Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2149: Heavenly religion

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Xiao Xiao quietly went out and began to understand what happened in this hundred years.

Over the years, although she has made some arrangements in the tower, she has quietly arranged some eyeliners, but like other monks, she spent most of these years helping Sun Hao to regain the immortal silver ship, which must occur in the empty tower. Something is really not very well understood.

Sun Hao’s deity is the **** in the empty tower. As long as Sun Hao is willing, he can even decide the life and death of the soul in the tower.

Over the years, Sun Hao has never interfered too much with the development of the life of the tower, and adopted a relatively loose policy. Over the years, Sun Hao has not even used the resources of the tower to assist himself in practicing, and has been letting the tower development of.

Sun Hao’s approach is quite relaxed for the sentient beings in the tower. Basically, the development within the tower is a fully autonomous model.

Over the years, Sun Hao’s policy of non-interference has indeed been exchanged for the great development in the condensate tower. Various cultivation systems, especially the nine cultivation systems advocated by Sun Hao, have been obtained within the Sumi Great development.

Various sects have also sprung up like mushrooms.

The monks around Sun Hao, including the Tao Hao of the Tao, are in this environment, gradually developing their own family power or attached sects within the Sumi.

Because they are backed by Sun Hao, and their own strength is strong enough, they are half of the masters who must condense the empty tower. Therefore, over the years, their family power has gradually become a strong strength in the condensate tower.

This did not violate Sun Hao’s management principles. As long as they were not overly, Sun Hao would close his eyes.

In the past, everyone's relationship with each other was also handled better. They all had some clearer spheres of influence. The juniors occasionally had a little friction, and they couldn't make them at that level. They would compromise each other.

But perhaps it’s the relationship between the big business and the big business. In the past few hundred years, the situation has undergone qualitative changes. Especially in this hundred years, it’s just awful. The people below are too much trouble, even affecting the unity of the monks around Sun Hao. Hao had to ask.

Moreover, in the knowledge of God, the condensed empty tower is now a mess of porridge, and there are battlefields everywhere, fighting everywhere, and the fire is everywhere.

When you think about it, you know that the war has reached the vicinity of the Tazhong Tower. Is it better in other places?

Sun Hao was really annoyed in his heart, and there was a layer of frost on his face. He was cold and cold in his mouth. The people around him were shocked and could not help but calm down.

When Sun Hao knew the move, he had to suddenly fall into a state of magic that seemed to be a time-stopping state. All the battles stopped completely.

Sun Hao single-handedly stroked in front of himself, a mirror appeared in front of him, a pair of deputy battle scenes appeared on the mirror, and his mouth said coldly: "You look at yourself, you must condense the empty tower by your subordinates. What did it look like?"

The monk around Sun Hao looked at the mirror and showed a silky expression.

Sun Hao said coldly: "I fully respect you and let you develop independently in the condensate tower. It is not for you to take the mountain as the king and attack each other. A good paradise is actually made by your descendants." Black smoke is suffocating, oh..."

Several monks were embarrassed to bow their heads.

Zhu Pang handcuffed his forehead and said, "These guys are really able to play. For some resources, killing and killing, I really lost my old face."

Wang Yuan looked at the battle picture on the mirror and suddenly said: "In fact, strictly speaking, most of our branches are already after generations, and in these years, everyone's branches have merged, many of them have already Together, I feel that if we are in conflict with these juniors, it is really ridiculous."

Zhu Ling is surrounded by Sun Hao, a rare monk who did not develop strength in the tower. At this time, he stood by Sun Hao and said loudly: "I really don't know what you think, Xiaohao gave everyone. Such a good opportunity, such a good space, everyone does not work hard to practice..."

After a pause, Zhu Ling said very rudely: "But what do you do yourself? One by one is king, complacent, self-satisfied, I am really worried for you, just go on, your way The road is really not necessarily how far it can go."

Zhang Wenmin’s head hangs down, and Zhizhi’s expression reveals a thoughtful expression.

At this time, Sun Hao’s heart, Xiao Yan’s words rang: “Xiao Hao, inside the condensed empty tower, quietly raised a civil force called Tian Tian Jiao, extending the reach to all walks of life, respecting the nine days. In secretly carrying out various countermeasures, all kinds of provocations, and at the same time playing the role of a savior, are gradually eroding the sites of various forces in the empty tower."


Sun Hao’s face is quiet, and he continues to educate the monks around him. He said in his heart: “Small sly, check the goddess, or check her clues. I will see who is messing with me.”

After a half-sound, Xiaoxuan confessed: "The goddess of the goddess is said to be very mysterious, wearing a veil and repairing it, but it is a very beautiful, profound military sacred, magical goddess of justice... ..."

Mysterious Heavenly Girl.

Mysterious nine-day girl.

It provoked the battle in the Sumiyaku Tower, and also let Xiaoxiao not find the specific origin.

Sun Hao knows who is doing the ghost, so that's fine.

The number of mortals of the monks in the condensate tower is huge, and Sun Hao cannot go through the check.

However, after knowing the direction, Sun Hao’s means was enough to quickly find clues in the condensate tower.

In less than a moment, Sun Hao has locked in the headquarters of the Tianjiao, and found several core members of the Tianjiao.

Distracted, Sun Hao appeared in front of the core members of these frenetic days, and began to question the specific situation of the goddess.

The goddess of the goddess is really mysterious, and the management method is very strange. The true nine-day girl has never appeared in the true body. Even if she is a core member of the goddess, she has never seen a nine-day girl.

The time when the goddess appears is never fixed. It is very likely that it will appear anywhere, at any time, to guide the sentient beings and to help those suffering in the tower.

Crazy believers are all over the meditation towers. In many places, even the churches of the goddess are seen, and the goddess enshrined is also a goddess with a graceful and veiled face.

I can't even find the goddess in my own hands.

Sun Hao really does not believe that this heavenly woman can be so supernatural.

After finding a core member, Sun Hao used Soul Soul for the first time to see what the goddess in her memory looks like.

The accident appeared, the goddess in this memory, actually looks unclear, unclear can only be seen as a woman.

There is no such thing as any other. Even if Sun Hao uses the means to trace the source, there is still not much to discover.

A mysterious goddess, it seems that I know that I will check her.

Sun Hao brought the monks around him back, continued his family feast, and let the monks themselves discuss how to deal with this matter.

At the same time, Sun Hao did not give up on the investigation of the condensate tower. With the help of Xiao Yan, he carefully searched for traces of the goddess of the gods to see if he could find clues.

Through the investigation, Sun Hao quickly understood a basic fact. In these years, the Tianjiao education has cultivated a profound mass base within the Sui Ningkong Tower. Many eyesight developments are all in the Tianjiao.

Most of the teachings of the goddess of education are to educate people to be kind, and it seems that everything is normal.

Sun Hao has repeatedly pulled up a few important stagnation points of the Heavenly Girl, and has not been able to find too many discoveries. The leader is mysterious and the believers are extremely loyal.

In the hearts of the believers, the leader is simply synonymous with omnipotence.

What surprised Sun Hao was that many of the monks who had been cultivated in the empty tower were admired by the goddess of the heavens, and they believed that the leader could do everything. It was synonymous with the gods, and their minds, the goddess The image of the teaching leader is still vague.

In the end, the whole day went on, and as the existence of the sacred air tower god, Sun Hao actually did not find who the **** girl was.

However, Sun Hao has found a general direction of judgment.

The goddess of the gods is deeply hidden, and the means can be described as magical, but it is just a good cover, which reveals many doubts. What Sun Hao can affirm is that the cultivation of the goddess of the gods is absolutely not weak. Otherwise, it can't be so mysterious, and it is not weak. Then the teacher must be a monk near Sun Hao. (To be continued.)

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