Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2150: Small grass

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However, a question came one after another.

In these years, most of the monks who were trained by Sun Hao were accompanied by Sun Hao to regain the immortal silver ship. No one had time to stroll through the tower.

These years, it is precisely the year of rapid development of the goddess of heaven. The goddess of the goddess has appeared many times, successfully and unconsciously provoked the struggles of the great forces in the tower, developed and strengthened their own sects, and became a lot of monks and The savior in the eyes of many mortals.

In other words, there is a contradiction.

On the one hand, judging from the strength of the performance of the goddess of the gods, it is more than a large number of monks born and raised in the tower, and it is the goddess in the eyes of the monks in the tower.

This shows that she should be a monk around Sun Hao.

On the other hand, the monks around Sun Hao have been busy outside the tower for many years, and there is no time for committing crimes.


There is a contradiction, it is awkward.

Just figure this out and basically find the answer to the question.

What Sun Hao can think of, Xiao Yan can also think of, according to the information at hand, Xiao Yan quickly carried out a more objective analysis.

In contrast to the monks and individuals around Sun Hao, Xiao Yan analyzed and analyzed, and finally gave Sun Hao a huge surprise.

Xiao Yan said in the heart of Sun Hao: "Xiao Hao, if I judge well, the goddess of the gods, it is likely to be a grass."

I am hosting a family feast, watching the monks feel a little low to discuss how to do this, Sun Hao, his face slammed.

Unexpectedly, the side looked and looked quietly sitting next to Xuanyuan Red, very quiet, a smile on the face of Sun Xiaocao.

Is this girl doing a ghost?

How does Sun Hao look like it is not like!

The grass is a well-recognized baby in the condensate tower. Every monk around Sun Hao loves the grass very much.

The practice of the grass has always been very casual, always the state of the three-day fishing net for two days, and always smiles at every monk around Sun Hao.

How to say it, the grass is actually the first princess in the empty tower, it must be rainy and rainy.

Resources are never lacking, what is needed, or what to look at, aunts and uncles, will be able to get what they want.

Sun Hao and Xuan Yuanhong have also been very reassured about the state of grass.

In particular, Sun Hao has always believed that Xiaocao is the most precious baby daughter who can rest assured that she is comfortable.

If this is not what Xiao Yan said, Sun Hao will certainly spit on him. How could it be such a daughter who is so obedient?

Have you made a mistake!

Although the heart is very reluctant to admit Xiaoyan’s judgment, Sun Hao still laughs and laughs and discovers that the goddess of the goddess is really one of the baby princesses.

To say the people around you, oh no, is the pet beast around, who is the best at pretending to be a ghost?

There is no doubt that it is pastoral and bag.

Bianmu this guy is a virtue that is afraid of the world, and it is very likely that there will be many things going on. If you are around the grass, you should be prepared for trouble.

The bag is repaired to a high level. Exceeding a large number of monks in the condensate tower, it also has a magical stealth mimicry ability, making a magical appearance, making a mysterious scene or an unnatural phenomenon, naturally it is hand-to-hand.

It is precisely that the two guys, Bao Bao and Bian Mu, have been accompanying Xiaocao for many years. As the bodyguards of the grass, they walked around the empty tower.

Have the ability to commit crimes, and have the time to commit crimes.

What Sun Hao did not understand was the motive for committing crimes.

As a daughter of her own, Xiaocai can be said to be a favorite of thousands of people. Even if it is a grass that wants to condense the dominance within the empty tower, it is not impossible to discuss it. This gimmick does not sound out. So many things come.

There are nine out of ten, not wrong, this thing really should be the masterpiece of Xiaocao.

Sun Hao took his distraction back, no longer continued to unplug the grass goddess, and began to figure out how to deal with it.

The monks around are actually victims.

Good guy, my daughter set up a huge set, let the monks who are around me fight each other, and thus have more or less dissatisfaction with each other, this matter, how do you need to end.

Directly clarify this matter, fear that there will be something wrong, the monks around may not dare to take the grass, but in the future will definitely be dissatisfied with Xiao Cao.

Let it ignore, let the grass fight with them?

I have no intention of heart, and there are two guys, Bao Bao and Bian Mu, who are helping on the side. It is estimated that these monks will be held by the nose when they are around. Don’t make a big shot, it’s completely meaningless.

The gods know that the grandson of Sun Hao appeared in the island of knowledge, with one hand and one wave, within the government, the **** of the bag, a pink octopus gradually appeared.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint tinge, and there was an idea. He asked in a low voice: “What are the bags and talk about?”

The small octopus licked his eyes and made a natural expression, saying that he did not understand what Sun Hao was saying.

After half a ring, watching Sun Hao still staring at himself coldly, the face of the small octopus showed a tweaked expression, whispered: "The little grass princess is talented, the talents of the day, the bag is with her, and benefit a lot. Well, I feel an eye-opener, and the little grass princess is not the princess of the boss, the bag is admired."

Sun Hao snorted: "Don't be flattering, let alone about him. I have to listen to the truth and say, is Xiaocao the leader of the goddess, is her miracle your masterpiece?"

The small octopus sent another ass: "You are really the **** of the boss," and by the way, he squatted and graze: "I told Bianmu that the boss must be able to see through it. It doesn't mean it. Immediately dew, right, boss, you are too wise, I am preparing to report this to you, I did not expect you to see it at a glance..."

Still preparing to report? They all made such a big deal. If they didn't ask, this guy would be confused. If he found out that the situation was wrong, he found the problem. This guy will now tell the truth to blame.

However, the situation is really what I expected, and the **** side animal husbandry is another instigator.

I feel the anger of Sun Hao, and when I play drums in my heart, I also pray to the side priest: "Bianbian brother, the dead friend is not dead, anyway, you are also a lot of debts, you don't itch, this black pot, you Just carry it first..."

The bag admitted that the reasoning of Xiao Yan was correct.

Sun Hao thought for a moment, and his thoughts turned around. He said to Xuanyuanhong: "Xiaohong, these things in the empty tower are all masterpieces of Xiaocao. She built a goddess, and she became a teacher and tried every means. Let the situation in the tower be chaotic, she will harvest the hearts of the people and pass on the teachings. What should you do?"

Xuanyuan Red holding a glass of spirits, is talking and laughing with the grass, heard Sun Hao's words, suddenly stayed, then quietly, while drinking, the heart asked: "Agarwood, no?? Is teaching really a little grass?"

Sun Hao’s heart smiled: “I can’t go wrong. I have already asked the bag. He personally admitted that it was the idea of ​​Bianmu’s kid, and the bag helped to build it.”

Xuanyuan Red quickly asked: "How many people know now?"

"I, you, the bag, the side animal husbandry and the little girl", Sun Hao asked in his heart: "Xiaohong, what do you mean?"

Xuanyuan Red said calmly: "In addition to the few people who are absolutely trustworthy around you, other insiders, etc., all clear, my family grass people love, flowers and flowers, how can make such a ridiculous thing."

Sun Hao... Is Xiaohong too embarrassed?

I believe that if the bag and the animal husbandry are the real ones, Xiao Xiao is also his own Taoist. If you can't do it, Xiaohong will directly start with them.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao said in his heart: "No need, Xiaocao is very careful. Even if it is a goddess, no one knows her true face, but there is no need to kill more."

Xuanyuanhong said: "Well, in this case, Xiaohong suggests that Shenxiang may wish to make such a decision."

After listening to Xuanyuanhong’s suggestion, Sun Hao’s heart could not help but stay aside. Xiaohong’s mother, too, should be too protective of the scorpion. This is to completely eliminate the condensate tower and clear the hidden rhythm of the grass!

Secretly licking his baby daughter Hao clears the scorpion, his mouth says: "The current situation of the condensed empty tower, to be honest, that is a mess, I used to be a big man, it is because You didn't make a mistake. This time, I was very upset. Everyone was very upset. In order to prevent similar things from happening again, here are a few rules..."

According to Xuanyuanhong's suggestion, Sun Hao announced several iron rules in the tower. One of them is that the monks around Sun Hao must be completely independent from the Sui Ningkong Tower. They must not interfere with the overall situation of the tower in any name for any reason. Even if their descendants are completely destroyed, they can't intervene, completely let the monks in the tower solve their own problems and survive the fittest.

Of course, in order to ensure that the blood of the monks around him was passed down, Zheng Ya set up a safe zone in the tower that could not be used. The monks around him could move their descendants into the tower, but they could not intervene in their survival and development.

In the end, Sun Hao also announced in public that in order to strengthen the management of the tower, Sun Xiaocao, that is, Xuanyuan, manages and handles the major things in the tower, including bag and side animal husbandry.

This matter, Sun Hao made a decision, so it was fixed.

When it was announced, Sun Hao found that his baby daughter was obviously staying, but did not say anything against it, and defaulted to his own arrangements.

What makes Sun Hao laugh at all is that the monks around him are arrogant about this arrangement. They say that Xiaocao is a good person and good and quiet. It is the most suitable manager in the empty tower. Everyone said that they would cooperate vigorously.

Only the one dog who plunged into the food pile and slammed it, seemed to be disdainful: "It’s strange, a bunch of fools..."

Sun Hao is calculating, do you need to find a way to let this dead dog suffer a bit, the dead dog really does not fight for three days, go to the house to expose the tile. (To be continued.)

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