Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2217: Alarmed

This time, the trend is far more than the first time. Just the Giants, they sent three powerful distractions that are not weaker than the big giant Cross.

The ancient demon and the ancient gods also sent two distractions.

The powerful strength is enough to completely erase the Terran swordsmanship from the bottom.

The strength of the human race is a daunting battle. The Wanzu people look at the excitement and see how long Lingtian Jianpai can support.

At this time, Ling Tianjian sent six cowardly guys, who actually sneaked out and ran to the virtual battlefield before the army had yet to kill the door.

The six guys are really embarrassed to start, not afraid to completely offend the three strong people.

The Giants have just recovered, and the re-taken cloud temple has once again suffered a six-sex sneak attack.

When several big giants ran to Lingtianjian, when they were not at home, the six kings once again sank the temple in the clouds and fled.

The big giant rushed back in a hurry.

Not long after, the ancient altar of the ancient devil suffered again, and the corner that had just been repaired was broken by these guys.

The three strong families, two suffered heavy losses.

Only the ancient gods, perhaps because of the relatively hidden relationship, are free from poisonous hands and have not suffered much damage.

Worse, it is the race that followed the three strong gangs to the Lingtian Swords, and there were many places in the Kyushu.

The six kings separated and ran to the core areas of these races.

Xiaoyu Feitian baked the muddy water of the clay people, destroying the mire of the birth of the three clay figurines, and fleeing.

Xia Chuan destroyed the Moorish stone column matrix, so that the tall and tall Moorish stone people broke out of the ethnic spring tide, and the Moore males who were eager to mate could not find a suitable object and messed up into a pot of porridge.

Xuanyuan Xiaolong entered the core treasure house of the Green Wild, and after taking most of the collection, he went away.


The strengths of the six kings are not weak, the actions are extremely fast, and they are scattered activities, slippery.

The three strong people catching ash is not catching fire, not anxious.

Do everything possible to chase and intercept, but the effect is not good.

Under the chaos, more and more fierce.

Just at this time, the next battle of the virtual battlefield began, the three races were tickle, temporarily suspended, and the whole imaginary, wholeheartedly put into the battlefield.

The Six Kings of the Terran also entered the battlefield.

The Dacheng battlefield big city has now changed its name to Xijing.

After the start of the battlefield, the Six Kings of Xijing quickly became the Seven Kings of Xijing.

There is also a short, fat, monk named Zhu Dezheng, who accompanied the six kings and became the seventh king of Xijing, the short king Zhu Dezheng.

The seven battlefield heroes fully demonstrate their unparalleled strength.

The seven kings battlefield won the battle, all won the title of battlefield heroes, of which four people have won the gold belt, becoming a powerful potential stock that the Zhongxu Wanzu will actively fight for.

The rise of the Terran monks in the weak, gives people an unstoppable feeling.

The rise of the Seven Kings also made the Xijing City a solid gold soup.

At this time, the Terran began to combine the diplomatic means of the vertical and horizontal, fully exerted the fighting power of the Seven Kings, and lifted the predicament for other strong people, and consciously gained a lot of friendship.

Under the imaginary people, they have formed a strong ethnic alliance with the ethnic groups such as the Long Ears and the Chongzu.

This time the battle of the virtual battlefield, the ethnic alliance under the superior performance of the seven kings, harvested quite a lot of combat power, not only to survive the virtual tide, but also earned a pot full.

The next virtual battlefield is over.

When the giants, the ancient demons, and the ancient gods made their hands, and once again fought against the Terrans, the situation changed dramatically.

The tri-family coalition found that the opposite ethnic group had pulled the long-eared and the celestial family to confront themselves, and the stalemate was in the lower battlefield and the lower emptiness of Kyushu.

On the one hand, the Giants, the Ancient Mozu, and the Ancient Protoss gathered together no less than one hundred races and announced the war against the Terrans, collectively known as the Giant Alliance.

On the one hand, the Terran, the Long Ears, and the Chongzu, gathered up to more than 80 races, such as the Tauren and the Orcs. They called themselves the "Justice League" and set the battlefield with **** for tat.

The whole imaginary, entered the era of war.

In history, it is called the heroic "invincible" era.

Heroes of all races in the land of Kyushu, in the battlefield of the next, organized their own team, led their soldiers, and launched a long-awaited battle.

The Seven Kings of the Justice League, later known as the "Seven Swords under the Ling", plus the long-eared heroes Kailin, Terran Cavalier Ram, the celestial hero unicorn Sogling, collectively known as the Justice League "The Legend of Ten Heroes."

The Giants Alliance is also not bad. Ancient heroes, Celen, Giant Sok, Ancient God Gurney and other heroes also show a strong fighting power.

The distractions of the two sides are able to contain each other and cannot intervene in the war without any fear. On the long border, the two major leagues have experienced a series of long and long battles.

The whole emptiness, more races, and even the Naga and the Lakers in the sea were also involved in the battle. For the sake of resources and for the territory, there was an uproar.

The battle lasted for more than sixty years.

In the long process of fighting, the army of the Justice League headed by the Seven Kings gradually changed from a disadvantage to an advantage under the battle strategy of Wang Wuwu Lang.

In the sixtieth year, the Terran-led Justice League finally achieved a comprehensive victory in stages.

Wu Xinglang planned, the Terran Justice Alliance army once again entered the cloud temple of the Giants. This time, it was forcibly attacked, and even a few giants were expelled from the Justice League army.

The temple in the cloud completely fell.

Not long after, the Justice League army did not rely on it, and the sword pointed directly to the ancient altars of the ancient devils.

Under the ancient altar of Chen Jun, the Terran army sharpened the knife and Huo Huo, preparing to forcibly shoot, robbing the ancient demon of the ancient devil, breaking the ancient altar and capturing the ancient demon resources.

At this time, the ancient demon family also completely fired the liver fire, and the harsh battle trend finally triggered the strong anger of the evil spirits and the giants.

The war of the devastating war has ignited the emptiness.

The ancient demons held a grand ceremonial ceremony on the ancient altars, praying for the help of the imaginary hand to expel the invasion of the so-called Justice League monks.

The ancient magic land, the dark clouds shrouded, the sky seems to be cracking, very depressed.

After Wu Chonglang recognized the secret technique of the ancient demon family, his face was shocked: "Not good, the ancient devil is too mean, but we will ask for help from Zhongxu, Dragon King, we must retreat immediately, and quickly notify the Terran The secret of this ancient magical family is more than a month, and it will be completed..."

Under the organization of Wu Chuanglang, the Justice League army quickly withdrew.

The seven swords escaped, twirling several transmission arrays, and quickly ran back to the Lingtianjian faction, and the speed was extremely fast, sending a distress signal to the Zhongxu people.

The situation may be more urgent, and the butterfly king Xia Chuan crushed the jade that Sun Hao handed over to himself.

Almost the jade is crushed in less than a day.

Above the virtual sky, there is a huge shadow of the demon king.

This demon king, a hand totta, wearing a horn helmet, eyes flashing.

As soon as I came out, I shouted: "Who is wake up my Tota demon, who is it, dare to provoke me to sin the ancient demon family, I rely on, how is it, the ancient altar was actually made by you This way, I am really discouraged."

The ancient demon should explain the situation to the Tota.

Tota Tianmo’s eyes slammed openly, and the air seemed to flash two huge lightnings. In the distance, Tota’s demon came to the Terran swords of the Terran, and shouted in his mouth: “The **** human race, unforgivable , the district guardian mountain array, can also stop the seat can not stand, see the move ..."

Above the sky, a huge fist rushed out.

A bang, Ling Tianjian sent over the sky, bursting out of the horror of the sky, Jianqi Chongtian, Ling Tian Shenjian burst out of the sword.

On the top of Lingtian Jianfeng, Sun Hao’s huge statue also trembled fiercely.

Jianguang shock, Jianzheng giant earthquake, the entire Lingtian Jianpai sword peaks are swaying, but, in any case, this boxing, Ling Tianjian faction is still taking over.

Tota Tianmo’s mouth scorned: “It’s actually blocking a punch in this seat. It’s strange how the Terran has such a powerful warrior.”

Just finished saying this, above the sky, a loud bang, and a huge virtual shadow, this is a human face lion body shadow, after the appearance, nodded to the Tota Tianmo, and turned to the Terran Ling Tianjian In the direction, a cold voice in his mouth: "I don't know what to do, this time I really want to give the human race a big lesson..."

Almost at the same time, on the sky, a huge stone suddenly appeared out of thin air. Above the boulder, stood a big man who looked not high, but wide and wide. The first sentence was: "Damn. What do you eat? Actually, people were destroyed by the temple in the clouds."

The three gods and gods are in perfect harmony, and the Terran is up and down.

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