Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2172: Late stage

When the raw ecliptic is born, there must be a true yang waiting. Three bonfires were sent from the position, and a thunder came from the earthquake palace.

Sun Hao used his heart to express his feelings and came to the conclusion that it was true that he was indeed a powerful three-fired real fire. The flame figure of the Yuanshou forehead is the symbol of the three real fires.

After the accumulation of Qi Shenyan, he finally got a chance and sold a key step to achieve the three real fires.

I don’t know what the power of this three-way real fire is, and what kind of application will there be in the battle.

What is the most amazing thing in Sun Hao’s heart, or what is the mysterious atmosphere of this ice lotus ice dragon? How can it be so powerful?

Sun Hao can't find the answer, the road can be.

On the top of the tree, I jumped into the sky and tried to test my new power. The mouth made a big laugh, and said in a loud voice: "Xiaohao, congratulations, I did not expect you to create a door that is enough to lay the people. The magical cultivation technique of cultivating the roots of the year, and getting the rewards of the people in the Terran Air Force, gives you such a big reward, hahaha, earning a lot and making a big profit..."

Luo Pengfei has finally had a lot of space for activities. He doesn't have to hang in Sun Hao's mind. He is also very happy. He added: "The little guy, you have created a secret of the human race." Beyond the cultivation system created by many ancestors of the Terran, the people's temperament is concentrated on your body, and what is the ice lotus is the air transport."

Tao Tianji continued: "Xiaohao has noticed that the rewards that the Terran Airlift has given you are not finished. At least, the magical mystery that you created will instantly reach the peak of your cultivation, and it is likely to cause A series of changes, Xiaohao is careful."

Sun Hao just said: "Well, thank you two seniors."

Within the body, changes occur instantaneously.

The mysterious atmosphere flows, the mysterious breath digests, and Sun Hao’s incredible things happen.

According to his own expectations, the heart and body that need to be fully practiced for at least several thousand years, that is, his heart and body skills, after he has completely completed his understanding, actually with the help of this breath, as the Tao said, One step in place, instant success.

Sun Hao, heart and body, Dacheng.

Then, a series of changes, as predicted by the Tao, followed.

After the immortal silver ship absorbed the air transport reward, the silver light was mastered, and the silver light shining in Sun Hao’s Danhai was magical, allowing Sun Hao to absorb the digestive real energy, and continuously, to Sun Hao The Danhai is coming in.

The immortal silver ship has been raised by Sun Hao for hundreds of years. After coming in, it has always been a state of filling and absorption that has never been short of losses. Now, after absorbing the power of air transportation, the volume change has changed qualitatively and began to give back to Sun Hao.

Since the air transport is immortal, the ship has brought the word "air transport", which naturally has many mysteries and the air transport of the Terran, closely linked with the owner's air transport.

The essence of the recovery of the gas ship is not only one aspect, but the power of air transport is the key.

Nowadays, Sun Hao has done his best in the air transport, and the gas transporter has benefited, and the real yuan has reached the extreme. At this time, naturally, he began to give back to the owner.

After several conditions are available.

Within Sun Hao’s body, there have been great changes that Sun Hao unexpectedly did.

Sun Hao's refining and repairing, actually under the nourishment of the power of air transport, directly ran to the late stage of the fit.

The heart and the body have reached the conditions for the promotion of Sun Hao.

The accumulation of real yuan, the aftermath of the skyrocketing of the year, is still there, and the return of the spacecraft is now enough for Sun Hao to break through.

Sun Hao was stunned and found that his own period of cultivation was repaired. In less than a thousand years, he made great strides forward again.

The body was slightly shocked, and the mind creaked. Sun Hao’s repair broke through a level and rushed to the late stage!

This is really a great thing that Sun Hao never imagined, and he was surprised by the great changes in the depths of his soul.

You know, Sun Hao’s time for getting fit is not long. Especially in the mid-term of the promotion, it was still after the war of Momoso, but nowadays, it has jumped up one level and one level, and directly rushed to the late stage.

It’s not going to be five hundred years, so it’s too fast!

Sun Hao is really unbelievable.

Regardless of Sun Haoxin's unbelief, the breakthrough broke out irresistibly.

In the mind of Sun Hao, there was a clear sound, and suddenly it was quiet and quiet. It seemed to be a moment, and it seemed to be eternal. Sun Hao found himself looking at a starry sky.

Deep in the sky, Sun Hao also saw a curly, sleeping beauty.

this is? Sun Hao thought quickly and thought that this is not a grandmother? How did you become so young?

Also, where is the grandmother? Why did you see him again when he broke through?

I remember seeing the grandmother before, but I still joined the Lingtian Swords. At that time, I saw the grandmother sleeping on the other side of the starry sky.

Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, I once again saw her in the stars, falling asleep, who can tell Sun Hao, what is going on?

What is the meaning?

Without waiting for Sun Hao to find the answer, the whole person has fallen from the starry sky and returned to the body of the deity.

At this point, it happens to break through to the late stage of the fit.

The real energy in Danhai quickly flocked to the tree.

Building a tree began its second growth.

Danhai began to expand outward, and the space of the meridians also continued to expand.

Among the vast Danhai, the real yuan fell one foot and one foot, which is now the time when Sun Hao really consumes the most.

The voice of the heavenly voice rang from the heart: "Xiaohao, let the monks in the airship ship infuse the real yuan, the gas transporter can transform the monk for your use, this is the most powerful airship." One of the uses, as long as there is a gas transporter in Danhai, it is equivalent to a lot of monks' real yuan reserves."

Sun Hao’s heart was overjoyed, and his voice echoed in the sea of ​​Dan: “You, friends, please pour the true elements into the immortal silver ship and help me.”

The changes in Sun Hao Danhai have attracted the attention of monks such as Xuanyuanhong and Siling. They are standing on the immortal silver ship and observing the distance change outside. I don’t know what to do.

Sun Hao’s voice just fell, and the Qi Yun’s immortal ship rushed to the ground and said: “Follow, adults!”

All the monks, even those who were usually mixed with the foundations, returned to their positions, extending their palms and pouring the true elements into the immortal silver ship.

The immortal silver ship silver light suddenly illuminates, and the ray is turned into a large number of real elements, which are constantly pouring into Sun Hao’s Danhai.

When Sun Hao began to advance, on the snowfield, suddenly a loud bang, a high, huge cyclone appeared, spread over the entire snowfield.

The monks within the three holy cities immediately felt this great change.

Heaven and Earth Aura is instantly flying into the sky by powerful attraction.

The cyclone that covers the sky is like a skylight hanging on a high sky, and you can't see it at first glance.

I don't understand what it is. A lot of mortals are horrified. A lot of low-level monks are also like earthy colors. Can it be said that this is the legendary aliens who have killed them.

This powerful canopy will be a powerful mystery of aliens?

But soon Yao Taifeng's female repair appeared in three holy cities through the transmission array, and the crisp voice spread throughout the holy city: "Don't panic, this is what my humanity can develop." A powerful defensive hood with unparalleled defensive power will bless my holy city from alien invasion."

In the three cities of ice and snow, a large number of low-level monks and mortals fell to the ground and worshipped the cyclone above the sky.

In fact, at this moment, Xia Qingyu and the three female practitioners of Yaotai Peak did not know what happened. They were surprised to see Sun Hao, who was floating in the air, with a faint silver light.

Is this an adult? But isn’t the adult a big power in the early stage of the promotion?

How could it be so fast to advance to the middle of the fit?

But if it is not promotion, does the cultivation of secrets need such a big battle?

Moreover, in the legend, there are many ways to evade the perception of other monks when they are able to advance to the ranks. How do adults now have such a large cyclone in the air?

Xia Qingyu and Yao Taifeng monks did not think that Sun Hao was completely making a huge oolong.

At the beginning of the promotion, Sun Hao felt that he had advanced early, and he was not anxious to learn some of the little tricks to cover up the promotion.

But who knows, the situation changed too fast, Sun Hao did not expect that he was not careful, hey, rushed to the late stage of the fit, this is not without time to learn!

Even if there are monks in the ship that are immortal, the time required for Sun Hao to be repaired is indispensable.

In the period of the fit, every time a monk practices, he is afraid that it will last for thousands of years.

Sun Hao sat quietly on his knees and sank into the practice.

Sitting for another few decades.

On this day, some people said in the bottom of their hearts: "The master, you will not go out again, Kunxu Palace may be broken..."

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