Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2278: Confused God

Sun Hao ordered a city of death and popped up a series of quotes about the latest news. When I saw the names of these messages, Sun Hao suddenly looked at her eyes and thought: "No, is there something wrong? How could this be? ?"

There is a lot of intelligence in the city of death. ?

One of the most popular intelligence in the wizard house.

Sun Hao took a few clicks and saw the big name of the news.

The one that has received the most attention and sold the most: "Zuozu recruits a son-in-law, pre-married Princess Miha."

The problem of the ancestors of the ancestors is not big!

Pre-married Princess Miha is a bit problematic.

In other words, the ancestors did not know, is Miha already his own Taoist?

How do you still release the wind now, to recruit a woman, marry Miha?

This is not to plug yourself.

Moreover, Sun Hao dares to bet that Miha himself must not know about it now.

Because Sun Hao knows that Miha has been practicing in retreats for many years, even if she is connected with her spirit, she rarely communicates with her, let alone the monks outside.

Then Sun Hao can easily know that Miha does not know that his father wants to recruit a son-in-law. She is still practicing.

The ancestors recruited the son-in-law, a bit wishful thinking.

It is quite possible that the ancestors did not see Miha, and made such a decision unilaterally, and Miha was likely to be busy at the time and did not have time to pay attention to such a thing, so he gave birth to such an oolong incident.

Then the question came, Miha, if he was unknowingly married by his confused father, then the joke was big.

Sun Hao rushed to the thought of crying and laughing.

Do you want to wake up Miha and tell her about it?

But look at the number of readings of intelligence, Sun Hao suddenly heads like a cow, good guys, a lot of monks read this information, a lot of monks are tempted, want to become the son-in-law of the undead king, I hope to step into the sky!

Look at the melons and cracks in the wizard's hut, Sun Haoxin said, you guys, want to get Miha's favor? I think that we should give up.

Didn't alarm Miha, Sun Hao opened the information to see what was going on.

The opening of the information said: "There is no death **** domain, the nine emperors are present, the world is in a big position, and the long-term must be combined. Now the zombie is the heart of the reunion, pre-caught marrying a woman, looking for a daughter for Miha..."

Next, it is the description of Miha.

Miha is definitely a big beauty in the undead domain. Needless to say, in the middle of the devil, if Miha is the kind of zombie face, how can Sun Hao not produce anything for her? Good feeling.

This introduction, a few sweeps of grass, nothing more than the national color of the heavens, a smile, such as the city, and the level of the beauty of the monks to evaluate the beauty.

The last paragraph is the relevant conditions for the ancestors to recruit the son-in-law.

Not limited to race, charging registration fees, recruiting relatives, little girls, and my family of ten new recruits at the same time recruiting ... welcome all ethnic warriors to register, as long as you dare to appear, maybe not to win, you can get big The chance.

Seeing these conditions, and the way of this selection, Sun Hao’s face showed a bitter smile. Isn’t the ancestors a chance to collect money?

Charge the registration fee!

It is no wonder that I saw a lot of monks on the road. The number of undead monks in the wizard house is now a lot. Together, they all came to hear the news and ran to try their luck.

Sun Hao saw that the information of the Taoist priest shook his head. At the same time, Dao Tianji said in his heart: "Agarwood, this should be the side effect of the nine crowns at the same time. In my opinion, the ancestors hope to be daughters. For the bait, recruit the right disciples of other races, marry each other, and advance and retreat together. The purpose may be the crown of undead."

One drink, one is the first.

I did not expect that I won the crown of the ghost, and after the nine crowns are present, I will be greeted with such a situation of laughter and laughter.

Sun Hao nodded, and said to the heavenly machine in his heart: "Well, it is very likely that the predecessors said it well. The idea of ​​the ancestors may be this. The niece may be just a gimmick. His purpose should be to win allies through marriage. ""

Luo Pengfei came out and said: "I think, you think too much, that kid is estimated that the biggest goal is to make money. This guy is very good at making money, not only for registration fees, but also so many monks. Into the city of death, living and spending in their holy city, when they will earn a lot of money..."

Sun Hao saw it. It is estimated that when Luo Pengfei was alive, he was a master who liked to collect money.

Things are already here.

Regardless of whether he is willing or not, the action of the undead ancestors has already begun. This guy has to throw his daughter out as a bait for his own big things, and Sun Hao is also serving.

In this case, Sun Hao can only sign up for the name. At that time, he ran to the stage and walked around the scene. When Miha woke up, he would have to choose himself.

Presumably, the ancestors did not die, but they did not overbear to directly confuse the scores, and gave the Miha's Taoist priests a direct decision.

If you really want that, you have to run away with Miha. Once you run away, you will be a big joke in the undead domain.

Sun Hao saw the first intelligence and raised his head.

Almost at the same time, Nawei also raised her own head.

The movements of the two men were almost identical, and they could not help but squat.

Nawei’s thoughts came over: “Brothers are really for the Princess Miha. It’s not bad. Everyone is a like-minded friend.”

Sun Hao is a bit ridiculous, but he has no choice but to respond: "Nature, this time the young monks who came to the city of death are estimated to be this purpose. Let's go, we also put the name on it, and it is good to enter the city of death first. ”

Nawei said: "Brother, don't look at you as a rare ghost hero. There is really no chance."

Sun Hao asked very unexpectedly: "Why do you say that? It is not necessarily true!"

Nawei laughed: "For example, we have two contrasts. I am the most handsome and handsome in the monk, and you are estimated to be a common ghost. There is a gap in itself. Plus, what the prince said is also awkward. There is a status and status among the monks, and you..."

Nawei feels good about herself for a long time, and Sun Hao understands it.

The basic theory of this guy is a word. The Ghosts of the Ghosts are currently among the lowest in the nine races of the Undead. They are the most unrecognizable. Even if Sun Hao is a hero of the Ghost, it is estimated that he will not receive too much attention. The city of immortality is purely soy sauce and join in the fun.

Sun Hao wants to tell this guy I am the real true man, the real Taoist princess who recruits the female Miha, others, including you, the self-feeling 骷髅 shelf, have to Stand by.

In the end, Sun Hao shrugged and said: "Who knows? Maybe people will see my bones novel, talent is outstanding, and received it?"

Nawei’s head was shaken and thought: “There is no possibility, but the women around the princess who are recruiting the female niece together, it is really possible to choose a ghost body, so it’s good to try it, just in case. Being rehabilitated by a woman is also a blessing."

He said that he is not dying, he is quite savvy.

Just for the registration fee, it is estimated that he will not make less money.

It is said that Sun Hao, if it enters the city of death according to the normal state, it is not a lot of money to be included in the city.

But this time, Sun Hao’s resources for running to register are more than five times more than when he entered the city in normal conditions.

Of course, this way of entering the city of death is also good, relatively speaking, the review is much easier.

Sun Hao still changed his name to Yin Xiaohao. Together with Nawei, he completed the registration at the agent's house in the wizard's cabin and got a pass.

The wizard wears the outpost of the border, which is the important defense site of the ghost road into the zombie territory.

At the same time of getting a pass, it is actually the same information that is registered in the special information channel of the undead city. Once there is something wrong, there are many ways to estimate the city of immortality. The huge fortress that is guarded by the money will be released soon.

Sun Hao holds the pass and still passes with Nawei, and really enters the scope of the zombie collar. He still goes through the ghost road and follows the guidance of the spirit card to the city of death. 8

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