Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2279: The most colorful ghost

Drilled out of the ghost road, into the city of death, looked up and saw a huge tomb standing on both sides of the spacious street.

Seriously, every big tomb is actually a huge building. The building is facing the street. There are two feet wide and the ladder extending upwards. At every distance, there is a horizontal crossing around the building to the left and right.

The entire building is divided into many levels by these crossings.

The city of death is very large, and the avenues are connected like a spider web. Each grid of the cobweb is a huge tomb-like building, each building is divided into many layers.

On each floor, the unique buildings of the Undead City were built, neatly arranged one by one, but the size is not very consistent. There is a tombstone hanging in front of the small tomb.

To be honest, Sun Hao saw this architectural style of the Undead City, and his heart was not very comfortable.

The city seems to be a truly huge graveyard.

When I came to the city of death, Sun Hao really felt the prosperity of what is called undead. Here, Sun Hao looked up and found many scenes that were enough for ordinary people to have nightmares.

The two seem to be female zombies, their hands stretched straight and jumped from the street.

Soon, a zombie stopped under a grave, and his legs were alive and kicking. On the other side of her, another zombie was coming and going. The two seemed to be bargaining!

Half a day later, a piece of unidentified meat that looked like **** black lacquer was sold.

This is quite pleasing to the eye.

Sun Hao also saw a zombie and a bargain for bargaining. The goods that were bought and sold were some locusts that jumped and jumped in the scorpion!

Ok, Sun Hao feels a little flustered.

The more you cultivate, the more you know, the more you know, the more places you run. There are many things, whether you want to see it or not, he will eventually appear in front of you.

To be honest!

Tell the truth!

Sun Hao thinks of a huge problem, and does not know if Miha has any special hobbies. If Miha also likes to eat some living things in the realm of the gods, does Sun Hao really know that he can see it?

But seriously, I think that when she was with Miha, she was all normal, except for a little stubborn, but it was no different from her other women.

While thinking about it, Sun Hao, along with Nawei, took his own spiritual card and ran to report.

On the spirit cards of the two, they have a special number. If they want to become a candidate for the prince, they must go to the city of death and report in the direction of the spirit.

If they are not reported for more than a certain period of time, the two will be wanted by the guards of the city of death. Once caught, the lighter will drive out of the city of death, and the heavy ones will directly kill the spot.

With the spirit of the guidelines, the two did not have much effort, they found a special place to receive outstanding disciples of all ethnic groups, registered in the case, it is the temporary residence qualification of the city of death and the qualification to participate in the Hummer campaign.

A jealousy, a ghost.

The zombies who received the two did not really put these two guys in the eye.

Among the undead gods, the nine races, at present, the lowest rankings are precisely the three races of jealousy, zombies and ghosts.

Among the three races, the lowest status is 骷髅, the real cannon fodder of the undead domain is 骷髅, the greatest feature of this race may be a large number, equivalent to the mortal among the people.

Among the three tribes, the status of the zombies is the highest. Not only are the ancestors dead, but there are also many golden hairs and silver stagnations. The high-level strengths are strong, and the bottom zombies are proud.

Especially the zombies in the city of death, consciously not the Zhuang ethnic group is not good, the dead family of the city of death alone, can be ranked as the top undead.

Now I see a cockroach and a ghost, but also want to eat swan meat, whimsical is quite a slap in the face, naturally there is no good face.

After smashing the zombie face and giving a serious warning to the two self-imposed guys, the zombie said: "My little princess is not a good devil. If you want to enter the little princess's sight, you must first have the most basic qualifications. There is a potential test behind, you have to try it, only after passing the test, can you have the basic qualification to stay in the VIP."

The zombie face is not waiting to see yourself.

Sun Hao did not care about him. It is normal for such a devil not to know the goods. Sun Hao is looking for Miha to do things. Miha has not yet woke up, and he will not run to recognize Hummer.

It doesn't matter if you can pass the primary election. As long as you don't make a big leak, you can stay in the city of death. When Miha wakes up, everything is fine.

This potential test, take part in yourself, presumably to use your own cultivation as the strength, as well as the soul of the soul that you have developed, and to talk about the potential, you will be able to brighten the eyes of these zombie faces.

A glimpse, a ghost!

Two new undead monks ran to test their potential.

Many zombie faces are coming to see the fun.

From the outside, the tombs are not very large. After coming in, Sun Hao discovered that the building space inside is very wide. Every huge tomb building is actually a small sub-city, floating with the monks. It is a fairy mountain.

Different from the upward development of the Wanzu monks floating in Xianshan, these gravel buildings extend downwards and go deep into the ground. I don't know how wide the building area will be.

The huge tomb building should have a weak gathering effect. The concentration of the Yin spirit in the whole building is very high, and the feeling of shadyness is chilling.

The test potential is not limited, but the zombie face that comes with them feels that the two may not pass the first level.

Walking into a hall-like building, the zombie face pointed to a painting in front of it: "Go, both of them feel it and see if you have any understanding of this painting."

Sun Hao and Nawei went over.

Nawei’s head turned and sent thoughts: “My potential is the best in the world, my brother, or I will come first.”

Sun Hao had no objection and nodded.

The first place in the world is not to say it, but to measure it. After the meeting, Nawei should not be too disappointed.

Nawei extended her hands and pressed the picture.

After touching Nawei's hands, it turned out to be a white paper, and suddenly it moved. On the white paper, there was a fresh and elegant ink landscape.

There are two colors in the painting, like the undead domain, black and white, the mountains and water in the painting, the color matching is quite reasonable. When the picture is finally formed, a gazebo appears between the mountains, and a white 骷髅 shelf is covered with a black. The cloak, holding the other frame in the hand, standing in the pavilion, as if looking at the distant mountains.

Inside the hall, the highest level is like the main examiner's zombies. The face is slightly better. However, the yin and yang are alternate, the yin and yang are balanced, and the mind is pure. This potential test is the first You are over .

Nawei looked at Sun Hao, and Chong Sunhao gave a fist!

Sun Hao nodded lightly, drifting away, and flew past this strange painting.

With his hands stretched out, Sun Hao was like Nawei, and his hands were on the painting.

I don't know why, when Sun Hao's hands were on the painting, the heart suddenly burst into a different general mind, unconsciously, and the mind actually remembered his own confidante.

The beautiful face looks like it is flying from your own eyes.

This is a very strange painting, there is no attack power, but it seems to be able to judge Sun Hao's feelings about the opposite sex, and quickly let Sun Hao recall his own Taoists.

And almost at the same time Sun Hao remembered his own Taoist.

The painting in front of Sun Hao has also begun to change.

From the perspective of the quality of the picture, Sun Hao’s painting is not limited to the eight streets.

Sun Hao's painting is a real travel picture of a lady. In the painting, a group of national fairy scented from the colorful flowers, floating, eyebrows, and smiling.

Just when Sun Hao feels good about himself, he feels that his color painting is better than Nawei.

The zombie face responsible for the test has already said: "What a mess, you are a ghost, how can there be so many heterosexuals, how many of you have a room, and actually come to join in the fun, you are sincere Let's go!"

Sun Hao was a little embarrassed, but immediately understood that this strange painting can perceive the number of monks in the monk, I am afraid that it is really a little more, the color color is estimated to make these guys quite unexpected.

Thinking quickly, Sun Hao asked casually: "How? Is there a rule that many people can't come?"

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