Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2143: Immortal Silver Ship (2)

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At this time, the snowfinch, acting very well-behaved, in the palm of his hand, constantly dancing, jumping, and Sun Hao's will, the real element gradually dissolved into one.

Sun Hao does not know, if there is no building wood in his body, the snowfinch will not be so well-behaved.

With the deepening of Sun Hao's refining, the silver-white snow-snow bird bloomed with a faint golden mang, and at the end there was only a small white hair on the top of the head. Sun Haolang said: "Two hairs, Reiko, you must be careful not to resist. ”

The voice just fell, the snowflake finally shocked, completely refining Sun Hao, the small body flew up, and the sky made a crisp gar.

The screams sounded, and the eternal ruins of the 100,000-mile immortal silver city suddenly shook, a silent ripple, which was difficult to see with the naked eye and was conducted from the ground.

The sky is square, and four clouds are shaking.

The four spirits were shaken out of the cloud, and they circling and dancing, and they became adults. They floated on the side of Sun Hao.

The tremendous impact of the gas-powered spaceship made them feel shocked. They were ordered by Sun Hao. Naturally, they would not go to strong action to suppress the confrontation with the power of the four spirits. They loosened the four spirits and decided to return to Sun Hao to watch the air transport. The ship was born.

The distant horizon seemed to light up a silver line, and quickly ran to the foot of Sun Hao.

Seriously to see, but the ground is rapidly breaking a huge deep crack, silver light from the crack, it looks like a silver line is expanding rapidly.

Less than three or five interest, thousands of miles, the earth has already risen.

The white brilliance shines on the earth, as if the music is ringing, the huge eternal silver ruins are blazed in the white light, and after a thousand years of sinking, they sway again and smash from the ground.

The secluded Xianshan, which re-emerged from the silver city, was pulled by a piece of broken mountain, rubbed and rubbed, and was being reassembled.

Immortal silver city, once again bloom glory.

Those wild animals living in the ruins of Silver City don't know what happened, they rushed in the wilderness of the mountains and roared.

The huge silver city flew again, flying more than 30 feet from the ground.

At this moment, the silvery silver city reappears in front of Sun Hao, but there are fewer flying people, and there are fewer lively scenes, and many wild animals are rushing to escape.

The huge silver city floating under Sun Hao can't see the appearance of a gas-powered ship, it seems to be the reborn of the old silver city.

Sun Hao’s heart moved and silently read the sentence: “The ship.”

In the silver light below the immortal silver city, I came alive and began to fold inward and curl around. The sound of the bang, the landslides and the trees collapsed, and a large number of wild animals were squeezed into the silver city.

In the middle of the fairy mountain fell, set in the middle, became the tower, silver light running through the ground like running water, the uneven ground seems to be burned by the fire, gradually into a flat silver deck.

The surrounding hulls also ran with the bursts of silver, polished and shiny.

For three more hours, the sound of the sky was crisp, and the body of the airship was shocked. The final change was completed. The whole body was silvery and white, and the light was restrained and suspended at the foot of Sun Hao.

The air transport ship, the immortal silver ship, is present.

The immortal silver ship at this time looks majestic and beautiful. The majestic is that his hull is majestic and tall, standing in the air, like a shining white cloud, like a huge silver plate, thinly laid in the air, at a glance Go, it makes people feel very shocked.

Different from the hull shape of the flying rainbow ship in the cloud, the immortal silver ship is still like a huge disc floating in the air after it is folded.

In the middle of the top of the disc, there is the tallest tower. Around the ring, the ring towers are lowered one by one, and the center is guarded.

The diameter of the whole disc is no less than three hundred miles, and the backing is no less than eighty feet. It looks like a silver dish at a distance, but it is majestic and spectacular.

If you live on a flying ship, it is like living in a huge country of Xianshan.

To say that he is beautiful, that is to say, no matter where you look, the immortal silver ship is very well-proportioned, streamlined, even if the floating towers are all white and smooth.

Sun Hao’s face showed a slightly unexpected expression. The usual flying ship was a hull shape. I didn’t expect this, but it was a huge “flying saucer.”

Sun Hao, several monks got up and shouted: "Congratulations to adults, He Xi adults, silver ships born, invincible."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The monks of the Wan family, there are countless strangers, no one can say that they can be invincible, you must not be complacent."

After that, Sun Hao floated up and fell to the tower of the immortal silver ship.

At the top of the tower, Sun Hao just fell, and layers of silver light came together, and they quickly overlapped on him. In less than a moment, it had turned into a silvery silver armor, which was very comfortable attached to Sun Hao’s body. .

Without letting go of the gods, the whole state of the immortal silver ship has appeared in Sun Hao’s mind.

The flying saucer is up and down, very clear.

In Sun Hao’s perception, the immortal silver ship at this time is still in a state of resurgence, and what can be done is to float quietly in the air.

If you want to fly, you have to use the real yuan to drive the monks.

The huge immortal silver ship is really not able to be driven by a small number of monks. I remember that Zhengyuanzi’s airlifting Feihong ship requires less than tens of thousands of monks to practice while driving.

I want to come, my own immortal silver ship demand is afraid to be bigger.

Moreover, Sun Hao can still perceive that the current immortal silver ship is still in a state of serious loss, sleeping for too long, immortal is the will, and the loss is energy.

In other words, there is still a huge room for improvement in the immortal silver ship in front of us.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile. Relative to other monks, perhaps the Eternal Skyship is stronger, but for himself, the gas ship is not the most suitable and suitable ship.

Sun Hao is full of confidence in his own fairy tales and confirms that he can keep climbing in the future. Then one day, the immortal silver ship will follow his own, become stronger and stronger, and eventually become his own symbol, the tyrant, the imaginary, perhaps, still on Virtual, leaving a permanent legend.

The pride of Sun Hao’s heart seems to have infected the immortal silver ship. Above the flying saucer, the spirit has been shaken, showing a state of joy and joy. The whole hull is full of affection for Sun Hao, and there is also a kind of eagerness to try to take off. feel.

Under the silver armor, Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and his mouth said in a loud voice: “The green dragon is in the east, the Zhuque is in the south, the sky is in the west, and when Kang is in the north, the four spirits and four peaks, please return.”

The hull of the immortal silver ship was in the middle of the volcano, rushing four peaks, one each in the southeast and northwest, slightly shorter than the main tower of Sun Hao, and shaking with the main tower, began to slowly rotate in place, flashing silver.

Wang Yuan looked at the four The face showed a bright smile, and they all got up and fell to the four sides.

Four of them are on the lower peak than the main tower. The four spirits fall in the mountains. Like Sun Hao, they are covered with silver light in an instant. The body is made of silver armor, and the whole fairy mountain scene is recorded in their minds.

Sun Hao Lang said: "The four spirits belong to each other, they can arrange their own peak training, and inject the driving force into the four peaks."

The four spirits should be in unison, and they will happily arrange the tasks in their respective peaks.

In the empty tower, there are many monks gathered around the four spirits. Apart from Zhu Ling, the other three are even open branches and leaves, many of them are direct descendants.

The aura of the condensing tower is generally thicker than the imaginary, but how can it be compared with the immortal silver ship, so that the people around you can come here to practice, but it is the welfare given by Xiaohao, naturally it is necessary to do it seriously.

The four spirits are in place.

Sun Hao said again, "In the Lord of the Wisdom, the lights are outside, and they are all in place."

On top of the immortal silver ship, two peaks were raised again. These two peaks are slightly shorter than the four spirits and relatively small.

A mountain between the peaks of Si Lingfeng and Sun Hao is the peak of Zhichi, a peak outside the Four Peaks, which is the peak of the lights.

Within the four Lingfeng, there are relatively few Xianshan, arranged by Zhizao.

Outside the four Lingfeng, there are a large number of relatively low Xianfeng, which is handed over to the lights.

Easy road lights and intellectuals said that they heard the order and went to the peak. According to Sun Hao’s arrangement, they arranged their own affairs.

On Sun Hao’s face, he smiled again and said to the guilty people around him: “The main tower is majestic, it is the driving core of the immortal silver ship. Xiaohong is the master, arrange the ladies and defend each other for the husband.”

As soon as the voice fell, a crisp voice came out: "Hey, the grass also wants the mountain to be his own cultivation place." (To be continued.)

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