skill cultivation to the late stage of the integration. There is still a long and long way to go. Among them, Sun Hao has the time to gradually improve his own practice and spread it to the human race.

This is Sun Hao's idea about Dan and body fit, which has been gradually debugged and tested.

Finally, it is the method of mind and body.

Sun Hao intends to go to the Jinshishi room to hit the opportunity. If he can find a suitable practice, if it is not successful, Sun Hao’s idea is to be the same as Dan and he is to create a good life for the human race. The method of heart and body.

Creating a practice of practice, especially a relatively weak human monk, relatively lack of practice, will not be easy.

After the creation, the value will be great, and the influence on the Terran monks will be extraordinary.

It can be said that once Sun Hao has succeeded in creating, it will surely benefit the people of the ethnic group to benefit from generation to generation.

If the Jinshishi room does not have a method of heart and body, then Sun Hao can open up the words, in fact, it is to make up for the shortcomings of the Terran monks, and has a vital milestone significance for the Terran.

The sages of the human race can be born out of nothing, creating a lot of spiritual practice. My grandson Sun Shenxiang, as a contemporary person, can't make up for the shortage of the Terran?

The technique of heart and body is not difficult to create. Sun Hao’s heart has only a rough sprout, but he has found a certain direction. Once he has no income in the Jinshishi room, then Sun Hao will Really set out to perfect.

If the level of the skill in the sarcophagus room is slightly lower, or if it is not suitable for most people to practice, Sun Hao will also improve the new practice method.

Prior to this, Sun Hao must go to the Jinshi Stone Room to comprehend it and see if he can gain something.

Seriously sort out some self-cultivation.

After finding out the direction of his own practice and starting some practice, Sun Hao’s seclusion in Nanliang City will be completely expired.

In these years, Sun Hao was in the city, and his neighbors were still doing well, and there was no such unreasonable thing as Gege Xiaohu. Of course, he did not make such a good friend.

Everything is plain and faint.

There are not so many unnecessary struggles in the world, unless you block the way of others, or contend for the interests of others, as Sun Hao is so low-key and pragmatic, not sinful, not showing mountains and waters, in this piece of strength is more Strong monks, really no one is looking for trouble.

At the end of the seclusion, Sun Hao silently left the city of Nanliang.

It didn't take long for Sun Hao to appear in the holy place of the Kunxu Palace. He ran to find Xiaohe, the general manager of the Holy Land, and said: "I am taking care of the life of the adult, and I will look after the Golden Stone Room."

Is Masako Okinawa sending this guy to look after the Golden Stone Room?

Xiao He expressed his shock at Sun Hao who suddenly appeared in front of him. This kid is too ecstasy. He disappeared for more than 100 years and appeared again. He has to go to the Jinshishi room. The excuse must be an excuse. The purpose must be to understand. Opportunity.

A little hesitation in my heart.

Sun Hao took out the Kunxu order and said in his mouth: "Or, Xiaohe, you ask the seniors of Zhengyuanzi."

I saw Sun Hao’s genuine Kunxu order.

Xiao He was a moment of excitement and said in his mouth: "Slightly."

Did not dare to neglect, immediately sent a subpoena to Zheng Yuanzi: "Adult, Zhong Xiaohao, the kid holding your Kunxu order, said that he has to go to the Jinshishi room, let him go in?"

In the past few times, every time Zhong Xiaohao had some harvest in the Holy Land, Zheng Yuanzi’s attitude was very embarrassing. Xiao He thought that this time would be similar.

Who knows that the reply from Zheng Yuanzi is very different from the previous ones. This time it is actually three words: "I will come."

Almost less than half of the fragrant martial arts, Zheng Yuanzi has appeared out of thin air, standing in front of Xiao He and Sun Hao.

At first glance, Sun Hao, Zheng Yuanzi’s face showed a bright smile, and his mouth said: “Agarwood, you are finally back, Zhengyuan has waited for you for a long time, a lot of things, waiting for you to come back and discuss.”

Xiaohe is a little bit tired.

The heart is very different, what is this identity of Zhong Xiaohao? Adults seem to respect him very much, and there are things to discuss with him?

Thinking in my heart, Xiao He said to Zheng Yuanzi: "Xiao He has seen adults."

Zheng Yuanzi nodded to him and said that he saw it.

Sun Hao said slightly to Zheng Yuanzi: "Xiaohao has been practicing for a hundred years and has a solid foundation. What is the predecessor of Zhengyuan, you can be your own, don't ask me."

Zheng Yuanzi did not avoid Xiaohe. In fact, the monks who are qualified to guard the holy places of the collection must be the backbone of the human race.

The face showed a bitter smile, Zheng Yuanzi said: "The Witch God guy sent over three thousand monks ~ said that two thousand five is Shen Xiang your home, this thing really needs your confirmation Let's just say, there is a new move down on the virtual side, you also need to know."

Sun Hao is a little dizzy.

Damn Liu Qi, actually hit his own sign, swindling and cheating, this guy really dare to do anything.

However, after thinking about it, Sun Hao still said a little helplessly: "Some monks in the Witch God Palace are indeed reluctant to be regarded as a family of agarwood. This is good. Just as the predecessors arranged for them to defend a region, the same for the day. When the ship is out of force, it will be called as a monk of the West Kunlun. Do not give special treatment."

At this time, Xiao He, who was listening, felt that his brain was not good.

When I heard the conversation between the two people, Xiao He was in a dream.

Heavenly ship, on the virtual! How tall is the person standing in front of him, who is it? How can an adult admire him so much?

Also, the Witch God Palace, count this kid, oh no, or the home of this little tycoon? So what is the origin of Xiaohao adults? What is the repair?

When did the smug **** Liu Bo’s guys rely on such a big backing?

Is it blowing?

Just thinking about it, Xiao He heard Zheng Yuanzi laugh and said: "Since Agarwood has confirmed it, then let's do it. I will let the monks of the Witch God Palace go in to perform the duty task. I don't dare to be naughty. Xiaohao, you can't be so thick, the rain and the hoe, also proposed to send Yaotaifeng to two thousand monks, identity is also your home, what do you think?"

Sun Hao smiled bitterly, and said, I can't say how to use it? The head is a little bit: "Well, this is also what I should do. The rain is my Taoist. Her name is a monk. It is naturally my hometown. You look at the task of the seniors."

Xiao He opened his mouth. (To be continued.)

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