Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2216: 6 Wang is in trouble

Fortunately, I finally expressed my support for Ling Tian, ​​otherwise I made an unforgivable mistake.

There are two other sword ancestors in Hezu who do not know the meaning of Zhong Yu’s words, and the expression on his face is still very dignified.

At this time, above the sky, a sword lotus was raised again. A small old man with a squatting back stood on the sword lotus with a smile, and looked at Zhong Rong and Xuanyuan Xiaolong with a stern look, saying: "The Terran is up and down. Unity, Ling Tianjian, Ning folds, you just let go, do it, I will give you the title."

Ling Tianjianzu smiled and said: "Thank you for the turtle spirit predecessors, since this is the case, I am willing to let go, I want to come, I will not have any major events in Lingtianjian."

Xuanyuan Xiaolong hesitated a little and looked at Zhong Rong. He thought: "Is this half-brother who is too confident in the strength of the old man? Or, that is, this younger brother may not know the ancient demon. The true **** and the giant family in the position of the virtual world, this dare to say such words, and now, it is a bit difficult to ride the tiger."

Wu Chuanglang is not very clear about the ancient devil, the true **** and the giant.

When I heard Zhong Rong’s words, and I was full of confidence in Master’s supernatural powers, Zhong Rong said, Wu Chuanglang immediately laughed loudly: “So it’s easy, Master, you and the butterfly brothers will break out first. Set up a large array in the Feifengling area, cut off the three families, we set a big pocket here..."

Several of Sun Hao’s disciples are the ones who are not afraid of things.

When Tianling was in the mainland, they were all heroes. They were really not bullied. They flew up and down. In order to adapt to the environment, they were really shackled for a period of time. Now, they are killed by the tri-national coalition forces, so they are all angry. .

The only Xuanyuan Xiaolong who knows the ancient devil, the true **** and the giants is a very proud guy. From small to large, he really didn't feel bad.

When I was in the mainland of Tianling, I often fought against the ancient devils. Now I am in the dark, but I am still being bullied by the ancient demon. When I am in the middle of my heart, I will go out and say, "It’s like this, Daewoo, Xiachuan. You broke their back road, Ling Tian brothers, and the old predecessor, we may wish to confront the front, directly defeat the tribal coalition forces, let them lose their blood."

Discuss the battle plan.

Xia Chuan and Daewoo began to break through according to Wu’s plan.

The yuppie butterfly is extremely magical, and Xia Chuan stretches its wings behind it, with a flight to Daewoo.

Between the wings, the sky is filled with thick pink fog.

The fog was over, and the alien monks formed a chaos, and Xiachuan went away.

The tri-family coalition forces flew out some of the powerful monks, and they were led by a distracted power, and they disappeared and disappeared.

When the pursuit was just unfolding, among the Lingtian swords, the fighting spirit rose to the sky. A five-clawed golden dragon was drilled out of the clouds, and a paw was grabbed forward. The flying ship in the void was shot down by a paw. The dumplings generally fall off.

The tri-family coalition forces never imagined that the Terran Ling Tianjian faction would be so powerful, and they would actually go straight to war. They suddenly became furious. The main monks no longer pursued the next-level goal and turned to the Jinlong in the air.

The war started in an instant.

The imaginary township monks are usually distracted, and strong races often have one or two distractions.

The three tribes have sent five major distractions. According to the truth, they should have the upper hand.

The five great gods, the two ancient gods, and the two ancient gods, are all inherited by the race, and the individual strength is strong. Although the giants only sent a distracted monk, their powerful strength is enough to make a difference. .

The giant standing in the sky stood in the air, and the five-clawed golden dragon became a bigger mud in front of him.

But what the tribes did not think of was.

In front of the giant giant Cross, there was a huge tortoise, the limbs were like the pillars of the sky, strong and powerful, and the tortoise shells were overwhelming, like dark clouds covering the sky.

The powerful Cross was blocked by life.

Ling Tianjian faction has such a powerful distraction and great power to guard, this is troublesome.

The five-jawed golden dragon was liberated, and the other three distracted powers had a fight. Although they were slightly inferior, they also fought a lot.

The disintegration of the big level of battle can not produce results.

The tri-national coalition forces launched a full-fledged campaign and began to besiege the Lingtian Swords.

Who knows that a war, a big problem.

Lei Wang Zhongyu, Qingwo Wang Xiaoyu Feitian two monks' strengths have not reached the level of distraction, but they have reached a strong quasi-divided level.

In particular, the young wolf Wang Xiaoyu flew in the sky, the technique of refining the body, powerful and incomparable, turned into a huge blue wolf, and the sky was noisy.

Lei Wang Zhongyu is also fierce, and the thunder of the sky is rumbling, and a large block of silver nets hangs over the sky. No one can do it.

The tri-family coalition forces came to encircle the Lingtianjian faction and actually suffered from insufficient strength.

The spectator race is inexplicably pleasing.

Ling Tianjian’s monks had a strong morale, and the sword repair relied on the large array set by Sun Hao in the past, and the outbreak of the trio of the three tribes broke out.

The three tribes are a little bit big, the coalition forces are temporarily patchwork, and the team's combat capability is far less than that of Ling Tianjian.

Ling Tianjian repaired and fought, and the cycle continued, and the battle fully occupied the upper hand.

The fierce battle lasted for three days.

A worse situation arises.

Chasing the butterfly king's distracted ancient devil wolf escaping, did not wait for him to enter the battle, did not get the help of his companions, a butterfly Wang Xia Chuan a leisurely stroke from his neck, took his head.

Distracted ancient demon, became the first great monk who fell on the spot.

The war situation turned sharply at this time.

The butterfly king Xia Chuan demonstrated the horrible group fighting ability, the Yalong butterfly fanned the wings, in the pink fog, the weaker trio monks were dizzy, even if the distracting power was also suffered. big influence.

At this time, Xiaoyu Feitian also showed a powerful Sirius Xiaoyue, a group of offensive spells, a few whistling down, and three tribes suffered numerous casualties.

Wu Xianlang, who lacks morality, recognizes the poisonous Dan, which is extremely toxic. It is turned into the pink airflow of the yuppie butterfly. Many monks are unconsciously green on the face, poisonous in the body, and fall into the air.

A few distracted monks were furious and wanted to get out and help their own people to get out of trouble. However, they were firmly restrained by the giant tortoise, the five-jawed golden dragon and the Xiachuan, and they could not lend a helping hand. Watching his subordinates are gradually removed.

On the tenth day of the war, the giant giant Cross felt that things were inviolable. In the sky, he said: "You must go back first, and after the distraction, don't lose all of them here."

The monks of the Wan nationality found it silently, and the three-member coalition forces who wanted to conquer the Terran were actually killed and fled.

Next, let the secret observation of the monks secretly, when they retreated from the battlefield and reached 60% of the three tribes, they were trapped in the battle and turned around, but they could not find a break. The method of three tribes were shocked.

Four distracted powers are shocked and angry, how is this?

The human family monk is really not big, and actually wants to swallow all three monks!

The inch board king escaped from the Lingtianjian faction. It turned out that the array method was set up on everyone's retreat. This is to prepare for the battle!

The four distracted gods fight back and sneak into the battlefield, trying to save their trapped monks, and the result is even worse.

The inch plate king set a strong law against Daewoo, and the three tribes were trapped in the battlefield and could not be killed.

How can the big giant Cross think of a man-made monk's formation, how could it affect his own body?

The Terran monks fought and fought, and their abilities were blessed. The Vietnam War was more and more brave. On the contrary, the alien monks were attacked by poisons, thunder and so on from time to time, and the fighting ability dropped.

The battle lasted for three months.

At the end of the killing, the triad coalition only ran off a big giant Cross! Other monks, including the two gods of the ancient gods and ancient devils, were also trapped in Daewoo, and were killed on the spot by Xuanyuan Longwang and Butterfly King Xiachuan.

The underworld is shocked.

The Terran Lingtian Swords has once again created a horrific record that can be recorded in the next big event.

Good guys, just a human race is not a big sect, it has destroyed the four distractions and created a precedent in history.

Awesome, Ling Tianjian.

The main force of this war, the name of Ling Tianliu Wang’s name is also spread all over the world.

The three tribes suffered heavy losses, and it seemed that they did not react. After a long time, the gods finally became angry and began to angerly condemn the virtual human race. They immediately organized the second batch of monks and monks, and they rushed to Ling Tianjian.

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