Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2280: Most costly ghost

The second and the second chapter of the most costly ghost

The face of the zombie is even more ugly. After half a ring, he swears: "You count!"

The ancestors recruited the daughter-in-law and married the princess.

That is to find a Taoist for his baby daughter.

Among the undead domain, each race is a fairly strange race with different body structures.

To say that you are a singer, you must naturally have some special conditions.

The zombie's assessment potential, which is straightforward, is to see if the monk has the basic qualification to become a Taoist.

For example, this first level, this strange painting, in fact, tests whether the undead monk has the idea of ​​a Taoist, and does not know what the Taoist is doing.

The characteristics of the various races of the Undead are very prominent.

Among them, there is one thing in common, that is, how to divide the male and female, and many undead monks have been born for a long time without any concept of yin and yang.

What does that mean!

That is, these monks actually do not know what is a Taoist, what is yin and yang, and what is a double repair.

The first test of potential test, the guy, must be removed, is not knowing what is the Taoist, purely admiring the rigid ancestors, running to hold the thigh of the monk.

Not to mention that many of the monks who came to participate in the election of the son-in-law had fallen to the first level.

Most of the fallen monks are mainly zombies, skeletons and ghosts.

This is also the reason why the zombie face of the main test is not very optimistic about Sun Hao and Nawei can feel.

Who knows, the results of the test are really ridiculous.

骷髅 is still normal, knowing what the Taoist is going to do, should also be able to understand the spirit of double repair, which can be seen, this gimmick should be some.

What really makes the zombie faces laugh and cry is the performance of the ghost.

Good guys, most of the monks who came to the elections had a little understanding of the Taoist, and this one, there were no fewer than ten friends, and a good painting was actually turned into a lady figure!

The zombie face is also drunk!

This is really the ghost that he saw in his life, the most "playboy".

In the ghost, there are so many beautiful women?

This strange ghost is too funny!

Well, not only do you know what the Taoist is, but you are also a master.

Although very reluctant to admit, but also despise this wonderful ghost, but the zombie face has to admit that the ghost in front of it has indeed reached the basic potential requirements.

After the zombie face reluctantly announced that Sun Hao had passed the customs, he began to ponder what needs to be done to make this nasty guy retreat.

Once Micha knew that she had found a **** ghost for her, it is estimated that her good days will come to an end.

The first time I met such a wonderful ghost.

Sun Hao is also speechless. He is not a real bone shelf, nor a rigid zombie. He has practiced for many years and has a long-lived monk. He has experienced a lot of things in his life.

In my own age, in the human race, it is quite a good self-satisfaction, and there are few monks with no one.

However, after this undead domain, it instantly became a playboy, oh no, it became a flower ghost!

It’s really a bit of a dull feeling.

Zombie face, those zombie faces look at their own eyes, it is a weird.

It’s Nave, look at myself, it’s called worship! It is estimated that this little sister is also the first time to see such a fun ghost!

Sun Hao said that he is a bit konjac!

I hope that the so-called potential test of the zombies will be normal. Don't continue to be so wonderful.

A zombie face with a constipated expression brings Sun Hao and Nawei into the second hall and continues the second potential test.

After entering the hall, the leading zombie face ran to communicate with the zombie face inside to take the idea wave.

Sun Hao cried and smiled with his heart, and said the zombie who brought him over: "Dude, you have to eliminate the ghost, and raise the difficulty of testing. You don't know, the guy actually made a colorful." Lady figure, typical color ghost, don't let him have too many opportunities to enter the next level..."

The second level of the test zombie face is somewhat principled: "Brother, not to help you, I have to adhere to my own principles."

The first exam: "Brother, can your thoughts be less rigid?"

The second test: "I don't think that the rigidity is not a zombie. If you get it, you will put him over. I want you to be a shield for you, no way!"

The first exam: "Three thousand meat!"

The second pass exam: "Forget it, don't want to take this to seduce..."

The first exam: "Five, I know that you are cloth five, there are no five pieces of meat, one will not help, now, I take five heads!"

The second test: "The transaction, I doubled the difficulty of his test. Once he can't get through, he will brush him down."

Sun Hao is very speechless, and many bad habits, whether it is a monk or a monk, is a virtue.

These two guys actually hit the idea on my body, forget it, don't have a general knowledge of them, even if the difficulty is raised, with their own accumulation, there should be no problem.

The second off test begins.

The test method is very simple. Inside a special house, the tester goes in and judges the potential according to the time he can spend in the house.

There were quite a few special houses for testing. Sun Hao and Nawei each entered the house and started testing.

I don't know what kind of feelings Nawei will feel when she enters the house. After Sun Hao enters the house, she really feels that there are different frequencies of thought waves oscillating in the house, trying to destroy their own thinking and have an adverse impact on themselves.

However, such an impact is indeed a little too pediatric for myself.

Sun Hao’s own practice has been quite powerful. After the undead gods, Sun Hao’s process of cultivating the soul of the ancestors, but continuous confrontation with the Yin Emperor, in the middle, the exercise of thoughts and the level of solidity can be really like a fierce battle.

The impact I feel in this room today is really not too much damage to Sun Hao.

Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao waited quietly.

I don't know how long it will take, and Sun Hao is not in a hurry. Anyway, there is time.

Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao has nothing to do, Xiao Yan for a while.

Yes, the zombie face of the two main examiners outside, seeing the performance of Sun Hao in the inside, dumbfounded.

The No. 1 exam said: "Dude, have you forgotten to open the intensity test wave? How did you not respond at all!"

The second exam said: "It’s strange, this is the same channel as the strength test wave next door, but this strength is increased, it’s more than four or five times more powerful than his next door. God knows how he is completely feel!"

On the 1st, the main exam stayed for a while, and found that the next door actually couldn’t stand the pressure of thought and automatically quit the test.

The ghost of the flower that he cares about, still does not change his color and does not jump and sit on his knees. There is not much reaction at all.

What does this mean?

At the time of the second supervisor, he slammed a slap: "I understand, this should be a ghost of talent. Are you not saying that he has a colorful lady figure? Understand, this guy's mental thought strength may be enough. Powerful, reaching the point where there is no female, and the double combat is super strong..."

The No. 1 supervisor seems to be turning his eyes: "Dude, you mean, he is a macho, the golden gun is not the one who fell, but it seems to make sense. If there is such a capital, how can he get so many ghosts? I am also drunk."

Director No. 2: "Brother, my brother, I can't help you. This kid is strong enough, the capital is enough, and the potential is strong enough. I am over."

Naweibi's performance is slightly worse, but the overall performance is still pretty good, and the two have passed the second level of potential testing.

If the first pass is to determine whether the candidate wants to love or then the second test is to determine the cost of the candidate is enough for the princess to live a happy life in the future.

As a result, they were shocked. This is beyond the scope of the Ghost, even beyond the ability of many high-level undead monks.

If this guy is really chosen to be a prince, I don’t know if the princess is worth it!

Two zombie faces began to worries.

After a while, on the 2nd, Sun Hao did not show any signs. He had to go and announce that Sun Hao had passed the test. He sent the guy who made his troubles to the third level of potential testing.

The test of the third level is finally normal, but it is also a level that makes Sun Hao not particularly understand. This level tests the spiritual level.

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