Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2267: 9 Huang Jinzhu (2)

Sun Hao chose to play.

The sneaky body just fell into the tenth spiritual tomb, and the tidal smoldering rushed over to himself.

The tenth Yinhuang, who is resentful, is almost transparent in the air, a layer of ghosts, overlapping, snarling, roaring, and rushing over.

In this battle, Sun Hao needs to board the 10th Ling Tomb, so the battle environment is quite unfavorable.

Usually, the smarter Yin Emperor will choose the first way to expel the spiritual tomb, and he will have another powerful man in the future.

Sun Hao’s body swayed slightly, and the whole body seemed to have a layer of green light. Without fear, he rushed to the tenth emperor above the tomb.

Hee... The tenth emperor’s flying figures, the tens of thousands of people returning to the ancestors, slamming into Sun Hao, bursting out a series of noises.

Sun Hao’s sneaky body is like a spark.

The fluttering body was involuntarily hit and retreated.

The tomb of the spirit is like a piece of paper. It stands above the white clouds. The population of the tomb is at the bottom. Sun Hao’s attack is also in accordance with the rules, attacking from below.

The first move, Sun Hao failed to rush out, and was defeated by the tenth emperor ghost that was rushed down by two storms. He was knocked out of the tomb, as if he heard the sound and fell on the white clouds.

The knees were slightly bent, and Sun Hao showed his hands up, blocking the last few ghosts and looking up at the tenth emperor above the tomb.

A single blow to the merits, the tenth emperor gave a bad breath, and the air screamed and screamed, and Sun Hao seemed to hear this guy laughing.

Gently swinging his body, Sun Hao shook his head slightly, striding a span, and the body once again floated up and rushed into the tomb.

The Tenth Emperor concocted the law, swaying his body, rushing down a ghost, trying to intercept Sun Hao.

This time, Sun Hao is no longer passive defense, and the forward body is also slightly swayed, and the layers of ghosts rushed out without hesitation, and the air directly collided.

Different from the ghost of the Tenth Emperor, these shadows that Sun Hao rushed out, one by one, are all like the real Yin Emperor.

After rushing out, Sun Hao’s deity disappeared.

The other servants of the battle, Qi Qi, took a breath.

Which one is a split, they can't tell, feeling that each is the sixth emperor.

There is no doubt that the individual strength of the Sixth Emperor is likely to be stronger than everyone else.

One Emperor and the Second Emperor and the Three Emperors looked at each other and saw each other's deep taboos. It is no wonder that the Sixth Emperor has never been alive and has been practicing hard. Has he already unknowingly practiced to such a point?

Sun Hao rushed up.

Two waves of shadows collided on the tomb of the spirit, like two waves colliding together.

Hey, there was a loud noise on the tomb of the spirit, and the impact wave was scattered.

The Tenth Emperor had the blessing of the deity of the deity, and it occupied the advantage from top to bottom, but the impact of this wave of ghosts still completely fell to the disadvantage.

As the shadow of materialization, Sun Hao strongly rises against the trend and pushes the shadow of the Tenth Emperor to kill the past.

The Tenth Emperor screamed fiercely, and there was a tragic wave of thoughts on the top of the tomb: "Since you have to kill it, then we will all come to the same place, Laozi is dead, and will not make you better... ”

In the sound of the long whistle, the body of the Tenth Emperor exploded on the tomb of the spirit, and it was completely turned into a glazed rain to Sun Hao.

The light rain fell, and the tempered skin of Sun Hao could not be disturbed.

These light rains seem to have no substance, that is, a little bit of yin and suffocating, and it is impossible to say that they have entered Sun Haoxi's sneaky.

The dozens of ghosts that Sun Hao illusioned, suffered from the rain and rain, and instantly gathered into the body.

The light rain of the Tenth Emperor's self-explosion, completely all the land, did not leak at all, like a shadow, rushed into the body of Sun Hao.

The huge incomparable yin energy instantly burst into the sneaks of Sun Hao.

At the same time, in the thoughts of Sun Hao, there was a thought of the tenth emperor's crazy thoughts, which affected the entire team controlled by Sun Hao.

This is a very strange feeling.

The thoughts of the Tenth Emperor's thoughts are actually outsiders. They should be invaders and run into their own thoughts. They are absolutely uneasy.

But at the same time, Sun Hao is now, these thoughts are actually their own.

These ideas are all their own and not others.

A feeling of splitting consciousness of one's own consciousness, a feeling of ideology that is not controlled by oneself and that is biased.

It is ridiculous, but it is real.

In this way, it is like being infected with your own thoughts, or being poisoned, sick and suffering a huge adverse effect.

It is also like being a pure child. The original thought is very correct and very kind, but I have encountered a bad person. Under the guidance of this bad person, I have gradually changed myself, breeding many bad thoughts and producing many It should not be there.

The tenth emperor's self-destructive attack, the most difficult to resist, may be an attack in two directions.

The tenth emperor's thoughts and thoughts in Sun Hao's whole idea system, haha ​​laughed, and let Sun Hao understand the two difficulties he faced: "Ha ha ha, I want you to be poisoned, I want to smash your The body of yin, I want you to have nothing, all efforts are gone..."

This very unexpected change in thoughts should be thought poisoning.

The vaginal energy that is soaring inside the body should be the body that wants to explode.

In Sun Hao’s thoughts and thoughts, he said faintly: "The Tenth Emperor, do you want more? The area is yin, and you dare to rumor and blast my soul, it is a joke..."

After that, Sun Hao’s body was slightly shocked, and the pulse network was driven by the body.

The violent yin is incorporated into the network of branches, like mud cows entering the sea, without a trace.

In other words, Sun Hao’s network of branches is built from the roots of the building, and the meridians are broad and wide, and they have reached a height of self-containedness. Sun Hao’s Taikoo Leiyin, Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, Dao Tianji, Luo Pengfei often wanders around the veins of the network to improve his level of travel.

The Tenth Emperor has accumulated a lot of years of pure yin, although it is true, it is really difficult to hurt Sun Hao.

In the thoughts, the Tenth Emperor perceives that his pure yin has completely disappeared, and suddenly he has an incredible thought: "How is it possible, how did you do it? Impossible, the same is the body of the Yin Emperor, how can the gap So big?"

Sun Hao said faintly: "Fireflies can compete with Haoyue, do you want more?"

After saying this, Sun Hao said faintly: "And, this so-called poison of thought, for me, it is just a pediatrics, you, the tenth emperor, from the skin to the bones, from the Yin Emperor The sense of your mind will be completely my nutrient."

The Tenth Emperor slightly groaned, and then roared again: "Come on, come, you bite I am the poison of your thoughts, have you bit me?"

Sun Hao sighed slightly: "There is a biggest trap in the consciousness of the inheritance of the Yin Emperor. Do you want to know?"

The Tenth Emperor gave a glimpse: "What trap? How can our great Yinhuang family have traps?"

Sun Hao sighs again: "It’s really ignorant and fearless. Let’s talk to you. In the Battle of the Yin Emperor, every time the Yin Emperor faces life and death, he will get the inheritance of your current offensive state. Are you saying?"

The tenth emperor stayed for a while.

Sun Hao said with no mercy: "This is a trap. The basic use of your trick is to break up your own pure energy and turn it into absorbable nutrients. For my use, the battle of the Emperor, Perhaps the ultimate goal is to create an invincible Yin Emperor, that is, the soul ancestor, the defeated, the end is from the yin to the thoughts, completely absorbed by the winners..."

It makes sense, it makes sense!

The Tenth Emperor feels that the battle of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Yin Dynasty is to shape the soul ancestors. Now, I am afraid that I am really falling into the trap and becoming the nutrients of the other side.

I think so in my heart!

Sun Hao said faintly: "Old ten, do you know what your current state of accuracy is?"

The Tenth Emperor hesitated: "I don't know, I should be the toxin in your thoughts now, so that you can't live peacefully?"

Sun Hao said coldly: "Wrong, big mistake and special mistake, you are now, precisely, a ball of skill inheritance, I just didn't digest you, so you still have some awareness, don't believe you. Your own current state, at this time, you are a passing light group, waiting for my digestion..."

The Tenth Emperor couldn't help but look at himself. Sure enough, he has now become a lighthouse, and inside the light group, it is suddenly a message of his own skills. 8

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