Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2260: Battle of the Soul

Under normal circumstances, Sun Hao’s ghost road opened by Miha should be unconscious and direct to the golden fur collar.

This ghost road should be opened by Mihart for himself. It goes straight to the secret passage of the golden-haired collar and costs a lot of money. It is a special line.

However, when Sun Hao entered the ghost road and collected the cemetery into the monument without any loss, special circumstances occurred.

Among the ghost paths, a rippled shackles were created, and a secret channel with a flash of light flashed into the ghost path.

A call from the depths of the ghosts and souls came from this passage that was not there, but suddenly appeared.

It feels like a sneaky instinct to know that you need to enter this channel, as if it is important to know that this channel is important.

There is also a huge attraction within the sudden passage. If Sun Haoxiu is high, it has already been attracted by this attraction.

What is going on here?

Sun Hao was a little confused.

In the mind of God, the voice of Luo Pengfei came out: "This is a powerful secret technique of ethnic heritage. It is rare to see it. It is often when the race reaches a certain height and faces major ethnic decision-making matters. Instinctively perceived."

Tao Tianji also said: "Yes, the incense of your soul is developing very well. When it comes out of the spirit, it has become a rare Yin Emperor. At this time, it should be some instinctual inheritance that touches the ghost. Can go and see."

Sun Hao said in his heart: "I understand."

Touching the soul monument, Sun Hao found that Miha was still consolidating and repairing. After thinking about it, she left a message: "Mija, I have successfully escaped from the Gobi God, but I saw a piece. Very interesting things, turned around in the past."

Miha should be in a deep retreat and there is no response.

After Sun Hao stayed in the conversation, he followed the heart and drilled into the glimpse of the flashing light.

Just at the moment when Sun Hao entered the passage.

Outside the Gobi God Gobi has a mysterious change that Sun Hao also unexpectedly.

Originally in large numbers, scattered throughout the Gobi Desert, the ghosts that Sun Hao quietly gathered out of the soul, at this moment, suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

In many places, the battlefield suddenly lost the side of the battle, and the opponents felt inexplicable.

Originally, the **** ancestor Bruch, who had a lot of ghosts in the Gobi gods, was suddenly found to be just a blink of an eye. Those very active ghosts suddenly disappeared.

The first reaction of the blood ancestors is: "Damn, the guy who is daring is not a ghost?"

The thought flashed quickly in his mind. In an instant, he shook his head and said to himself: "It shouldn't be, it won't be, it shouldn't be like this. Yes, this is the battle of the ancestral ancestors. It must be I don't know if this time will not be born."

There are a total of nine undead races in the undead domain. Among them, the eight races have their own kings, but there is no ancestor of the ghosts, that is, the soul ancestors.

Perhaps only the battle of the ancestors of the race will instantly recall a large number of ghosts to participate in the corresponding battle for contention.

There should be no inevitable connection with the change of Gudra. The daring and unidentified race boy should still hide in Teminus!

Bruch decided to wait and continue to wait.

Sun Hao’s brain was slightly dizzy, and once again, he found himself coming to a very special place with a brilliant sky.

The sky is still the kind of gray sky where the undead domain is located.

But under the sky, there is a light.

Black and white, like the distant mountains, is very rich.

Between heaven and earth, it is fresh.

The reason why this strange world is so aura is a tomb that rises from the ground.

Sun Hao had just been killed from a strange spiritual tomb.

But now, Sun Hao saw a row of very neat, like the leaves of the bees in the beehive's nest, the tomb of the leaves, straight up between the heavens and the earth.

Every tomb does not know where to erect, and below is a cloud of white clouds.

Every spirit of the tomb is full of light and aura.

The tomb itself is not thick, like a piece of paper, standing in the air, now no less than ten spiritual tombs are standing in the strange space of this square.

Sun Hao visually measured that everyone's distance is not too far, and a piece of blade is generally inserted above the white clouds.

What surprised Sun Hao was that, with his appearance, soon, under his own body, there was also a spiritual tomb.

Looking at God, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that this spiritual tomb is the one that he has just left.

The six-pointed star above the tomb of the spirit is still slightly rotating. At this time, the emperor of his own big disciples is looking at himself with amazement.

Not only that, but in the white clouds below the tomb, Sun Hao also discovered many ghosts.

What surprised Sun Hao was that these ghosts were obviously the nature of soldiers under their own temperance. Now, when they suddenly appear outside the spiritual tomb, these ghosts worship in the air.

Sun Hao looked at other spiritual tombs and suddenly discovered that the tops of these spiritual tombs were also in line with their own spiritual tombs. There were many ghosts and stalwarts on them, as if they were looking forward to what was very solemn.

When Sun Hao landed a special space and fell on his own spiritual tomb, there was still something in the bottom of his heart that could not understand the situation, but at this moment, Sun Hao had already perceived that he had already been with several disciples and their control. All the ghost warriors, as well as the ghost warriors who gathered in Teminus, instantly formed a unified mind.

Or, everyone is already aware of each other at this time.

Sun Hao’s heart moved and asked: “What happened? What is going on?”

Wu Chuanlang among several disciples has obtained relevant information from his own inheritance and quickly gave Sun Hao a simpler answer.

Quickly, Wu Xinglang gave a reply in the thoughts shared by everyone: "Master, in my memory of inheritance, this war is a soul war, but it will appear after the ghost inheritance reaches a certain level, and the head of the ghost is determined. battle."

Sun Hao is a little confused: "I don't want to die, but with special purpose, I don't want to compete for what the ghosts are leading. I knew that this channel would mean this. I don't have to come to join in this fun..."

The thoughts have fallen, and Sun Hao has discovered that with his arrival, this special space has undergone a strange change.

A total of ten spiritual tombs, slowly rotating in this space The speed of rotation is not very fast, the rotation is not very large, but this seems to have no abnormal rotation, but it is very Strange effect.

The ten tombs are arranged in an arc of equidistant distance.

The ten tombs are opposite each other, and they are arranged in a circle. In the middle of the ten tombs, the white clouds rise and turn into a huge cloud. It is like an altar or a military field. In the middle of everyone.

The ten tombs of the spirits bloomed in the middle, and the clouds extended to the ten tombs, just like the 16 bridges of Baiyun.

Sun Hao asked in his heart: "Hua Lang, what does this mean? How should the top ten Yinhuang decide the size?"

Wu Xiulang quickly gave the answer: "This is the battle of the soul. The battle will start soon. There are several ways to fight."

The Battle of Souls means the Battle of the Ghosts. According to Wu’s explanation, this needs to be met after certain conditions are met.

There are two maximum prerequisites. One is that at least ten surpasses the ghost of the Yin Emperor; the other is that at least the total number of ghost warriors within the entire undead domain reaches a certain scale, and the strength can reach a certain requirement before it can be opened. .

According to the order of appearance, Sun Hao found that his last one appeared in this special space, that is to say, it is very likely that he was the last one to surpass the existence of the ghost.

Moreover, he himself had surpassed the ghosts long ago. At that time, he could not reach other conditions and did not trigger the battle of the soul.

Then this is also likely to be a masterpiece that is unintentional.

In the Gobi Desert, I used the Soul Ghost for many years, adding many unknown ghost warriors, and finally reached the standard of war.

This may also be a very important reason.

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