Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2140: Go back to the virtual

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With Sun Hao’s current cultivation, he can completely keep quiet, not to alarm anyone, and return to the virtual.

Even if it is a defensive guardian, it is difficult to find the trail of Sun Hao's sneak.

After sneaking into this, Sun Hao’s strength was stronger, and he unexpectedly discovered that the virtual Tianbang could actually find himself and give the guardian a warning.

Only this time, Sun Hao found that his own purple gold belt, with the improvement of his own cultivation, burst into a purple-gold ray, blocking the detection of the virtual celestial list, letting himself unknowingly sneak into the imaginary Among them.

A product of Zijin belt, there is such a privilege.

What makes Sun Hao shame is that for the first time, he sneaked into the imaginary imaginary and was undoubtedly under the surveillance of the guardian of the virtual scorpion list, just because he did not interfere with the virtual situation, and did not intervene in the virtual battlefield. Close your eyes and go with yourself.

What Sun Hao doesn't know is that if each race's new talents are developed, if they are developed under the circumstance, they will usually go to the next level after the promotion, complaining and revenge.

For the first time, the servant of the imaginary will not interfere too much, unless the new genius can cause great damage to the virtual situation.

In addition to the first time, if the fit is to run for the second time, it will be discovered by the virtual guardian complex and give a serious warning. The guardian power can even use the power of the Tianbang, and directly intercept the sneaky complex in the void passage and force it back.

The power of fit has gone beyond the limits of cultivation. If it is made by the power of the fit, it will really be a mess.

Under the imaginary rules, but can not come.

Of course, the imaginary stalwart did not expect that the current virtual hero reached a certain height, and after acquiring a purple gold belt, he lost his ability to monitor it. In fact, it has a combination of a purple gold belt. It’s really easy to get to the bottom, and the guards can’t stop it.

The last time I went to the bottom, it was a few hundred years passed, and I didn’t know how the Lingtian Jianpai developed.

After the monk monk, the time spent practicing has become longer and it feels completely different from the past.

The passage of the Terran is still directly to Tongtiancheng.

This city is not more than a hundred times more powerful than the people of the Holy City. It is only a few times in the scope of the Chongtian City. The Terran can guarantee that some elites can be sent to the Zhongxu practice every once in a while.

Chongtiancheng is located in the next virtual battlefield.

After Sun Hao came in, he found the right direction and flew away to the monument of the immortal Yincheng.

The Jinshishi room spent so much shackles, so long time to show the immortal silver city to yourself, which must have hidden a huge secret.

Sun Hao didn't know if he could finally figure out the secret and really get the chance of the Jinshishi room.

When Sun Hao first came to the immortal silver city, he saw a silvery flash, and the majestic flying city of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains was the standard for the prosperity of the virtual flying people.

The white-winged winged flying people shuttled between the immortal silver city, and the flying fairy mountains floated between the white clouds. The whole silver city seemed to be a fairyland on earth.

At that time, Sun Hao came with a full of hatred.

At that time, Sun Hao was wearing a blood armor, and his long hair was dragged over the head of the flying man.

Incarnate the real demon, let the immortal silver city like a paradise on earth truly end.

Or, for the flying people, Sun Hao is the real murderous devil's executioner, the real **** feud.

Just above the immortal silver city, Sun Hao pulled twelve purple gold thunder rings, detonating the gods and thunders that are difficult to meet in the advanced fit.

Relying on the help of God Ray, Sun Hao sank the immortal silver city, destroyed the high priest, and killed the descendant of Jordan, the mil, causing a terrible disaster.

The immortal silver city fell, and the hundreds of millions of flying human warriors became funeral objects.

The horrific crimes committed by Sun Hao were fiercely erupted, and then they were chased and killed. They broke away for thousands of years and almost fell into the emptiness.

Today, standing in the sky above the ruins of the immortal silver city, recalling that period of time, Sun Hao’s heart is full of embarrassment.

From the perspective of oneself, the flying people are strong and weak, and in order to revenge themselves, in order to report the enmity of the Yin Peng and the four enemies, it is understandable to report the enemies that have been cut off by Ling Tianjian.

But it is innocent to stand on the standpoint of a large number of flying monks who have been killed by themselves.

Now I want to come, I have suffered from the decapitation of thousands of years, I am afraid that it is also a cause and effect retribution, in the midst of it, and has its own will.

Taking a deep breath and standing in the sky above the ruins of the immortal silver city, Sun Hao thought that if he came again, he might still choose this way, and he would have no regrets.

The silver light of the past has completely faded.

The former flying monk monk has been turned into a fly ash under the thunder.

Floating in the air, looking at it, thousands of miles, all the bricks and broken tiles, full of desolate, dark night sky, the huge silver city ruins seems to be a sly behemoth, lying on the ground.

Time has passed for a long time, and the immortality of Silver City has become a legend of history. Under the vicissitudes of life, many races have even lost the records of the immortal silver city and the terrible battle that was destroyed.

Remaining here, there is only one mysterious ancient architectural site full of big trees.

The name of this site has also evolved in history and gradually changed its appearance.

When the immortal silver city just fell, it was so arrogant and resentful that the monks were hard to get close to. It gradually became a paradise for the wild animals. After the passage of time, the monks gradually discovered the site and found some remaining opportunities.

At that time, everyone still vaguely remembered that this is the holy land of the Flying People.

Later, with historical changes, it was named by many ethnic monks as the Lushan ruins, meaning the ruins of the trapeze.

It has evolved to the present, and it has been called the "Shangshan" site. It has nothing to do with it.

Sun Hao floated in the air, carefully observed, after half a ring, found the highest peak in the Jinshishi room.

Gently fell on the top of the mountain, suddenly, a huge body, the powerful silver barren mountain tiger rushed over.

Sun Hao single-handedly pressed the huge yellow tiger under his body, stood on the forehead of the tiger, and carefully observed the shape and trend of the mountain. In his mind, he kept watching and impressed in memory. , the final tip graphic of the Golden Diamond Room.

Will the Golden Stone Chamber tell yourself that there are some hidden secrets on this mountain, such as hiding the secret skills of the Flying People?

If that is the case, after a few thousand years, it may not be able to survive.

But from the area of ​​the final image, it seems that it is not like it.

Sun Hao stood on the forehead of the mountain tiger, his eyes looked at the Quartet, and his knowledge extended to constantly looking at it. At the same time, his mind was also contrasted with his own from the Jinshishi room. Finally mirror, carefully compare.

Wherever you look, there is no such thing as an abnormality.

There is no feeling in the place where the gods explored.

However, in contrast to the graphics in the mind, while seriously feeling the illuminating area, Sun Hao is still very keenly aware that these areas pointed out by the sarcophagus room are indeed different.

The mysterious power that is very concealed contains a deep mysterious force, which seems to be flowing slowly along a certain pattern within the area of ​​more than a hundred miles.

If you don't take it seriously, if you don't get the reminder of the Jinshishi room, even if it is Sun Hao's cultivation, it is difficult to find the slight difference in an instant.

That is to say, the gold stone room to point out the immortal silver city is not a hole in the wind.

Here, it really has a strange look, then, such a graphic, such a large area, what does it represent?

Sun Hao carefully and carefully checked, while carefully observing the graph of the sarcophagus in his mind, hoping to find the right answer.

After half a ring, Sun Hao did not find much.

After thinking about it, in the sea of ​​knowledge, the star-shaped ice butterfly slowly descended from the high altitude, and Sun Hao’s subject consciousness shifted to the star-shaped ice butterfly, and he seriously realized the mirror image of the Jinshi stone room.

Starlight Ice Butterfly is able to understand the puzzle, and may be able to find the answer given by the Diamond Court.

In the sky, the stars are a little bit, and Sun Hao looks at the diamond stone room graphics. The composition is still the same, there is nothing unusual, but this time, Sun Hao sees the composition, has a new feeling.

The previous few times did not pay attention to the image, but this time, under the state of Xinghui Ice Butterfly, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that the silver light figure finally outlined by the Golden Stone Room is just like a towering tree. (To be continued.)

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