Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2171: Gas transportation help (2)

Unparalleled sword bones, the wildness of the wild, and even the source barrels within the skull are essential prerequisites for practice. Many things are difficult to copy.

In order to create the corresponding cultivation method, Sun Hao has really racked his brains in these years. Only then has he used his powerful cultivation and accumulation to create a unique three-door refining technique: "forging sacral bone surgery" and "skeletal reaping" , "very refined body surgery."

This is a set of advanced practice methods that are relatively high in level of cultivation and need to be practiced after the sacred period. They are specially developed for the body and can practice their own mind and body.

This is the three major methods of refining the body that Sun Haoxin and the body fit together.

After the completion, I will use Sun Hao’s original “cracking incarnation” to create a headless split for myself, laying the foundation for the next heart and body.

This is a new practice method based on Sun Hao's split back to the soul.

This method, when it comes to the advanced stage, there are many ways to replace it. As for the monks who have fought in Sun Hao, after the high-ranking monks, many monks have various kinds of life-saving secrets.

After the completion of all the exercises in the early stage, it is Sun Hao’s real core practice "He is a whole body". This is Sun Hao’s thoughts for hundreds of years, a combination of various training methods, and after many experiments, the final refinement is formed. And after the beginning of verification on his own body, the real heart and body secrets.

"He is a heart-to-heart" technique consists of three parts, one is his method of cultivation of the heart; the second is the method of integration of his heart and refining; the third is that Sun Hao comprehends and leaves all kinds of benefits to practice. The secret is the path of cultivation and so on.

From the time of the war, Momo Soda, Sun Hao has been consciously thinking about his own heart and body, especially after the Jinshishi room, Sun Hao is the understanding of this technique, into his own important cultivation. schedule.

This time, the extension of the border area, Sun Hao guards the frontiers, but also sits for more than a hundred years, concentrate on this law only.

"He has a heart-to-heart" technique really involves Sun Hao's several major cultivation systems, which have been broken down into several cultivation parts by Sun Hao. It can be said that the human race monks only need to follow the steps of Sun Hao's cultivation. In the end, finally Can find the heart and body of the Kang Zhuang Avenue.

To put it bluntly, to this extent, Sun Hao’s secret surgery has been completed, and Sun Hao is enough to make this surgery a successful conclusion.

However, Sun Hao still sits cross-legged and does not complete comprehension immediately.

Because, when Sun Hao is about to end his own comprehension, he unintentionally touched a line in his heart, remembered the poisonous technique of the grass poison people, and also remembered the technique of the men and women's clan.

When Fu is in the heart, Sun Hao enters the state of enlightenment and thinks of a possibility. Can he or she also combine the mind and the body? In the early stage of cultivation, it is fixed with a special practice. In the process of practicing, the younger generation gradually cultivated progress and gradually merged with the heart and mind.

Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao began to seriously think about the exercises he had created and looked for possibilities.

I forgot my own refining ice lotus flame, forgot that the human race has been attacked into the Sanctuary of the Kunlun Mountains, and Sun Hao quietly sits cross-legged, without any movement.

At the top of the snow-capped mountains, the space seemed to solidify. The snow fell and disappeared without a trace. The space around Sun Hao became very deep, as if the mysterious atmosphere that Xia Qingyu could not understand was slowly flowing.

Three years later, on the top of the snow-capped mountains below Sun Hao, a scene of strange scenery was highlighted, and a white lotus flower was bloomed in succession to form a huge lotus throne, and Sun Hao in the air.

Seriously to see, Xia Qingyu and Yao Taifeng monks found that the ice lotus is completely crystal clear and transparent, and it is composed of a mysterious ice. In a strange way, it seems to be worshipping the sun.

Two years later, the ice lotus under Sun Hao began to grow upwards. Surrounded by Sun Hao, a vivid ice sculpture turned into a white bird and an ice phoenix, which seemed to swim in the air.

After another two years, over the snowy mountains, it seems that there is a long flute.

Sun Hao sank into the practice and did not know anything about the outside world.

Everything has been forgotten. The only thing I remember is that I need to find a method that is sufficient for people to practice in a low-level period.

Throughout the past two decades, Sun Hao’s body has become a mythical world of mysterious ice sculptures.

Xia Qingyu and Yao Taifeng women repairers do not know what is going on, the only thing that knows is that Sun Hao’s practice may be really different.

In the sky, under the body of Sun Hao, a huge ice dragon has been formed. The only thing that is not lit is the eyes of the dragon.

On this day, Sun Hao, who had been sitting cross-legged for more than 100 years, opened his eyes leisurely and said in his mouth: "This technique can be a 'heart', my family monk, after building the foundation, Dan Haizhi In the middle, the fetus is illusory, when it is combined, the baby breaks into the body and becomes his heart."

The voice just fell, the ice dragon under Sun Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and the dragon danced in the sky: "Hey..."

When is the ice dragon coming out?

Sun Hao’s heart was moving, and he was waiting to get up. Suddenly his body was slightly shocked and sat firmly in the air, looking around.

At the same time of Longming, Sun Hao’s ears rang with a burst of Xianle, and all kinds of flowers fell from the air, and fluttered on Sun Hao’s body.

Around the large piece of ice-skating ice birds, they sang and danced around Sun Hao.

The huge ice rosette rose at the foot of Sun Hao and kept spinning around the rest of Sun Hao.

The magical and cold atmosphere from the body of the ice dragon, from the ice rosette, from the song of the ice bird, poured into the body of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao produces a feeling of being refreshed, like this moment, he really reached the paradise on earth, and it feels wonderful.

The cold breath seems to have a purpose, and it floods into the heart. Shen Yan absorbs the cold atmosphere spontaneously, and the flame is slightly dark. He ran to Dantian independently and burned.

this is?

Sun Hao hasn't reacted to Shen Yan. What is this?

Within the Dantian, regeneration changes.

The immortal silver ship flew up in the air and hung over the sky above Dantian, eagerly absorbing the cold atmosphere.

The whole body of the silver ship suddenly shines on the Danhai, like a huge moon, shining and shining.

Almost at the same time, Sun Hao’s heart suddenly perceives many different hearts around him.

Xia Qingyu’s heart was full of anxiety, and Shen Xiang finally woke up.

Some are thinking, this guy has been around for so long, I don’t know what kind of earth-shattering secret technique has been built, and there are such beautiful visions of heaven and earth.

Some are thinking, what is this for adults?

Some still think, we have waited for adults for so many years ~ ~ do not know the value is not worth it, I hope that adults can bring a little hope to the Terran.


Sun Hao thought, is this his own heart? So far away, so many people's ideas can actually flood into my heart, his heart, and instantly become a big success?

Heart and body, instantly big?

I think so in my heart.

The building of the body moved, and the cold breath quickly rushed into the body of the body. The ice dragon, the ice wind and the ice rosette, rushed into their own dantian, turned into a cool energy, and was built to give Sucked in.

On the twigs, he was leading Sun Hao’s two souls in the tree building to exercise, and he surprised his eyes and surprised him.

The cold breath melted into their bodies and suddenly filled them with strength.

The small ice butterfly has a silver star glow; the small Dapeng gold-winged bird rises to make up the golden light; the small Taikoo Lei beast has a silky thunder...

Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei looked at each other and laughed loudly.

Sun Hao’s Yuanshen stood at the top of the Shougu Ningkong Tower, opened his mouth and sucked it down, and the cool breath followed the tree-building. He flocked to the Yuanshen from all directions, and flowed into the Shouyun condensate tower and dripped into Danhai. It was steamed up by Danhai and poured into the Yuanshen.

A standard in vivo cultivation cycle.

Sun Hao kept driving his own gods and quickly digested the cool and mysterious atmosphere of these ice sculptures. In the heart, he was not surprised. What is this?

Why is there such a big effect?

Under the mysterious nourishment, the Soul Art, completed the first step, the double soul seven 魄 has been able to fly quickly on top of their own tree.

Under the mysterious breath, Shen Yan finally completed the evolution, the forehead of the Yuanshen, a three-forked flame pattern emerged.

Is this going to be a real fire? (To be continued...)

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