Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2145: Lingtian status

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The flowers bloom and fall, and the clouds are clouded.

Wan Jian Chongtian, Jianfeng peerless.

The huge sword peaks, like the glazed crystals, constitute the powerful swordsmanship of Lingtianjian.

For hundreds of years, Lingtianjian has already shown a thriving development.

The sword lotus reproduces the sword pie.

The fast-growing swordsman once again appeared in the three ancestors, and the eight kings were flying in the air, which was a powerful force in the territory of Wanli.

Three ancestors, Ling Tian ancestors, Shen Jian Butterfly ancestor, Zhenshan turtle ancestors.

Among the eight kings, the Thunder Sword King Zhong Rong ranked first, and the combat power was extraordinary. In turn, there were the demon sword king, the cloud sword king, the bursting sword king, the eight-party sword king and so on.

Ling Tianjian’s Wanli territory has now been completely surrendered. Every face of the disciples’ disciples, at this moment, has a strong sense of pride and a strong sense of belonging to the swords.

Time has only passed hundreds of years, and many legends of the past, like mythical legends, are still circulating among the swords.

Every disciple who has been carefully selected into the swords will be from the mouth of the predecessor, or the old man who sweeps the floor, or the boy who hit the clock, or the aunt who cooks, hears that paragraph like a myth. History.

Ling Tianjian faction, there is no double sword ancestor, and now has taken off in the virtual.

Legend has it that the sword ancestors had a single palm, and the robbery of the sword was turned into a villain, and he could not run out of his palm.

Legend has it that the ancestors have a pair of wings and a silent Jianfeng stand up.

Legend has it that the ancestors of the ancestors showed up, and the thousands of cut-off Jianfeng instantly re-grow.

Legend has it that the fierce and savage sword is like a lamb in front of the ancestors.

These stories seem to be myths, but everyone who tells them is vowed to say that they see it with their own eyes.

Almost every monk of the Lingtianjian school knows that there is an ancestor in his own family and he has gone to Zhongxu. This ancestor is the "Ancestral ancestor."

On this day, the eight kings were in the air, and they were controversial about one thing.

Today, Ling Tianjian has a big family. With the rise of the sword school, there will inevitably be different interest groups, and there will be some controversy. Even if it is the eight kings, it will often be within a certain range. Forming disagreements on some things and causing controversy.

The temper of the sword king often slams his hands and uses force to explain the problem.

Of course, they will not really fight for life. The battle will be controlled within a certain range. It is really impossible to solve the problem. There are also three ancestors sitting on the town.

Among the three ancestors, Ling Tian is the most respected, the butterfly ancestor is the strongest, and the turtle ancestors are a good old man. There are very few differences of opinion. Therefore, for many years, Ling Tian’s overall situation is very stable.

This battle for the King of Swords is only a small matter.

The demon sword king, the bursting sword king, and the eight sword kings are within the jurisdiction of Yunjian Wang. The resource allocation of a good sword front is ambiguous. It is proposed to rectify according to the rules of the sword school.

Under the control of Yunjian Wang, a large and aura-rich Jianfeng was assigned to a small secular family, and Jijia was in charge of management.

Ji Jia came to Lingtian Jianpai for hundreds of years. Until now, there has not even been a monk of the gods, let alone the master of the sword king level.

Hundreds of years ago, Ji Jiaba occupied such a large Jianfeng. Everyone had no opinion, because at that time, Ling Tianjian sent a large number of Jianfeng to idle state, and several families managed Jianfeng.

However, with the development of the sword school, other Jianfeng gradually became full of problems, and when the number of monks who were attached to the Zongmen was greatly restricted, the Ji family still occupied such a big mountain, and it was a bit unreasonable.

The three sword kings, the demon sword king, the bursting sword king, and the eight-party sword king all have their own interest groups to take care of, and Yun Jianwang's ranking is relatively weak relative to them. At this time, it is logical to raise an objection.

In the view of the three swordsmen, the proposal put forward by themselves is reasonable and legal. Even if Yunjian Wang does not give up the management of Jianfeng, he will fully consider the opinions of all, and let the monks in the three places settle in and jointly develop Jijia Jianfeng. .

But what the three swordsmen did not expect was that the Yunjian Wang actually did not give face, and insisted that there was no room for negotiation.

Under the guise of the three swordsmen, they started the eight-king meeting and went straight to the table to make sense.

Yunjian Wang is very helpless. Jijia is not his move. Although he is in his name, it is actually a matter that the butterfly ancestors personally explained. He really can't make a good idea to let Jijia vacate some sites.

When the three kings are in trouble, when they can't help themselves, the butterfly ancestors will naturally stand up and take the lead.

At that time, when the butterfly ancestors came out, the three kings were afraid to be dumbfounded.

The tradition of Ling Tianjian’s school, the eight kings’ deliberations were carried out in public, highlighting the selflessness of the sword-sects and no secrets.

This is also the sword repairers, dare to play like this, Ling Tianjian sent up and down, joined the sword school from then on, the perspective of teaching disciples is quite peculiar, forming their own unique management style.

The demon sword king sits on the lotus sword seat, and Lang said: "Yunjian Wang, your Yunjian thirteen peaks are controlled by Jijia, Xianshan is largely idle, resources are seriously wasted, today, I and the bursting sword king, Octagon sword Wang moved, Ji family can still practice in it, but please let the management of Yunjian Thirteen Peak."

The sound of the clear voice spread throughout Tianyu.

Ling Tianjian sent a lot of monks to stand up, Qi Qi looked up at the sky and observed the eight kings.

The Eight Great Swordsmen, eight kinds of momentum, at the time of the motion, have great benefits for everyone's cultivation, so the opportunity to observe the ceremony is not to be missed.

On the 13th peak of Yunjian, the Ji family monks gathered together, and their faces showed different expressions, some were indignant, some were anxious, some were worried, some were disappointed.

In the middle, the main station of Jijiajia is sitting in a chair, sitting close to his eyes and looking calm.

Some monks said loudly: "How is the homeowner and the Eight Kings moving? Are we going to shrink, or find some forces to shelter us?"

When Sun Hao appeared in the same year, there were not many monks who could see Sun Hao's Ji family. After hundreds of years, they still lived less.

It is the owner of the family, because the advanced to the Yuan Ying period, the spirit is still embarrassing.

Calmly opened his eyes, the family of the Ji family whispered: "The monks of Jijia are not safe, they each give me their duty, and there is no possibility of any change."

Just finished, a young monk around me whispered: "Homeowners, over the years, our family has rarely gone out to make friends, and even rarely meets Yunjian Wang. Now, at this time, I am afraid that no one will follow. I am talking to Ji, and everyone is still prepared to deal with it."

The family of the family said with a smile: "We are enough to worship the ancestors every day. There is no need to mix the factions of the swords. Xiaoqiang, today's game, you can't do anything big, even if you look back."

Xiaoqiang is waiting to speak. A white-haired monk whispered around him: "The homeowner is doing a good job. Everyone feels at ease. Remember to go to the ancestral hall to worship the ancestors."

All the monks stayed in the lobby.

The head of the family said, "Everyone can rest assured that it is Didn't you hear it? Even if Yunjian Thirteen Peaks are not owned by my family, we can still continue to live here, you, and think about it. These messy things are not as good as early practice. Go back and comfort your own monks."

The owner is really calm.

At this point, the Eight Kings in the air have been deadlocked.

Yunjian Wang said faintly: "The 13 peaks of Yunjian belong to the management of the king, and there is no reason to ask for it. This matter is not worth mentioning."

The demon sword king gave a slight glimpse and shook his head and said: "Since the eight kings have been moved, it is not the cloud king that you can solve the problem. I propose that the eight kings raise their hands or vote with strength."

Yunjian Wang’s face was cold, and his mouth said: “If the demon king really wants to go it alone, I will let the three ancestors come out to preside over justice.”

The demon sword king laughed happily: "How can the three ancestors manage these sesame things? Yun Wang, you need to seriously reflect on yourself, let us reason, don't stir up."

Yunjian Wang shrugged.

Thunderbolt Wang Zhongyu said slowly at this time: "From the perspective of fairness and fairness, Yunjian Thirteen Peaks really needs to be open, Yunwang, if you are not convinced, then it is indeed necessary for the three ancestors to adjust the comparison."

The Thunder Sword King is the head of the Sword King. It is very unselfish to be a man. Since his opinion is so, Yun Jianwang immediately issued his own symbol and reported to the three ancestors.

The Eight Kings motion has already alerted the three ancestors.

Yunjian Wangyi summoned, Ling Tianjianzu, Diezu, and Kuzu immediately appeared, and a higher rosette appeared above the sky, and the three ancestors were placed in the air.

The turtle ancestors knew the identity of Zhong Rong. As soon as they came out, they immediately supported Zhong Rong’s point of view: “I also believe that this matter needs to be handled fairly and fairly, and Yun Jian’s thirteen peaks must be redistributed.”

Ling Tian looks to Xia Chuan. (To be continued.)

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