Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2142: Immortal silver ship

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The way the airship is hidden is very strange. ???

For example, if you don't have special means in the cloud, if you don't have special means, who knows that the cave of the sky will be hidden between the East and the West Kunlun, and who knows, under the Wanbaiyun cloud, hides a huge airship flying rainbow ship.

Sun Hao and several fits and abilities in the Wanli River and the mountains were upside down. When the air transported Feihong ship did not show up, there was no movement at all, and it was not affected by the war.

Immortal under the silver city, if it is really a gas ship, it is estimated that there is not much damage.

The gas transporter is enough to suppress the ethnic air transport, and its power is actually in the word "skyship".

The celestial ship is vacant, adhering to the Tianyun.

The sky is not present, the sky ship is gone.

The gas-powered spaceships, especially the immortal and eternal air-powered celestial ships, are all legends from ancient times, and each ship is created by chance, not only refining, but also refining. It also needs to be born in heaven and earth, and raised in heaven and earth.

Skyship Skyship, born in the sky.

Even if it is a sinister flying squad, it should not know that there is an airship in the immortal silver city. It may not know the immortal system of the immortal silver city. In fact, it is the silver fern that provides energy.

The Jinshishi room is really magical, directly to Sun Hao to point out the location of a gas-powered spaceship.

Sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, Sun Hao judged for a long time, and finally confirmed from various signs that this is a gas-powered spaceship.

An imperial class of gas-powered ships that are almost impossible to appear in China.

Sitting cross-legged on the head of the mountain tiger, Sun Hao’s eyes showed a faint smile, and the gods knew that they had stood in front of a row of monks.

After these monks fixed their minds a little, they saw Sun Hao sitting cross-legged, and Qi Qi screamed "Adult."

Sun Hao smiled at them and said in his mouth: "There is a thing about aloes today, and you need your friends to help."

Four spirits, said with a smile: "Also ask the adults to order."

Sun Hao’s hand pointed to the front and showed a cautious expression on his face. He slowly said: “Two hairs, Reiko, you two lead the four spirits, and isolate the thousands of miles around me. It’s only a few decades, and it’s a hundred years. No problem?"

Wang Yuan and Zhu Ling looked at each other and said Qi Qi: "No problem, he will do it for thousands of years."

Zhu Pang touched his forehead and said, "I don't know, Pang Ye, I have already reached the height of not looking at a thousand years. If I say that the millennium is down, it is absolutely vicissitudes, and things are not human." The change is really big."

Zhu Ling grabbed his ear with one hand: "No matter how you change, this can't be changed anymore, giggling, you can't run, go, go with me to the north of the earth."

Four spirits set the sky, is the strongest natural envelope of the world.

After Zhu Ling loosened Zhu Pang’s ear, the four spirits were shaped, and the heavens and the earth, centered on Sun Hao, rose up to four clouds, floating between the oceans and the sky.

The four spirits sit in the town, and instantly cover the core area of ​​the ruin of the immortal silver city, and the land of thousands of miles.

The other monks around Sun Hao suddenly felt a shock. It seems that this time there is a big move, and Shen Xiang is so cautious.

Feeling the space isolated from the outside world, Sun Hao’s face showed a smile on his face. He said in his mouth: “Agarwood is now a gas carrier, and I would like to ask my friends to help me. We will share it with him. ""

Xuanyuan red eyes brightened, Yi Lu lights, intellectual idiots, Luo charm and other monks Qi Qi said: "Please ask the adults."

Zheng Yuanzi was assisted by monks such as Liu Qi and Bai Chen. It took several decades to refine the air transport Feihong ship.

Sun Hao’s strength is far from Yuanzi, but immortality and epic are two concepts.

The refining and transformation of the immortal class spacecraft should be more than a hundred times more than the epic level.

In exchange for other mid-term monks, if you want to refine an immortal ship, it will last for a long time, and finally you can suppress the violent heavenly spirit tree.

But Sun Hao has a natural advantage here.

Sun Hao, who is built in the woods, has a kind of surrender ability and deterrence ability. Even if it is a silver fern, he must be cautious in front of Sun Hao and dare not be naughty.

Sun Hao showed out the wood-building atmosphere inside his body, and the silver-brown fern suddenly showed a lot of gentleness, a kind of appearance after seeing the king.

By the side of Sun Hao, the monks who have been cultivated for a long time have gradually increased. Especially in the past few years, after Sun Hao began to combine the yin and yang with the guilty guilty, with the great power of Jianmu, the repairs of the people around him have leaps and bounds, and several qualifications are slightly better. The well-established Taoists have successively entered the distraction period.

In addition, there are already small red fires, small road lights, and Luo Mei and others. Unconsciously, Sun Hao’s side has gathered a very strong backbone.

The refining and gas transportation ship is just able to take advantage of everyone's strength.

These monks are Sun Hao's guilt or spirits, and they are all connected with each other. The match between the true yuan and the mutual cooperation is much better than that of Zheng Yuanzi.

But even so, refining this gas-powered spaceship also took Sun Hao for decades.

It’s really no one in the mountains, and the monks are stunned. The more they are trained, the more time they will spend.

This is still the case when Sun Hao has built a wood and is powerful.

If the ordinary fit monk, even if there is a large number of distracted monks to help, I am afraid to refine this airship, not for thousands of years.

On this day, Sun Hao’s eyes glanced and his face showed a surprise expression. He said in a loud voice: “Thank you for your friends, the airship is flying today, and you are invited to observe the ceremony.”

"Congratulations to husband"

"Congratulations to adults"

“Congratulations to Xiaohao”


In the sky, different congratulations sounded, and Sun Hao slowly floated in the air, screaming: "The nuclear power of the air, give me the present."

A glaring silver light rose from below, a fist-sized, silvery snow-capped bird floated up, fanned its wings, and circling in the air, as if looking at Sun Hao curiously.

The greatest difference between the immortal and eternal airships is that they are spiritual in nature compared to the epic airlift.

The nuclear power of the Feihong ship in the cloud is a white cloud, and the nuclear power of the airship in front of the sky is a mimetic snowfinch. The eyes and wings are vivid, as if they were alive. Little bird.

The cloud is the object, the bird is the spirit beast, this is the difference between the two.

The snow finch fell into the eyes of Sun Hao, and Sun Hao immediately understood that the airship in front of the ship should be an "immortal class."

Regarding the immortal and the eternal class of the airship, who is the most powerful gas-powered ship, it is the benevolent seeing the wise and seeing the wisdom. Different monks have different opinions in different periods.

The immortal level and the eternal level, the two levels of the gas-powered spaceships are extremely powerful, full of spirituality, fighting power and competing power Both are very powerful, but the difference is in immortality Eternal difference.

Immortality and eternal meaning are very similar, but in fact, there are subtle differences between the two.

Exhibited on the air transport skylight, it presents different qualities of "immortal bombable, eternal change."

To put it simply, it is that the power of the immortal airship is flexible, and the power of the eternal airship is exactly the same at any time.

Even if the imposing class of gas-powered ships is silent for a long time, the core of the air transport still has an immortal spiritual will, but its strength will gradually retract, and the power will gradually adjust, just like animals are hibernating.

The Eternal Air Transport Skyship does not have such a problem. No matter how many years of silence, his nuclear power has always been self-healing, and the power is unchanged.

Many monks believe that the Eternal Air Transporter is stronger than the immortal Airlift. The reason is that the Eternal Airlift is always at the peak of the battle. Once it is born, it can dominate the world.

However, there are also monks who believe that the immortal gas transporter is the strongest gas transporter in theory. For a very simple reason, the immortal gas transporter has a trait that cannot be compared with the eternal level of gas transport. Sex.

After the world of immortality, the ship will be able to thrive under the constant cultivation of the monks. In the end, it will not only grow to the level before it is asleep, but also far beyond. In theory, as long as the immortal class When you meet a powerful master, the fighting power in the later stage will be more permanent.

The nuclear power of this gas-powered spaceship is incomparably bright, but the energy contained in the body is not very strong, more like an immortal airship.

Sun Hao reached out to the palm of his hand, and the snow finch flew over his wings. (To be continued.)

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