Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2205: Sacrifice the ancestor

In a white palace dress, holding a white jade disk, barefoot lotus steps, the curtains are dry and devout, and the altar that goes straight to the sky along the flowers slowly walks up.

Her side, standing on the same height, equally holy and noble, white and elegant, another fairy, also holding a white jade disk, respectful and pious.

Behind her, four rows of the same costumes, full of thousands of virgins, holding a variety of flowers or offerings, among the melodious music, in the sky, the petals of the sky, surrounded by birds flying gracefully Slowly walked up the high altar.

This is a very sacred moment.

It’s also the rain that has been waiting for countless nights. Think about the excitement and the moment of pride.

Today, I was finally able to see the ancestors of the ancestors.

I remember when I was young, I followed North Korea’s grandfather to hide in Tibet, and retreated again and again. I hope that it will be destroyed again and again until the mountains are running out.

At that time, the great ancestors appeared.

Brought hope, brought passion, and brought about changes in the human race.

From small to large, there is always a wish in the heart of the rain, that is, I hope that one day I can really face to face, facing the Shenxiang Shengzu, sincerely say "thank you."

After entering the practice, the heart of the rain and the rain still hides a secret that only she knows. She hopes to follow the footsteps of the ancestors and climb the avenue.

The ancestors stood tall and stood between heaven and earth.

Sheng Zu Xiu is a **** of the world, shocking the invincible of the people, and the dry rain knows that if you want to catch up with the ancestors, or if you want to become a sage of the ancestors, you may need to work tirelessly for a long time.

After the practice, the little dry rain is very hard.

In a short period of 100 years, the curtains and rains have already made the Golden Dan Great Perfection, and the foundation is very solid, and the fighting force is almost equal to the Yuan Ying.

In the 100th anniversary of the Qing Dynasty, the curtains and rains were spotted by the top of the Terran, and they were selected as the leader of the Terran Sacrifice, and went to the altar to participate in the sacrifice of the ancestors.

Finally, I can see the ancestors of the ancestors, and my heart is excited and excited. After getting this news, the heart has been very strong and the curtains are raining for several nights.

Xi Kunlun’s sacrifice of the ancestor was presided over by Zheng Yuanzi, and Sun Haozhu worshipped.

The Eastern Kunlun Festival worship ancestor was presided over by Liu Qi, and Sun Hao was worshipped by the Lord.

The round altar towers above the sky, between the white clouds, and there are avenues of flowers on all sides, like ribbons, together with the holy places below.

The contiguous white clouds were turned into a futon around the altar, forming a huge viewing platform, the human monks who came to attend the worship, and the alien monks who came to observe the ceremony sitting on the white clouds and futons.

The monks above the gods are eligible to board the altar and accompany the sacrifice.

The human race can rob the monks above, and can be distributed on the second floor of the altar to observe the rituals.

The luckiest ones are those who have been chosen to worship the saints. Although they are not high, they can climb to the top of the altar and send sacrifices to the heavens and ancestors.

This is a supreme glory.

The selection of the Virgin is also quite strict, and it must be a holy place without the slightest ambiguity and pure thoughts.

The curtain rain can become one of the leaders of the West Kunlun leader, and many monks are shocked.

Slowly walking from the flowers, far away, the curtains and rain see the altar, the face with a smile, a young boy in a green shirt, his heart suddenly slammed, his face instantly red, feeling his walking action A little distorted, the whole body is tense up and down.

The first item of the sacrifice is to offer various sacrifices.

The holy virgins floated from the passage of flowers and carried the offerings.

What makes Sun Hao laugh at all is that several people and saints are seeing their own moments, and they are a little bit erratic in an instant. They are very nervous. Under his heart, Sun Hao can clearly perceive the feelings of these saints. , very excited mood.

There are even a few saints who keep telling themselves: "Be calm, calm down, don't throw ugliness in front of the ancestors, can't throw ugliness in front of the ancestors..."

From the heart of Xiao Shantou, Sun Hao felt a strong admiration, excited excitement, and a feeling of happiness that was difficult to suppress.

Sun Hao smiled and stood with a soft smile on his face, and smiled at the saints who came up to sacrifice.

The invisible momentum was transmitted from Sun Hao, and every saint who came to worship sacrificed the goodwill of Sun Hao in an instant, and the tension in his heart disappeared without a trace.

Zheng Yuanzi’s face smiled and whispered: “Agarwood is brilliant.”

Sun Hao smiled and whispered: "Let them be at ease, so as not to ruin the great things."

Sun Hao's light smile, with invisible magic, the sacrificial saint as if he heard the heart of the Qingxin Ningshen, and settled down in an instant, the sacrifice finally came to the formal.

The curtains were rained according to the process of prior rehearsal, and they placed their tributes in an orderly manner. They walked to their position on the altar. They clasped each other with their hands and smiled. A pair of beautiful eyes saw Sun Hao, who still had a faint smile.

There is no ambiguity and excitement in the heart when I just saw Sun Hao, more peace of mind and happiness come to my heart, wow, the ancestors of the ancestors are so nice and harmonious, the smile is really comfortable.

In the centuries-old celebration of the Terran, the sacrifice of the ancestors was carried out simultaneously.

The customs of the East and West Kunlun are slightly different.

West Kunlun here.

A solemn and sacred sacrifice to the heavens.

A solemn and sacred ancestor.

The procedures are numerous and quite cumbersome. However, the heart of the curtain is always full of happiness. Finally, I saw the ancestors of the ancestors, and should I say thank you in person? What opportunities are more appropriate to say?

Candlelight tea, incense toast, worship God burning paper, marijuana fireworks.

This is the sacrifice of heaven.

The clean water towel, the bright candle is fragrant, welcoming the ancestors, offering flowers and fruits.

This is the ancestor.

The style of the East Kunlun gang is really different.

The same is the sacrifice of the ancestors, the rituals of the East Kunlun side are different and mysterious, full of **** taste.

In other words, fortunately, the headless and fierce body with no taboos is worshipping in the East Kunlun. I really want to let Sun Hao respect the past, but I really don’t necessarily get used to it.

At the time of the sacrifice, the East Kunlun killed the pigs and slaughtered the sheep, slaughtered the beasts, and **** seas and oceans. It was said that it was not so difficult to show the respect of the people. It was not so difficult to display the richness of the human race and the prosperity of the animals.

When worshiping the ancestors, it is even more outrageous. There are more than a hundred children and men, more than a hundred places, wearing a mask, wearing a gauze, a curtain, and an altar!

It is not so insufficient to let the ancestors support the human race to prosper, and it is not so insufficient to make the descendants of the ethnic group flourish.

The great demon in charge of the sacrifices in the East Kunlun even hoped that the ancestors personally participated in the ancestral quest for fun, expressing their incomparable respect for the ancestors.

It’s indifferent to be headless and violent. Come and come and be prepared to do things according to the rules.

Sun Hao’s deserved drink stopped this kind of bad sign in time, and warned him not to participate in the ancestral activities.

This is what the sorcerer said: "The deity said, worship the ancestors and play I don't participate."

The Wanxue Witch and the Xuantian Witch do not actually want the Holy King to participate, and the great demon who is in charge of the sacrifice suddenly dejected.

The big devil is a woman, and she is personally waiting for the holy king when she is preparing for the sacrifice.

After the sacrifice of the ancestors, there were originally rituals. This time, Daqing will carry out the sacrifice of the ancestors at the same time, and the ritual is a set.

Because Sun Hao finally had a sacrificial teaching, so the rituals of the Kunlun of the East and West were respectively told by Zheng Yuanzi and Liu Qi.

The rituals were written by the human family and the Confucian scholars. The general idea is mainly five parts.

The first part, thank God for the people.

The second part, thanks to the ancestors for blessing the human race.

The third part describes the humble history of the Baizu wars, and warns future generations to bear in mind the hatred of the human race, bearing in mind those who have gone after the Terran.

The fourth part is about the great event of the first year of the ethnic group, Shenxiang, and the great achievements of the construction of the human race for a hundred years.

This part is mainly objective and fair, enthusiastically affirming the great contribution of Shengxiang Shengzu to the Terran, and at the same time recording the outstanding achievements of the Terran in the past 100 years.

The fifth part, which is the last part, focuses on the development plan of the people and the future, and enthusiastically looks forward to the future of the human race.

The rituals of the East and West Kunlun unifies the specifications and unifies the outline and structure. However, when the rituals are read, the same structure and the same content, the rituals of Zheng Yuanzi and Liu Qi are very different, giving people a completely different feeling.

Generally speaking, on the West Kunlun side, the sacred text of Zheng Yuanzi is four flat and stable, five parts, each part of the content is relatively balanced, the words are gorgeous, thanks for the thanks, the sincere piety, the sadness of the sadness, the passion Passion, every part is reasonable and reasonable, giving people the feeling that it is beautiful and beautiful. (To be continued...)

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