Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2141: Silver fern

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A towering tree?

Sun Hao looked seriously, and sure enough, it was not his own eyes, the silvery figure, just the shape of a big tree.

The thick trunks, lush foliage, sparkling silver, cover the northern Yuli range.

Of course, the display of the Golden Stone Room is a mirror image of the immortality when Silver City was not sunk.

The immortality of Silver City has now become an ancient ruins, without any silver flashes.

Sun Hao knows the past along the graph, but he can also perceive different energy moving.

Since it is a big tree, try the wood attribute real element.

In the heart of Sun Hao’s heart, he drives his own wood attribute real element and penetrates into the perceived energy circle.

The wooden property was surging, and it was just touching the branches of the big tree. Suddenly there was a slight induction. Sun Hao and the mountain tiger under the body trembled slightly, as if the mountain tiger struggled.

The feeling of joy and joy disappeared from the heart, and the wooden attribute of Sun Hao’s input disappeared into the tree.

In the keen sense, the construction of Sun Hao's body gently shakes it, and the flow rate of the wood property is many times faster, as if it was found to be very interesting.

There is a tree.

Sun Hao’s spirit is invigorated and there is a discovery.

The building of the body is the first tree in the world. It is born with the ability to plunder the other spiritual trees. You only need to drive the building wood, you can forcibly absorb the origin of this tree and use it as the nutrient for your own building.

When the gods knew, Sun Hao was waiting to drive the construction of the wood, suddenly, his eyes suddenly brightened, Sun Hao stopped the construction of the wood, began to seriously observe this silver tree.

In the vein network practice, there are various introductions of the spiritual tree. In the classics of the male and female witches, Sun Hao has accumulated a lot of insights, and this shining silver tree in front of him, such as Sun Hao No guessing, it should be a wild tree.

The wild and alienated spiritual tree is a relatively large category among the heavens and the earth, and the grades covered are from the human level to the heavenly level.

The reason why they are listed in a single category is that there are not many kinds of wild species that can be passed down, and the distribution of the alien trees in each grade is very characteristic.

There are three levels of heaven and earth, and there is a flood of alien trees in every grade.

Its particularity lies in the extreme nature of the alienation of the wild, the so-called extreme, that is, all kinds of wilderness, the highest and highest variety in each level.

That is to say, although there are three levels of the heavens and the earth, there are only three major types, that is, "human-grade top grade, prefecture grade top grade and heaven grade top grade."

As long as it is a flood of human-level products, it often has powerful special functions.

Among the aristocratic classics, the three-level uncultivated spiritual tree is called "a human being, a deserted tree, and a wild tree."

A splinter of silver and light, and appearing in the center of the immortal silver city, the Golden Stone Chamber has spent so much power to show it to itself, and the meaning of the representative is very unusual.

Sun Hao first defined this wildland as a wild tree, and then began to search for the true origin of this tree against his own memory. After half a ring, Sun Hao’s eyes lit up and finally judged the origin of this big tree.

The Jinshi Shishi show to himself is a heavenly silver fern that has come from the wilderness.

Ferns have existed during the floods. However, ferns are usually relatively short, and the foliage is not lush. The possibility of growing into towering trees is relatively small.

Most of the modern ferns are only two or three feet high, and there are few tall and straight trees.

Silver fern is just a big name. According to the characteristics of silver fern, Sun Hao accumulates against his own accumulation, and infers the accurate name of this wild silver fern. This should be a silvery day.

The specific tree class should be silver-colored, but the flood of ferns is not a lot of it. It can be silver-emitting. It is estimated that this kind is also the only one.

It is possible to have a virtual reality, but it can also have a certain vitality. The wild silver fern that responds to Sun Hao’s real element is likely to be in the sky and underground.

In the past, the powerful robbery of the gods and thunders did not completely destroy this big tree. After thousands of years of silence, there is still a trace of vitality.

It’s a day-to-day tree, it’s a heavenly tree.

Then, after finding the origin of the silver-light tree, Sun Hao couldn’t help but start the second judgment. In the immortal silver city, plant this hidden wild tree?

In addition, when I was robbed, the Guardian of the Immortal Silver City did call the mighty power of the immortal silver city to fight against myself.

However, it is far from stimulating the power that the silver fern should have. In those days, why the silver fern was still in a state of silence under its own attack.

What did the Golden Stone Room show to this old silver fern?

What does it mean?

Sun Hao fell into meditation.

Before I found the real intention of the Jinshishi room, Sun Hao couldn't start it at random. I really want to drive Jianmu to capture the wood attribute origin of the silver fern. Then the real intention of the Jinshishi room will be misinterpreted.

At present, Sun Hao's Jianmu has already produced seedlings, and he is growing up slowly, but he really does not need the roots of wood properties to quickly spawn.

If you can't find the special meaning of the symbol of the silver fern in the end, you can drive the building wood to directly swallow it.

Jianmu is the first tree in the world. It is the king of the king in the wild and alien trees. Even if it is a silver fern, it will only be destroyed when it meets Jianmu.

But the Golden Stone Chamber, in any case, will not just show a heavenly spirit tree to see for yourself.

Sun Hao stood on the head of the mountain tiger, and the gods carefully explored it. He carefully recalled the passage before and after the Jinshishi room.

Inside the Jinshishi room, the image is not only the silver fern, but the entire immortal silver city. To be precise, according to the area, the image has been spent for more than 20 years. The time on the silver fern should be no more than five or six years.

That is to say, the body's willingness to display in the Jinshishi room is only one of the important parts, but not all of them.

While thinking, Sun Hao's eyes lit up and it took so long to visualize a spiritual tree, and the state of existence of this spiritual tree was so strange.

Then, the Jinshi Shishi wants to remind himself of his own things, and he is ready to go.

And if it is really guessed by yourself, then this thing can indeed make the Chinese virtual people rise rapidly, and can also make themselves truly proud and ignorant, and no longer fear the fit of any other race.

As far as the repair is concerned, Sun Hao can not even dominate the imaginary, at least can also rank in the forefront of the illusory ~ ~ but don't forget, the existence of the three ships, the strength of the race plus a huge The role.

Especially the air transport sky ship.

Sun Hao may be able to fight against a late-stage power, and may also be able to entangle a late-stage power of the top-of-the-range spacecraft, but what if Sun Hao meets the late-stage power of the airship?

There are three types of airships, epic, immortal and eternal.

The epic level is relatively weak, and it only needs to be a mid-level product or a stronger heavenly spirit tree.

However, the immortal level and the eternal level are all driven by the spirit tree of the heavenly level. The existence of the powerful and powerful, every immortal or eternal level of the gas ship, has an earth-shattering power.

According to legend, the most powerful gas-shipship ship that can appear in the middle of the virtual is epic, immortal and eternal, and rarely appears.

If there is a imaginary family, there is also a slap in the face.

Although Sun Hao's individual strength is strong, if he meets the late-stage power of the epic-level gas-powered spaceship, he is afraid that he will only retreat.

And the gold stone room, the whole immortal silver city, the real meaning, is afraid to tell yourself that under this immortal silver city, hide a gas-powered spaceship, driven by the wild silver fern Shipwreck.

It is very likely that it is immortal or eternal.

At least it must be a top epic level, definitely surpassing the flying rainbow ship in the clouds.

Once Sun Hao judges it correctly, once it really hides a ship that surpasses the epic level, then there is no doubt that this is the powerful war weapon that Sun Hao is really not afraid of any race.

Sun Hao took a deep breath, and God detected it and began to judge the ruins of the immortal silver city. Is it hiding an earth-shattering gas ship? (To be continued.)

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