Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2261: Battle of the Soul (2)

No matter what the reason, the battle of the soul has been opened.

Sun Hao still has to fight well.

According to Wu Chuanlang’s words, once this kind of battle started, this alien space was completely closed, and the connection with the outside world was isolated.

The battle did not produce results, everyone will continue to fight here.

No, no.

Moreover, Wu Canglang also said that the final winner of the Battle of Soul will issue a deterrent command to all ghosts in the spiritual will. Once this happens, the fun will become bigger.

Sun Hao didn't want a boss to be a blessing to face his own fingers.

However, seriously feel this special space, Sun Hao is a little speechless to find that if you want to win, I am afraid it will not be easy.

The law of space in the aura is completely different.

Other self-cultivations have been greatly suppressed, and at the same time, their own instinctual instinct has received a huge increase.

If the two directions increase and decrease, they will use other combat capabilities that are not in the ghost. The fear is that the final result can be achieved.

Sun Hao quickly analyzed the situation at the same time.

In the sky, changes began to appear.

In the middle of the ten tombs, the white clouds swayed, and a high platform, a gleaming silver bead appeared on the high platform.

Sun Hao’s sneaky body instantly understands it. This bead, whoever wins, can get the blessing of the bead.

Wu Chuanlang said that the battle of the soul will test the ability of all aspects of the Yin Emperor, among which there are three aspects: talent instinct, commanding warfare, and individual strength.

The way to test is varied.

Today, the first battle, let everyone win the ball.

Sun Hao is thinking about who should go to win the ball, or when to send soldiers to win the beads.

The white clouds that have been connected to him have changed. In front of them, there are ten and a half dead great werewolves out of thin air.

Ghosts immediately instinctively learned the mission of this war.

This battle, in fact, is the test of the talent of the Emperor.

Half-dead big werewolves will fight each other under the blessing of the ghostly supernatural powers, and eventually the silver beads will be taken back, which is the strongest talent.

Seeing the ten and a half dead big werewolves, Sun Hao’s brow could not help but wrinkle.

The strength of this creature is not very strong, the combat power and defense power are actually average, and it is easy to be eliminated by others.

Once rushed up, there is no special talent, so if you can't support it for a few times, it will be completely eliminated.

Sun Hao’s heart is speculating that there are already ten dead and half-wolf people on the tomb of the tomb that rushed out to the middle.

Sun Hao found that the half-dead big werewolves who rushed out had a very agile speed and running very fast. Moreover, the coordination of the semi-dead big werewolves running was quite good. The ten and a half dead big werewolves formed a cone and were advancing rapidly.

Sun Hao didn't know not to be eager to fight, and he began to imagine his own way of action based on his own talents.

At the same time, we also pay close attention to the progress of the battle.

Sun Hao does not move, does not mean that other monks have no action.

On the side of Sun Hao, a wave of ideas was quickly transmitted to the air, as if a monk was roaring in the air: "Seven emperors, do you think you are amazing? Give me back."

What is the Seven Emperors referring to?

Xia Chuan’s voice was heard from the gods: “The Seven Emperors should represent the special shape above his spiritual tomb. Master, we chose a snowflake petal, six petals, maybe Master, you are the Six Emperors. ......"

Sun Hao decided to see it, and it was.

The thoughts of the Seven Emperors burst out in the air: "Five emperors, do you think that the districts are free, can you be invincible in the world? In this space, only the soul of the ghost can get the maximum blessing, in order to get the maximum combat ability, the real thing. Exempt, you, want to stop my quickness, still can't..."

When he heard the words of the Seven Emperors, Sun Hao looked at the ghost of the first speech, and he saw a five-pointed star pattern on his tomb.

Sure enough, a few corners represent the number one Yinhuang.

You should be the Six Emperors.

After hearing the dialogue between the two Yinhuangs, Sun Hao’s heart was still moving, and quickly, Sun Hao found the ten and half-dead-sized werewolves he controlled, and issued an order: “Go, bring me the silver beads.”

After receiving the orders of Sun Hao, the ten and a half dead big werewolves rushed toward the silver beads from their own direction.

Almost at the same time, all the powerful sorcerers on the spiritual tomb launched their own special skills and launched a competition.

The soldiers in ten directions fluttered in the past.

The first to rush to the middle of the field is the ten and a half dead big werewolves of the Seven Emperors.

Among them, the leader grabbed the silver beads and turned around and ran to the road, and quickly ran to the seven emperors.

However, the size of the field is not narrow, the leader grabs the silver beads, has not completely ran into his own Baiyun channel, has been surrounded by the big wolf chasing the end.

The paws and the bite continued, the leading, fast-moving semi-dead big werewolf did not have much resistance, and had been surrounded by the big werewolves on other spiritual tombs, and instantly torn into pieces.

The Seven Yin Emperor was unwilling, but he also knew that things would not be that simple. With a wave of hand, the half-dead big were scattered slightly around.

Silver beads are thrown to the sky.

On the 5th, the Emperor’s hand flew quickly, his eyes were fast, and the first step was to hold the silver beads, and then he did not care, and ran away to his master.

The biggest feature of the No. 5 Yin Emperor's Big Werewolf is that it is immune to the body. Although it is not ridiculously impossible to hit when it is attacked by other attacks, it is more difficult to hit the non-injured state after hitting.

Not easy to hurt, does not mean that you can not hurt.

On the 5th, the Emperor regretted to discover that his powerful object was exempt from the property and could not withstand the opponent's attack. The leading, the great werewolf holding the silver bead was finally unable to escape. After running for a while, he was forcibly intercepted. Torn into pieces.

After the two big werewolves were defeated one after another, on the field, the big werewolves of the top ten emperors broke out in a fierce battle.

The top ten emperors used Qi Qi to display their means to help their team win.

The battle quickly appeared high and low.

The big werewolf on the 7th Yinhuang lost the strongest leader, the cone array could not be maintained, and the venue was not wide enough, there was not enough room to move, lost the speed advantage, and the first battle in the battle.

Next, the six emperors, that is, Sun Hao's capable Yin Emperor, could not support it and fell to the center.

Among Sun Hao’s knowledge, several disciples came up with questions: "Master, are you?"

I can't beat some strategies. How did Sun Hao send it up so easily?

Sun Hao faintly said in his thoughts: "Look at it."

The Six Emperors were the newly arrived new emperors, and their strength was not good. Of course, the other emperors were completely unconcerned.

The five emperors with the property-free attributes were originally the most beaten and most hopeful for the final victory.

However, Sun Hao found that during the battle, several top-ranking Yinhuangs worked together to cooperate and eliminated the five-dead-sized big werewolf in the middle.

Excluding the biggest threat, regardless of the roar of the five emperors, the remaining Yin Emperor is fighting each other.

After a while, there were only fifteen scarred big werewolves left in the field.

Among them, the emperor's big werewolf has the most remnants, more than everyone's imagination, there are eight people, not showing mountains and water, occupying the biggest initiative on the field.

After Sun Hao’s observation, it was discovered that the Emperor’s great werewolf had a magical self-healing ability. As long as it was not valued, it was not a long time, but also a hero who was alive and kicking.

In a melee, this special ability of concealment has given the Emperor a huge advantage.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly moved, and when it was about to erupt, the expression on his face was another move.

In the second emperor's mouth, there is a word hand to the front.

In the middle, several murderers still in the middle of the battle suddenly discovered that the great werewolves who had already been defeated by the Second Emperor actually swayed into shackles and stood up again and joined the corps.

Soul Ginseng can be used, Sun Hao’s heart is moving, and he no longer keeps his hand. The right hand is a trick. The half-dead big werewolf who fell in the middle of the moment instantly turns into a ghost, flies up, joins the battle group, fights for the silver beads. .

Actually will be spiritualism? Will it be a ghost?

The Yin Emperor saw ten floating ghosts, and they bowed together. Above the sky, they were surprised and questioned, and an incredible idea appeared at the same time.

Sun Hao seems to hear someone say, "How is it possible? How is this possible? Directly summoning the ghost..."

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