Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2218: Dragon King is abused

The giants are the most hated of the human race.

After coming out, it was almost an attitude with the Tota Demon. He raised his hand in the air and threw it away. A huge stone slammed into the Lingtianjian faction.

This stone, which looks strange and unparalleled, covers the entire Lingtian Swordsmanship. After being thrown over by the Giants, it has also slammed the Lingtian Swordsman’s guardian squad.

Regrettably, such a powerful blow did not actually destroy the defense of Ling Tianjian.

The huge stones were bounced back in the air, turned into light spots and disappeared into the air.

The stone giant showed a very surprised expression, and said in a loud voice: "How is it possible? The area is empty, how can there be a way to resist the boulder of this seat?"

At this time, the unique attitude of the ancient gods and survivors of the ancient gods saw the basic situation of the Lingtianjian faction, and saw the sculpture of Sun Hao, who was towering on the peak of Lingtian Jianfeng.

After a slight glimpse of the face, after a little recollection, the ancient gods of the bereaved family said: "The Lingtian Swordsmanship should be the mother of the aristocratic combination of the great grandson Sun Sun, who carved his portrait on this mountain. This array should also be his handwriting. It’s normal to block your blow."

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang?

The Tota Devil and the Stone Giants glanced in the air.

The Tota Devil said with no intention: "This seat is sleeping for more than three thousand years. I really don't know that there is a good junior named Sun Haosun Shen Xiang. Why, is this kid very powerful?"

The ancient monks of the ancient gods smiled and said with a natural smile: "The people, the grandsons and the grandsons of the sun, the incense, the rise of the imaginary is also a thousand years, you have been sleeping for many years, it is normal to be unclear."

The stone giant shivered a little, and said very disdainfully: "A younger generation, how powerful can you be, a district law, can't really stop me, can't see me, chase the air, directly send this Lingtian sword to Directly buried in the depths of the earth..."

The giant gods are in the same breath as their arms.

Above the sky, there are dense clouds of boulder.

Push your hands forward and jerk.

The boulder is like a meteor, and it falls to Ling Tianjian.

When the spirit is strong, it is strong, and it is fully activated. Ling Tianjian is flying over the sky, and the sharp swords are rising.

Zhong Rong’s teeth bite and raised his hand, and a symbol of his hand went out, and a bang was posted on the statue of Sun Hao.

The statue of Sun Hao shines in an instant, and above the Lingtian Jianfeng, it keeps spinning slightly.

The power of the spirits is fully driven.

The rock is empty and empty.

The thunderous sounds are endless. The huge stones are filled with the space around the Lingtian Swords. They have been built up for a short time. The entire Lingtian Swords has truly become a huge graveyard made of stone.

Only in the middle, Ling Tian Jianfeng is over the sky, still unyielding swordsmanship under the stimulation of Sun Hao statue, skyrocketing, crushing the stone blocks falling at the top, not letting the stone giant completely drown his own trick .

Looking far away, the Lingtianjian faction at this time seems to have become a volcano that is erupting.

There is only one exit in the middle, but it is not the flame, but the sword that rises from the sky.

The laughter of the throwing stone giant came out from the air: "Tota, I have sealed his surroundings. Below, it is your turn to be full of power, thoroughly drowning them and suppressing them under this sky. Baota Town Mountain Demon, just to keep these naughty kids."

Tota Devil laughed: "If this is the case, then I will use the pagoda to completely seal them into the ground, let this so-called Lingtianjian, become a real ancient cemetery in a few years."

In the big laughter, the Tota Devil drives the pagoda in his hand, and the black light bursts out of the pagoda. When the pagoda is thrown in the air, he wants to fall down to Ling Tianjian.

Above the sky, the voice of Xuanyuan Longwang came out: "Predecessors are slow, this thing started because of my Xuanyuan Xiaolong. I didn't expect that I would finally alarm the middle-aged predecessors. Since the predecessors killed me, Ling Tianjian, sinned, I can't beat, I am willing to admit defeat... ..."

In the middle of the speech, on the Lingtian Jianfeng in the middle, Xuanyuan Xiaolong flew out and floated in front of the three supernatural powers. He said in a loud voice: "One person is doing things alone, I think, the three predecessors should not fall into the dilemma. The point of the child? The underworld is all looking at it, hurting innocence, not a good thing."

Within the Lingtianjian faction, Zhong Rong clenched his teeth and held his fists tightly.

Among the eyes of Xia Chuan, there was a shining light, and his mouth whispered: "The teacher has received the information, but from the imaginary, it will take a few months at the earliest. Wu Shixiong, is there any way to delay a little time? Once the Dragon King has an accident, I will wait for the face to see the Master."

Xiaoyu Feitian looked up at the sky, his face was also a face of iron, and his mouth gently said: "Butter brother, although the master is powerful, but may not be the opponent of these three powers, everyone is ready to make a heart, even if I am Oh, you have to give them a good time."

Tota Tianmo’s hand was a little bit, and he did not immediately start.

Indeed, for him, he really did not bother to deal with a small family of small people.

The ancient gods and gods at this time haha ​​looked up and laughed: "I have the ambition, hahaha, Xuanyuan Xiaolong, knowing now, why should I have the conditions of my ancient gods still unchanged, if you can change your mind, I can guarantee you not to die. ”

Xuanyuan Xiaolong’s face was calm and calmly said: “Yuhua’s predecessors, good-hearted, my Xuanyuan Xiaolong, since I dare to stand up, I am not afraid of death.”

The stone giant shouted loudly at this time: "The kid, you are alone to die, you can't eliminate the big hatred in my heart, you can do it with your own sin. You can't have one of Lingtian's seven kings. Yuhua is really God, you have to Consider it clearly, this kid is going to die today, give me a shit."

Tota Tianmo also laughed happily: "That is, one of the culprit can not be less, you are all stirring up the virtual war criminals, what seven swords are under Lingtian, I think it is only seven, only one can not be less, hahaha... ”

The stone giants fluttered with their hands, and a stone slammed into the dragon king.

A bang.

Xuanyuan Longwang jumped into a golden dragon and tried to avoid the stone sniper, but unfortunately, the stone throwing stone giant has a strong locking ability. The dragon king moved several times and was firmly pegged by the giant's boulder.

Jin Long’s golden light was not able to escape, and he was shot down in the air.

One knee on one knee, Xuanyuan Longwang was beaten back to the human body, mouth spit blood, knees squatting in the air, throwing stone giants' combat power is too strong, and they have already injured themselves instantly.

Moreover, if I have not got the gold belt on the battlefield, I am afraid that it is already fierce.

In the eyes, the silk was firm, and Xuanyuan Longwang whispered in his mouth: "Predecessors are really good at admiration and admire."

I did not expect that my own blow did not defeat a monk who was not throwing stone giants could not help but be surprised.

The ancient **** can't laugh in the mouth: "Ha ha ha, a good human kid, not bad, as long as you agree with my ancient Protoss, today, I can spend a certain price to keep you safe."

There is a trace of blood in the corner of the mouth. Xuanyuan Longwang’s face is firm: “Without, the king is not high, and he does not recognize the thief as a father. He will never give up his ancestor. Hey, my Xuanyuan family will not easily give in, I I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood. I asked the world with my heart, the golden dragon is really blood, and it ignited me. I have to look at it. The powerful imaginary power can take me a few tricks to defeat me..."

Tota Tianmo screamed coldly: "Which is so much nonsense."

The wrist was gently rotated, and the pagoda rushed toward the Xuanyuan Xiaolong.

Hey, Xuanyuan Xiaolong, black light and golden light hit a big hit, and bursts of explosions.

Xuanyuan Xiaolong was laughing and laughing in the explosion circle.

The black light converges, the golden light disperses, and the Xuanyuan Xiaolong is bloody, proudly standing in the air.

There are still golden lights in both eyes, and Xuanyuan Xiaolong is standing in the air with a golden knife. He laughs: "Come back."

I have not been able to kill this kid! Tota's demon mood is very uncomfortable, a cold, inside the pagoda, and rushed out of the real black light, shrouded to Xuanyuan Xiaolong.

At this time, the Xuanyuan Xiaolong still stands proudly in the air, but the blood of a **** is already insignificant, and the inside of Dantian is full of lights.

This blow is completely unstoppable.

Like a fairy, involuntarily, for a lifetime, I did not expect it to fall on the opponent's hand, Xuanyuan Xiaolong haha ​​laughed.

At this point, even if the old man has the ability to help the big brother, I am afraid it is too late! Zhong Rong’s eyes closed.

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