Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2144: Air transport

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In the voice of the voice, Sun Xiaocao, wearing a blue skirt, appeared in the air, standing beside the tongue and grazing, and the bag of books.

Seeing Sun Hao, his face was quiet and slightly covered: "Hey, mother-in-law, I haven’t seen you for a few years, you are as handsome and beautiful as ever."

Xuanyuan’s red face burst into a bright smile: “Small grass, you are here.”

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Oh, since the grass you want to cultivate, it is also simple. I will lay a place for your brothers and sisters on the immortal silver ship. You live by yourself."

The grass is slightly blessed: "Thank you."

Sun Hao’s side, his face was also smiling, his mouth said: “Small grass, I thank you for your sister.”

Close to the main peak of Sun Hao, Sun Hao has left ten peaks as the peak of his descendants.

Although Sun Hao has not deliberately passed down the ancestors, he has already cultivated into an old monster. After so many years, there are many sons who have given birth.

At present, there are small grasses and small cores. Among them, Xiaorui has grown up in the condensate tower, and has become a family, and has added many descendants to Sun Hao.

However, Xiaorui is really ordinary, and the cultivation is only slowly advancing. He often walks in the tower. Every year, he only comes back to the tower to see his parents. Most of the time, he can only see the mother, Sun Hao himself, usually ten. It can be seen three or five times a year, even if it is good.

Sun Hao is surrounded by only two daughters.

The eldest son Xuanyuan Xiaolong is now missing, and it is very likely that he will adapt to the environment in the lower or the virtual.

This time, Zhong Rong was in Ling Tianjian, and now I don’t know how. Now, Sun Hao plans to check out Ling Tian’s recent situation.

After the initial arrangement of the immortal silver ship, the huge hull began to get busy.

When Zheng Yuanzi recovered the gas-powered Feihong ship, Sun Hao first recovered the silver ship, and only needed to be able to take off when the main monks around him could take off.

Of course, this process is not particularly simple. It also requires the monks around Sun Hao to be familiar with the environment after they return to their place. This will fully drive the immortal silver ship.

It took more than ten days for the whole person to be completely relegated to the people around Sun Hao. The immortal silver ship basically satisfied the driving conditions.

The first drive of the immortal silver ship only needs the main monks around Sun Hao, but if you put into daily battles, you need to station hundreds of thousands of monks to control the combat ability.

In normal flight, only 5,000 monks need to maintain a certain real output, so they can fly in the sky.

Although Sun Hao’s development of the air tower is very fast, it has been restricted by rules. In recent years, the higher monks have had room for development, so in addition to the real people around them, the overall level of the monks around Sun Hao is not special. high.

Of course, with Jianmu in the body, with the immortal silver ship, the repair of Sun Hao’s monks is bound to usher in an opportunity for rapid development.

The monks are all there, and Sun Hao screams: "You friends, follow me, fly in the air."

Above the immortal silver ship, the easy road lights, the four spirits, and the intellectual monks and other master monks under the control of Sun Hao's gods, the body is shaken together, the real yuan rushed out, poured into the immortal silver ship.

The immortal silver ship is a silvery masterpiece. In the sound of the boom, it spins up. After the speed of rotation reaches a certain level, it screams and glides through a beautiful arc in the air.

The silver ship vacated and showed a graceful figure.

The moment the silver ship officially took off.

Above the sky, it seems to blow the mysterious horn, which also seems to touch the strange information.

A bang, in front of the silver ship, there were six illusions, and Qi Qi looked over to the silver ship.

A black tiger, a green fox, a dwarf, an eight-claw iron boy, a piranha, a grouper...debut in the air, discovering and paying attention to the immortal silver ship.

Sun Hao’s face showed a thoughtful expression.

Above the top of the head, the silver bird appeared and screamed in the sky.

The six illusions also screamed and snarled, and the sky was beautiful.

Unknown, the monks are all ignorant, looking to the sky, I do not know what it means.

Sun Hao smiled and stood on the top of the immortal silver ship. He whispered in his mouth: "The original is below the virtual, there are six ships that are immortal and above."

The gas-powered skyships, above immortality, are actually connected to each other. Once they are born, they have a certain sense of mutuality.

The immortal silver ship was flying in the air, and the six gas-powered spaceships were immediately discovered. They passed through the shadows and observed who it was.

They saw a silvery silver tit.

Although the size is not large, but the immortal will is not weak, Yang Tian Changming, and everyone against the court.

This kind of space-shadowing does not have much actual attacking ability, and it also plays a role of observation and greeting.

Even because the distance is too far, everyone can't tell the other race of the other airship.

Of course, from the point of view, among the six gas-ships, the fish should be a sea, and the eater should be a forest race. Others, I really don’t know what kind of race will be. The ship is over.

The opposite six gas-powered spaceships can't tell the difference between the silver geese in front of them. However, it is discerned that the silver bird is an immortal level ship, and now the immortal will resurrect, but the strength of the ship is not particularly strong.

A new born air ship is immortal.

In the distant places, six powerful and varied monks were relieved a little.

Another airlifted naval ship was born, and it was still able to touch everyone's sense of the immortal level of the ship, to tell the truth, scared yourself a big jump.

If it is an eternal level, it may not take long before it can rise in the midst of weakness and become a powerful contender for the top ten races.

But immortality makes everyone feel much better. It takes a long time for an endless class of airships to grow up. From the momentum of this airship, it is necessary to grow to the height of everyone. It still takes a long way to go.

Maybe by the time I have already taken the airship to go to the virtual practice.

Above the sky, after the six illusions roared for a while, they disappeared.

Sun Hao floated up, and he was wearing a silver armor. He watched the illusion of dissipating in the air, and his heart burst into enthusiasm.

When the oil ship is immortal, the silver ship will be born, and it will truly stand on the big stage of the imaginary. In the future, perhaps one day, he will talk to the six atmospheric ships, in the sky, in the sky, proud Relatively, dominate the world.

A long scream in the sky, Sun Hao knows the movement, the airborne immortal silver ship earns Dantian, like a big disc, floating in the sea of ​​Dan, slowly turning.

Sun Hao's Danhai has been expanded by Jianmu, and it has already been tens of thousands of miles away. Less than a thousand miles of airborne immortal silver ships enter it, can only be regarded as a larger island.

The immortal silver ship entered Danhai, and Sun Hao suddenly had a huge feeling, like a slight sinking. At the same time, the real yuan in his own Danhai also rushed to the immortal silver ship.

The immortal silver ship absorbs the true elements of Danhai, blooms silver, and begins to repair itself. This is a long-term repair process.

The speed of self-repair of the immortal ship depends on the strength of the monk who controls the core of his own gas.

The more the true element of the monk is, the more powerful the first real element is, and the faster the recovery of the immortal ship will be.

The quality of the monk Zhenyuan also has a huge influence on the restoration of the immortal ship.

Sun Hao Danhai is extremely large, and there is still building wood as a support to constantly absorb the origin of the heavens and the earth and the aura of heaven and earth. Coupled with other powerful means, the first absorption of the immortal silver ship directly enters the long-term mode.

Ordinary fit and big energy, for example, when Zheng Yuanzi collects the air transport Feihong ship, the first time the Feihong ship absorbs the real yuan will inevitably directly **** the Zhengyuanzi, and then digest it, then slowly cultivate it.

Sun Hao can not **** here, the immortal silver ship continuously absorbs the real yuan to supplement his own years of deficit, and finds that he did not have much influence on Sun Hao’s Danhai Zhenyuan. When Danhai fell a little, it caused Jianmu. After the awareness, Jianmu increased the absorption speed of the outside aura, and no matter how the immortal silver ship was used, the real yuan was always in a state of balance.

Thus, the immortal silver ship began direct non-stop real yuan conservation in Sun Hao of Sun Hao.

Among Sun Hao’s Dantian, a large area of ​​silver is shining, and the Danhai below is constantly simmering into the silver light. With the sky, the wooden seedlings are also suspended from the real liquid, DDT. Dropped on the silver ship. (To be continued~^~)

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