Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2269: The birth of the soul ancestors

What is the biggest weakness of the Emperor?

Sun Hao feels that it is actually a matter of insight and wisdom.

The competition among the undead domain is fierce. In the process of growing up, the Yin Emperor will encounter various competitions. It must be killed from the numerous Yin Emperors and finally stand at the apex of the Yin Emperor's pyramid.

This process of competition is full of cruelty, and the one step is only bad, and it may be overwhelmed. Therefore, every Yin Emperor will be cautious and will instinctively seek to avoid disadvantages.

The seemingly cruel competition environment, in fact, has one of the biggest problems, that is, such competition is more of the killing of red fruit, more of a comparison of strength, and there are few intrigues in the middle.

In the process of the confrontation between the Yin and the Emperor, the most dependent is really its own ability.

When it comes to insights and knowledge, those who are stunned by the Yinhuang can’t catch up with Sun Hao.

The defeat of the Ninth Emperor, like the Tenth Emperor, was dispelled by Sun Hao in a few words, and eventually turned into Sun Hao’s nutrients.

The pure yin-cold attribute yin rushes into the branch of Sun Hao's veins and becomes an important nutrient to enhance the level of Sun Hao's practice.

The will of the Ninth Emperor, there was no suspense to be led by Sun Hao, and turned into a light group.

However, what makes Sun Hao more confused is that the ninth yin dynasty gave the light group, which is actually a "gathering soul" technique.

Still coming to gather souls?

Sun Hao feels that his soul-splitting technique has been strengthened.

There are no other creatures in the eyes to let Sun Hao experiment, and Sun Hao wants to know what kind of magical changes will happen to his own soul-souling after two enhancements.

Moreover, Sun Hao also wants to know, if he annihilates the nine major emperors, will he inherit a soul-splitting technique to himself, and if so, to what extent will his own soul-souling be powerful?

With doubts and doubts, Sun Hao found a golden pearl on the ninth tomb.

At the same time, Sun Hao also won the dominance of the ninth spiritual tomb.

Only this time, Sun Hao did not immediately assign the ninth spiritual tomb to the disciple, but waved his hand and commanded his troops to attack the Seventh Emperor.

The nine major emperors, the ninth and tenth are a camp.

The fifth and seventh are a camp, the first and fourth are a camp, the second, third and eighth are a camp, and the rest, the ninth and tenth have been destroyed by Sun Hao.

The strength of the first three major emperors is significantly higher than that of other Yinhuang.

Sun Hao did not move their camp for the time being, and placed the direction of the attack on the seventh emperor.

The Fifth Emperor did not send reinforcements.

The Seventh Emperor fought alone, but compared to the ninth and tenth, the Seventh Emperor played more tenaciously.

The Seventh Emperor's troops were extremely fast and agile. The Xuanyuan Dragon King spent a day and a night, which completely destroyed the Seventh Emperor's troops and entered the Emperor mode.

The individual strength of the Seventh Emperor was much stronger than that of the Ninth Tenth Emperor. Sun Hao spent an hour, which completely defeated it.

After the defeat, before Sun Hao robbed Jinzhu, the Seventh Emperor also made the same choice, blew the vaginal body, and would rather not let Sun Hao be better.

Digesting the Seventh Emperor, Sun Hao has received a reinforcement.

This is the third time to strengthen the soul-splitting technique. Sun Hao does not know what effect this kind of reinforcement will eventually achieve, nor how many times it needs to be strengthened before it is completed.

Sun Hao can be sure that the three annihilated yin dynasty should not have learned to gather souls. Then, after destroying the three yin dynasties, they will be strengthened by the sorcerer. The symbolic meaning is worthy of scrutiny.

After the accumulation of Soul Art, what effect will it be?

The biggest effect may be that the creature level that appears when the soul gathers will increase. As far as Sun Hao knows, the hero Hedewei recruited himself seems to be able to gather souls out of the undead soul.

It seems that in the battle world, the many deaths that he encountered were the masterpieces of Anderville.

At that time, many of the gods of death were regarded as the pure nutrients of the soul, and they had a very rare effect on their own soul.

So is it true that with the advancement of your own soul-souling, the level of creatures that can gather souls will also change?

Still put the seventh spiritual tomb aside, Sun Hao launched the troops and launched an attack on the Fifth Emperor.

The ability of the Fifth Emperor is very powerful and has a rare property-free nature.

The arrow of yin sent by Sun Hao’s long-range troops was also judged as a physical attack and was ineffective against the Five Emperors.

Xuanyuan Xiaolong had to lead the team to kill the fifth spiritual tomb and launched a strong attack.

The battle lasted for a whole month, and Xuanyuan Xiaolong paid the price of a full 40,000 ghost warrior, which took all the troops of the fifth Yinhuang.

This is also the biggest loss after Xuanyuan Xiaolong began to encircle the Yinhuang Department.

You must know that the elite emperor of the Five Emperors is only about 20,000. After the First World War, the actual loss of the Xuanyuan Xiaolong troops was even greater, and the battle was doubled. This was the ultimate victory.

Sun Hao saw that many times, Xuanyuan Xiaolong drove the team to the fifth spiritual tomb, but many times, it was strongly suppressed by the troops on the fifth spiritual tomb.

Losses are inevitable.

The Yin Emperor is not all soft persimmons. If Sun Hao has no special means, it is really impossible to eat all the Emperor.

Xuanyuan Xiaolong won, and as usual led the troops to withdraw from the Fifth Spirit tomb, ready to let Sun Hao go up to the state of the Emperor.

Sun Hao came flying in the air, one hand in the air, a huge white gimmick appeared on the top of the Xuanyuan Xiaolong team. After the squeaking and squeaking sound, among the Xuanyuan Xiaolong’s team, the full 20,000 ghosts stood up again. .

Did you kill 20,000?

Sun Hao’s heart is not too surprised, not right! How can this happen?

Sun Hao destroyed three emperors and got three gold beads. According to the truth, the degree of self-improvement is only 30%.

According to the ability of 30% to calculate, the ghost that can kill himself should be more than 13,000, but now, how suddenly doubled?

This is another huge accident that Sun Hao did not think of.

How did the extra lethal effect come from?

Sun Hao feels that he doesn't understand a bit. Perhaps, Jinzhu's blessing has another mystery, or else, the three times that he has been strengthened before and after, has a hidden ability that he also unexpectedly.

I don't know what the situation is. Sun Hao thinks that this is a good thing. It is not a good reason why Sun Hao has thrown a death to death and completely restored the army led by Xuanyuan Xiaolong.

After finishing all this, Sun Hao personally rushed up and killed the fifth emperor.

On the fifth spiritual tomb, Sun Hao and the Fifth Emperor launched a fierce battle.

Among the secret tombs of the tomb, several other evil emperors saw the magical effect of Sun Hao’s death, and they were still in a state of semi-sluggishness.

The Six Emperors are too strong to marry some!

I don't know what kind of opportunity the Six Emperors got, and they were able to kill 20,000 ghosts. This ability is used in confrontation. Who is the opponent?

In fact, Hao is not particularly easy to fight the five emperors.

The Fifth Spirit Tomb has a great blessing on the ability of the Five Emperors.

The special environment of Ling Tomb has a great suppression effect on Sun Hao's other means. Sun Hao can use it, mainly because of the special ability of the ghost.

The five emperors have the ability to avoid things, but also the ability to strengthen the claws, can break the tempered skin of Sun Hao, the two men fight, the five emperors are enough to form a weak injury to Sun Hao.

Fortunately, Sun Hao’s other abilities may not be displayed, but the effect of the sacred gods is still there. Sun Hao’s scorpion’s body has a self-healing sacred effect. Combined with tempered skin, he gets the tomb. The five royals of the blessings are equal.

This kind of battle lasted for more than a month, and Sun Hao made a decisive victory, and dug out the heart of the fifth emperor, and also a pair of eyes.

The core of the ghost is the eyeball. When Sun Hao encountered the ghost that almost frozen himself in the killing palace, he already had a deep understanding.

This rule is still useful today.

The five emperors' eyes were dug out, and their strength was greatly reduced. At the last moment, the Five Emperors also walked the old roads of the three former emperors, and they were not willing to blew themselves.

Sun Hao can be sure that this may be a trap in the inheritance of the ghost, or in the inheritance of the ghost, for the kind of ghosts that are not willing to grieve and set a kind of breaking themselves, become a kind of inheritance of nutrients.

Such inheritance, such a chance, Sun Hao smiled.

According to the single receipt.

The Fifth Emperor was not spared and became part of Sun Hao's heritage. This time, Sun Hao finally did not have to gather souls again. The Fifth Emperor passed down and became a tempered skin.

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