Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2268: 9 Huang Jinzhu (3)

What is the poison of thought?

It is only the will of the Tenth Emperor, with unwilling will, consciously pulling himself, going to hate, and fighting.

In theory, this is just a little bit of cranky thinking.

If Sun Hao is just an ordinary Yin Emperor, in the face of this situation, he will certainly be a little overwhelmed, and will certainly try his best to annihilate this alien abnormal thought.

But who is Sun Hao?

Sun Hao is a combination of cultivation of the heart of the mind, and the perfection of the spirit of the heart, to deal with this situation, Sun Hao has a better choice, a better way.

Without a big fight against the remnants of the Tenth Emperor in consciousness, Sun Hao had a few special thoughts and immediately let the Tenth Emperor be completely deflected.

Under the guidance of Sun Hao, the Tenth Emperor from an unwilling, one-mindedly wants to be embarrassed with Sun Hao, bent on a remnant idea of ​​a battle with Sun Hao, transformed into the most powerful mission of the Tenth Emperor.

He is still convinced of his own!

Well, Sun Hao is a bit bullying the feeling of a small basin friend.

The gods know that a powerful thought has surged in the past, and Sun Hao took the opportunity to begin to digest the inheritance of the instinct left by the Tenth Emperor.

The inheritance of the Yinhuang instinct left by the Tenth Emperor is actually a gathering of souls. This kind of soul-souling theory does not help Sun Hao in theory, because this is the inherent magical skill of Sun Hao.

However, when Sun Hao drove his thoughts and digested this inheritance, his heart felt a strange feeling.

That is, with his own digestion, his own inherent magical skills have actually changed, and one has been strengthened.

This kind of heritage light group can actually produce a superposition effect?

This is another strange phenomenon that Sun Hao did not think of. The body of the ghost is really different. The life can be superimposed and strengthened.

This is a different place from Sun Hao's other sacred magical powers.

Sun Hao's other sacred magical powers can be enhanced with the improvement of Sun Hao's practice, but it is difficult to have the basic enhancement of the ghost.

I don't know if my Soul Ghost will get any magical effect after this enhancement.

When Sun Hao digested the last remaining remnant of the Tenth Emperor, he was very surprised to feel his two thoughts of ridicule.

One thought, the Tenth Emperor is still thinking at this time, after the end, the self-destructive attack will actually be a trap, and I don’t know if they can see through the Nine Brothers. Will they be as stupid as I am?

Another thought, this is also good, as a Yin Emperor, he can contribute to the birth of the soul ancestor, but also contribute to the last force of the ghost family.

After feeling the last two thoughts of the Emperor, Sun Hao suddenly felt that it was very possible that he had just made a fuss about the tenth emperor's conviction and arrogance, and it was really the purpose of the ghost.

The trap can't be talked about, but it is probably an important way for the ghost to accumulate tribal strength and generate the soul ancestors.

Sun Hao learned from Miha, that among the undead gods, there are already eight undead kings, and they are eight ancestors.

Among the nine undead races of the undead domain, so far, the ghost family has not been able to give birth to the soul ancestor, and is in the most vulnerable position.

According to Miha, it is the undead domain, the soul ancestors are the rarest, rarely exist in the world.

According to legend, in the age of ancient times, the ghosts were not infertile races, and their sorting reached the highest level. The name at that time was also called "the soul family", not the ghost family.

However, because of the rarity of the soul ancestors, it created the decline of the soul family, and gradually became the next three in the undead domain.

Now, under the coincidence of Sun Hao, the incarnation of the Six Emperors participated in this battle of the soul, and finally understood the reason why the soul ancestors are hard to appear.

The emergence of the soul ancestors is not a cultivation that can be cultivated, but must go through the current battle of the soul.

Such a battle of the soul, if not the emergence of the celestial arrogance, any of the Yinhuang may be difficult to successfully win?

If it weren't for Sun Hao, would it be possible to block the siege of other Yin Emperors with less than 200,000 subordinates of each Yin Emperor?

If not Sun Hao, can you kill other spiritual tombs and kill other Yinhuang?

The soul ancestors, the difficulty of birth may not be really big.

Sun Hao sighed slightly and digested the tenth emperor's income.

The eyes swayed on the tenth spiritual tomb, floating up and flying upwards.

At the top of the Tenth Spirit Tomb, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that the place where the Tenth Emperor had just disappeared appeared a bead with a faint golden light.

I saw the beads again!

In the front, Sun Hao defeated the other yin dynasty, and after completing the mission of the cemetery, he also got two beads, but they were all silver beads.

After the two silver beads were digested by Sun Hao, they got two different yin dynasties, one of which was tempered skin, and the other was the Emperor's technique, which is the soul of Sun Hao's sorrow. A unique spell.

However, Sun Hao felt that these spells of the Emperor's spells were much weaker than their own magical effects.

Now, defeating the Tenth Emperor, you will get a gold bead.

I don't know what effect this Yinhuangjinzhu will have. According to the conventional understanding, Jinzhu should be stronger than silver beads.

Sun Hao smiled and put away the golden beads.

At the moment of getting the gold beads, Sun Hao instantly understood the use of Jinzhu, and also instantly obtained the jurisdiction of the Tenth Ling Tomb.

The tomb of the tomb did not give Sun Hao the victory, what will be gained.

The facts, as Sun Hao expected, to win something better than expulsion, is more useful to a Yin Emperor.

When Sun Hao stood on the tenth spiritual tomb, he realized in his heart that the seizure of the spiritual tomb may be the only correct way to truly become the soul ancestors.

The role of Jinzhu is to ascend.

The overall improvement of the ability of the Yin Emperor, the effect does not seem to be large, showing that the promotion is about 10%.

But think about it is the improvement of the basic quality, rather than the improvement of the level, this effect is very scary.

Just like repairing a house, this is a fundamental improvement, not a simple one to build up a building. This is enough to allow Sun Hao to go further and get better.

To put it simply, if Sun Hao can win the Jiuhuang Jinzhu, then in the future, Sun Hao’s sinister body and Sun Hao’s sneaky spirit will be able to get rid of the relatively weak position in one fell swoop. In one fell swoop, it reached the height and level of the Dapeng garuda.

Jinzhu also has a second use, which is related to the Tenth Ling Tomb.

If Sun Hao is willing, he can give the Golden Pearl to his subordinates.

There are two functions, one of which is to greatly strengthen the subordinate quality, so that the subordinates' cultivation is rapidly improved, not the improvement of the foundation, but the improvement of cultivation; the second is the effect of enslavement.

That is, Sun Hao chose the first kind of effect to deal with the spiritual The difference is in the first choice, the slave is the original tenth emperor, but now, you can choose your own subordinates, Let it be its own slavery.

The second option is really a positive solution. After the completion, it covers all of the first choice.

The gold beads were clenched in the hands, and Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile.

Jinzhu’s second use has no effect on Sun Hao, but it is to strengthen itself, but Sun Hao is very hopeful.

Standing on the tomb of the tomb, after Sun Hao thought a little, he waved to Xuanyuan, who was stationed in the sixth spiritual tomb, and signaled her to come.

After the arrival of the party, Sun Hao knows what to do, and the tenth spiritual tomb is hung in her name.

Xuanyuan incarnates the tenth Yin Emperor and sits on the tenth spiritual tomb.

The 20,000 genres of her department also came to fly and settled in the Tomb of the Tenth Spirit.

Sun Hao nodded slightly to her, whispered a few words, floated up, and fell in front of his own big team, looking at the ninth Yinhuang.

The Ninth Emperor must be angry with Zhang, and he screams and screams, and he is unwilling to die.

Sun Hao waved gently, and Xuanyuan Xiaolong led the team and killed the tomb of the ninth emperor.

The strength of the Ninth Emperor itself is almost the same as that of the Tenth Emperor. In order to mobilize the Tenth Emperor, it also lost half of its strength. At this time, facing the attack of Xuanyuan Xiaolong, it seems to have no resistance.

Less than half an hour, the ghost of the Ninth Emperor has been cleared by Xuanyuan Xiaolong.

Sun Hao has been promoted and can open the battle of the Yin Emperor.

Sun Hao grew up and rushed up. In less than a quarter of an hour, the Ninth Emperor was defeated by Sun Hao. Before the defeat, the Ninth Emperor, as Sun Hao expected, generally blew himself up.

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