Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2204: 0 years of Daqing

Recommend two new books worthy of a look at Xian Xia's new book, "I am eternal", "Unlimited pioneers".

The return of Sun Hao represents the complete collapse of the Baizu invasion.

The development of the human race has since entered a new stage.

Sun Hao returned, the results of the Baizu war came out completely, and the Zhongxu Wanzu began to seriously examine the results of the war.

What happened to the earth-shattering in the Battle of the Hundreds?

How are so many elite monks of the Baizu killed? So how can a multi-flight ship not escape?

These questions have been entangled in the hearts of the monks of the Zhongxu people.

For decades, as the Terran monks spread the Terran, the process of the war was gradually spread, but the Zhongxu people did not believe it.

You listen to what the monks of the Terran say. When a sword goes on, the tens of thousands of flying ships of the Bai people are destroyed by a sword.

Say what this is called Jianzhen Xinghai!

how can that be possible? So many flying ships, even for tens of thousands of miles, Kunxu Palace is afraid that it has been surrounded by water, how can a sword be destroyed.

The Terran monks must deliberately expand the results of the war and must be confused. The fact is absolutely not the case.

There is also how the eternal tree of the Eternal Sky Ship was sunk in the end, and it is quite awkward.

The Terran monks said that it was much lighter, and said that the Aquilaria adults had entered the Eternal Skyship and chased He Musheng. In less than a few hours, He Musheng Cangjie escaped, and the eternal tree emerged from the blue smoke and fell into the air.

What the Yi people say is better than singing.

What the Terran monks are concerned about is not how the Eternal Skyship was sunk. The focus is on the huge momentum of the Eternal Skyship.

The sky is cracked, the heavens and the earth are discolored, the volcano erupts, everything is burned, and the fire is continuous, illuminating the sky.

A series of adjectives, so that the Zhongxu Wanzu can not believe, the aristocratic agar, will not be so powerful.

There are many doubts about the Terran War. The legend is even more varied. Many things have been passed down and it seems to be a myth. The facts may be submerged in the history of the only hundred monks who know the truth of the incident. After returning to the Flying People, he immediately went to retreat. Perhaps the upper class of the Flying People knew what happened at the time, but did not give any notice.

The monks of the Wan nationality do not know what happened in the Holy Land of the Terran. The final judgment is that there is a powerful saint in the Sanctuary of the Terran, and Sun Haosun is likely to be able to drive the sacristy, eventually forming an earth-shattering The record.

This kind of judgment began to be accepted by the people of the world. While lamenting the human race, it was also a little peace of mind. If this is the case, the threat of the Terran will be much less.

However, from the perspective of the Terran to the Shenxiang Year, the fighting ability of Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is indeed more than Zheng Yuanzi, becoming the first monk of the Terran.

Moreover, the humanity's ability to show off is more than three, that is to say, the combat ability of the Terran has already had a place in the virtual.

Judging from the top strength, the power of the Terran has already had the top ten combat power.

However, the Terran experienced the Battle of the Hundreds of Peoples, and suffered great damage within the Great Domain. Reconstruction is not a day's work. The loss of the monks in the Terran is also very large. In a short time, the Terran is afraid that it will take a long time to recover.

It is conservatively estimated that the reconstruction of the Terran, especially the Terran and Kunlun Sanctuary, must be restored to the original level.

After entering the Kunxu Palace, Sun Hao entered the collection of holy places in a low-key manner to read more literary books. After the Battle of the Baizu, Sun Hao was the highest in the status of the imaginary human beings. More hidden books have read. Qualifications.

Many of these things involve the hidden secrets of Zhongxu and Shangxu, and they really need the Terran to read.

Not only did Sun Hao begin to study in the Kunxu Palace, in fact, under the guidance of Sun Hao, in the Witch God Palace, the headless and ferocious began to read the Xuantian Magic.

Headless and savage understanding is limited, and reading ability is enough.

Fortunately, there is Xuantian Witch, the double-faced witch **** Liu Qi in front of Sun Hao, completely turned into a fascinating Xuan Tian witch, every day, are crisp and vivid to Sun Hao to read all kinds of knowledge in the Xuantian Magic, various Secret Xin.

Originally, Xuantian Witch was using a kind of grateful heart and an emotional heart to read to Sun Hao. However, reading and reading, Xuantian Witch discovered that this kind of reading status is of great benefit to his own practice. So, I am happy to be tired.

The Witch God Palace appeared a very happy scene.

The tall, headless and savage Malaysian Golden Knife, sitting on the top of the Witch God Palace, on the left and right legs, sat on a beautiful woman, and a child with a powdery jade ran around happily.

Everyone knows the bloodsucker.

Who is Xuan Tian Witch? The Witch God Palace is a bit puzzled. Liu Laoda has already returned, but why has it disappeared? It looks like the Wushen Palace is up and down, and it is quite harmonious with the incarnation of Shen Xiang.

The magicians who have no taboos say that they can't understand at all.

However, it does not matter, Shen Xiang adults can stay in the Witch God Palace, which means that Shen Xiang adults are their own people, the little princes are the species of Shen Xiang adults, the magic repair is not afraid that West Kunlun will overwhelm the Witch God Palace.

Everyone is happy, everyone is going to build it.

The dispute between the East and the West Kunlun has become the chores of the family of Shen Xiang, and everyone does not have to eat salty radish.

After a few decades, it has just passed by in this state. In the blink of an eye, it has reached a hundred years of agarwood.

In the first year of Shen Xiang, the Terran triumphed over the Bai ethnic group and expelled the Bai people from the Sanctuary of the Terran.

After a hundred years of construction, the Terran has gradually restored its vitality and vitality, a stable development environment, the resources injected by the Baizu, and the power of the people's prosperity, which has supported the vigorous development of the Terran for centuries.

In the past 100 years, the changes have been enormous, and the entire Terran has become a huge construction site, and large and small cities have sprung up.

The monks of the Witch Temple and the Kunxu Hall are scattered throughout the vast territory. The powerful institutions escort, annihilating all kinds of different animals that hinder the development of the human race, timely treating various human diseases, and ensuring that the human race is rested.

In the past 100 years, the total population of the Terran domain has surpassed the level before the Battle of the Hundreds. Even the territory of the Terran, which is the latest in the territory, has gradually filled the footprints of the Terran.

In the past 100 years, the Terran has developed a population of four or five generations, and many outstanding young monks have emerged.

The total number of refining monks also exceeded the level before the Hundreds of Great Wars. Of course, the current cultivation is mainly based on the foundation-based monks. Only less than 10% of the outstanding genius has entered the realm of Jindan real people. There is a very small part of Tianjiao, and the head became Yuan Zhenzhen.

The Terran of the Terran, the majority of the traditional buildings of the East and West Kunluns, have been basically completed under the construction of the monks, and what is lacking is the powerful dojos of the Sanctuary and the ones that have been gradually drawn up within hundreds of millions of years. In the ten years before the arrival of Shenxiang in the centuries, Sun Hao informed Zheng Yuanzi that he would prepare for the 100-year grand ceremony and deliver many strange arrays of graphics, so that Zhengyuanzi sent a monk to go. It is portrayed in the holy land of East and West Kunlun.

At the end of the 100th year, Sun Hao came out from the sacred mountain of the collection, gathering Zhengzhengzi and the elite monks who had been waiting for a long time to start the 100-year grand ceremony.

The grand ceremony is unprecedented.

The Terran invited a good ethnic monk to come to the ceremony.

In front of the Kunxu Palace, the newly built arched sanctuary, lived in a thousand races, and tens of thousands of ceremonies.

Within the human race, there are monks with status and status, with a total of no less than half a million, and come to participate in the centennial ceremony of the East and West Kunlun.

At the same time, East and West Kunlun set up a grand ceremony at home, and Sun Hao’s deity appeared in the East and West Kunlun, sitting in the centennial ceremony.

As a ancestor of the previous generation, Zheng Yuanzi knows all the ceremonies of Daqing.

The agenda of the arrangement is also very solemn.

The main purpose of the 100-year anniversary is to "respect the ancestors and celebrate the new life". The agenda has let Sun Hao look at it. Sun Hao also expressed his agreement.

The incense has been celebrated for centuries.

The agenda consists of three chapters, the first chapter, the sacrifice of the heavens; the second chapter, the sacrifice of the ancestors; the third chapter, the teachings of the holy ancestors.

To put it bluntly, the ritual ritual of the Daqing Daqing means to worship the ancestors by worshipping the heavens. After that, let the fragrant incense ancestors speak to everyone.

Among the imaginary families, the strong races all want to know the true face of the aristocratic sacred ancestral ancestor. They all want to investigate the true footsteps of the aristocratic sacred ancestor. So, they all sent it to be either low or Special skills of the monks, the group came to observe.

This is the first time that the Terran Shengxiang Shengzu really faced the Zhongxu Wanzuo. The Zhongxu Wanzuo wanted to know whether the Sanxiang of the Terran is really three-headed and six-armed.

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