Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2148: Different in the tower

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This hundred years, Sun Hao's main time is actually spent in the refining and gas transport of immortal silver ships, and most of the monks around, are mostly helping Sun Hao to refine the huge immortal silver ship.

So, in these years, everyone really rarely came back and rarely asked about the things in the empty tower.

In the process of refining the immortal silver ship together, everyone cooperated with each other and cooperated with each other. The relationship was invisible and harmonious.

It is much better than the atmosphere of the last party.

In addition, this gathering has more Xia Chuan and Zhong Rong, and has some additional meaning.

In particular, Xiachuan is also from the Tianling mainland, and it is still rare. It did not follow Sun Hao’s ascendant. It is a monk who has completely risen after relying on his own practice. At present, it is lower than everyone, but the future development prospects. But it is limitless.

The potential of the flying monk is recognized as a powerful, Xia Chuan or Sun Hao's disciple, and the cultivation of the roots is extremely strong and can be expected in the future.

Many of the monks around Sun Hao are acquaintances of Xiachuan.

Yilu Denghuo has the same friendship with Xiachuan.

Xia Chuan is still the only monk who practiced along the Sun Hao route. He is familiar with Wan Hun Island and Qingyunmen monks. In addition, Xia Chuan was honest and honest, and he was really recognized by the monks on both sides.

Seeing each other at this time, naturally there are many more old topics.

When talking about the past of Tianling mainland, everyone was really embarrassed.

At this time, Zhong Rong, who was in a stable mood, finally understood why Butterfly and Jianzu would take care of themselves. He finally understood why he often got some cherished resources inexplicably. It turned out that all of this was because he had a horror. Extremely embarrassing.

In the past, in order to experience life in the mortal life, he also let himself suffer, and it is also a shame to think about it.

Sun Hao’s family feast, everyone gathered together, talked about the interesting things of these years, exchanged ideas about each other’s experiences, and can sit here, and everyone else is next to Sun Hao.

The only exception is the Ling Tianjian. The reason why Sun Hao invited him is that he was the brother of Sun Hao, and he also gave Sun Hao some help in his practice. He is also one of his own family.

In other words, after Ling Tianjian and Xia Chuan came in, they listened to everyone chatting and ate the ingredients of the hospitality prepared by Sun Hao, but they kept groaning.

Each of these ingredients can be a genius treasure that is hard to see. After a few words, Ling Tian Jianzu feels that his true yuan has increased dramatically.

Above the banquet, every thing is a rare boutique, so powerful, unconscious, has Aquilage reached such a high level of expectations?

The most rare thing is that all the ingredients have been carefully processed, suitable for every monk to eat, at most will be a little waste, but definitely not to indigestion.

A strong means.

Ling Tianjian Zu expressed his service.

Xia Chuan is in a state of tide. Every time I see Master, my heart is always full of different feelings, and there will be many more pursuits. There are Masters who are guiding the way ahead and the direction of their cultivation will be incomparably clear.

Sun Hao pointed out a few other monks and smiled and said to Xia Chuan: "Ogawa, your current cultivation is a battle, and it is a waste of time to stay in Lingtianjian. If you can, I suggest you go to the virtual battlefield early and look for more. Promotion opportunities."

Xia Chuan’s body was slightly shocked, and his mouth said: “Okay, after the disciples have left the division, they will go to the battlefield immediately.”

Sun Hao smiled and took out a similar thing. He said in his mouth: "Ogawa, this is some experience of my practice. Some of them are small tips. You can seriously understand it and maybe help you."

Xia Chuan swept the things in the sweeping hands, and his face showed a pleasant expression. He said in his mouth: "Ogawa thanked Master, Xiaochuan must not live up to the expectations of the teachers, and for the people of our people to be in the virtual battlefield again."

Sun Hao nodded and said: "Okay, Ogawa, as long as you have the ability, just do it, the imaginary is a teacher, and any other race does not think that it is difficult for me."

Xia Chuan’s spirit rose and he said loudly in his mouth: “Okay, Ogawa knows.”

I remembered that Master’s heroic achievements in the next year, Xia Chuan’s heart could not help but burst into passion, and wished to enter the battlefield now and reproduce the glory of the master.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Ogawa should not be too hasty, to target the target, step by step, and climb unswervingly, and finally realize his ideal."

Xia Chuan said aloud again, "Good."

Sun Hao smiled and looked at Zhong Rong. He said in his mouth: "Small, you are going with me to practice in the virtual, or continue to stay in Lingtianjian, both ways have their own advantages and disadvantages, you can choose."

Zhong Rong looked at the single 涫涫, saw the hope of the mother's eyes, then look at Xia Chuan, saw a face of excited butterfly ancestors.

After thinking about it, Zhong Rong said loudly: "Father, Xiao Yan wants to know that if a monk can practice from the imaginary road and gain the opportunity to enter the imaginary, will he go further on the road of practice?"

Sun Hao nodded: "Not bad."

There is some truth in the middle, and Sun Hao did not explain it in detail.

After Zhong Rong listened, Lang said: "If this is the case, then Xiao Xiao will continue to stay in Ling Tian Jian, one step at a time, like a butterfly ancestor, killing Zhong Xu, not weakening the prestige of his father."

Sun Hao took a sip of wine and said, "Okay, but this time I don't recommend that you continue to seal the memory. Now that you have cultivated to the Sword King level, you need a more determined heart. Since I chose this road, I will I hope that you can keep going, don't give up."

Zhong Rong also drank the spirit wine, his face was reddish, and his mouth said: "Father rest assured, Xiao Yan will never let you down."

Arranging the things of Zhong Rong and Xia Chuan, Sun Hao was in a good mood, and he also pointed out the shortcomings of several people around him.

The atmosphere of the whole family feast looks quite good.

Everyone exchanges with each other and they are happy.

However, this good atmosphere did not last long and was broken by accident.

In the empty tower of the tower, in front of the tower in the tower, there were many monks who escaped from the warehouse and shocked everyone's gathering.

Sun Hao did not care, did not intend to intervene, but above the family feast, the face of Zhichao changed slightly.

The body swayed and ran out.

After a little understanding, the mind of Zhichao could not help but burst into anger.

Just as he went out to follow Sun Hao’s refining of the immortal silver ship, the descendants who stayed in the Sumiyag tower actually suffered the catastrophe, a huge family that was destroyed for decades. almost.

Of course, Shen Shen himself has long exhausted his life, and he has fallen into the stagnation of the tower. If his son also has an accident, the intellectual idiot may be even more angry.

Although Sun Hao’s spiritual slaves surpassed many ordinary people, they could not withstand the eclipse of time. After reaching a certain limit of life, they could not escape the fallen end.

After Shen family passed down, I don’t know how many generations. In any case, it’s a mysterious line. Now I’m uprooted in the Sumiyag tower, and my heart can be comfortable.

The chasers behind him rushed up, and Zhizhi was angry and killed several leaders.

Then, Zhu Pang and Yi Lu lights rushed out ~ ~ Zhizhi killing these few, but they are their descendants.

Suddenly, the atmosphere inside the condensate tower was subtle.

Sun Hao sighed and appeared in the air, letting the parties calm down and asked in detail what happened.

I don’t know if I don’t know, I’m scared.

In the past few decades, Sun Hao took the main monks around him, that is, the ancestors of each family refining the immortal silver ship outside. The tower lacked the temperance of the ancestors, and a series of resources and site battles broke out. .

The descendants of the monks around Sun Hao were independent of each other. The large and small groups became no less than twenty different countries, and they fought each other. For decades, the stagnation of the empty tower really entered the Warring States era.

After a fierce battle, it was dark and dark.

The family of Zhizai is still good. Although it has been played very badly, at least it has not been completely destroyed. The most miserable thing is that Wan Xiaozong, a female disciple brought by Jin Xiaolan in the tower, was killed. All the monks are for the sake of others.

When Jin Xiaolan heard the result, his heart was so angry that the silver teeth squeaked.

If there is a suppression of Sun Hao, I will go out for revenge.

After spending two days, Sun Hao figured out the current situation of the inner division of the tower, and felt deeply helpless.

In front of Sun Hao, it was a mess. The monks around him, even the monks who were originally in the same camp, had a lot of disharmony. The younger generations also had many flaws between them. There is really no one that makes Sun Hao feel Peace of mind.

Looking at this messy situation, Sun Hao’s heart has once again stirred up the feeling of a long time ago, as if this situation is a bit wrong.

The changes in the tower seem to be beyond the ordinary. I am afraid that I have to be careful. The situation inside the tower is that I really need to get a whole result. (To be continued.)

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