Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2303: City of shadows

Chapter 2, 3, Shadow City

What is the virtual world?

The mysterious one may be from the ancient powers, and Hao Anyi tells Sun Hao, the virtual world, the false world, you don't feel it, he doesn't exist, only you perceive it, the virtual world will become Real world...

Hao Anyi learned that Sun Hao felt the innocent starry sky, but he was shocked. (.vodtw.)

Because "speaking, the boy is finished, usually, we will sense a three-dimensional figure before entering the virtual world, such as a tree, a snowflake, a powerful one can perceive a mountain, you are good, you have perceived the stars... I don't know How are you saying..."

Sun Hao humbly asked: "Predecessors, what is the difference between this and the middle?"

Hao Anyi: "The difference is, what do you feel, the virtual world will eventually expand outward according to the shape you sense, the more majestic things you feel, the wider the virtual world you can recognize in the future. ""

Sun Hao looked at what he perceived, the vast stars, and said in his heart: "What is this for me? Will I run in the stars in the future?"

Hao Anyi: "Forget it, I can't tell you about it. In short, the thing you have sensed, there is no one who has never come before, I guess you will be terrible in the future, it is difficult to find the logo into the virtual..."

Sun Hao: "What is the logo? Is there a special place?"

Hao Anyi: "The logo is obvious, clear, and gives you directions. It is characterized by a completely different scene from the ordinary stars and sea."

Sun Hao looked at the shape of the grandmother, and asked: "Predecessors, do not know if sleeping in the stars is not a logo?"

Sleeping a big beauty in the stars?

Hao Anyi’s spiritual will is another shock, and once again reveals an incredible thought: “No, in your star, you still have a big beauty? Beautiful?”

Sun Hao: "Well, very beautiful, with a classical aesthetic."

Hao Anyi: "Cough and cough, that is not important, the key is that the five senses are clear?"

Sun Hao looked at it: "Well, the five senses are very clear. When I first saw it, it seemed a bit fuzzy. It didn't look so young. It looks very young this time."

Hao Anyi sighed with a long sigh: "Hey, I served, you are in the sea of ​​the stars, actually gave the logo, yes, that beauty is the logo that you will come in later, you just need to repair When you arrive, the beauty will naturally guide you. Usually, after the logo appears, you can perceive the virtuality without using a million years. I am also serving you. I want to know..."

After a pause, Hao Anyi did not say what I really want to know. The topic was changed: "However, Aquilaria, I still hope that you can continue to guard the Terran for more than 10,000 years. From today, you can count more than 10,000 years. Can you come up again?"

Sun Hao asked: "When you get to the virtual, can you not enter the virtual?"

Hao Anyi was silent: "Yes, but it is not. Some things, only after you have reached a certain realm, can you understand that I can perceive your thoughts, because you are a human race monk, just happened. Within my perception, so I am your guide."

Sun Hao sees Hao Anyi answering questions. He knows that it is very likely that this is a question that he should not know the answer. He thought about it quickly. Sun Hao said in his heart: "Well, then I will guard the Zhongxu people for thousands of years, ask a The question, if I am strong, I will have any unfavorable consequences if I am completely defeated.

Hao Anyi: "You can't do it. If you don't believe, you can try it. The imaginary family has its own reasons. You can weaken it infinitely, but in the end it is hard to get rid of it. Because the imaginary is also virtual, count You will understand it later..."

After saying this, Hao Anyi’s spiritual will disappeared from the air.

The spirit of Sun Hao was shocked, and it fell out of the state of innocent starry sky. The whole person continued to sink into the state of perception of the spiritual light.

Above the spiritual monument, those flashing words are turned into pieces of information and incorporated into Sun Hao’s thoughts.

Sun Hao’s face gradually showed a faint smile.

After a long time, Sun Hao stood up, and shouted in the sky, his body vacated, and step by step, Sun Hao has stood on the monument.

With his arms open, Sun Hao made a flying movement over the spiritual monument, and his thoughts spread like a tide to the spiritual tomb.

Sun Hao did not speak, but the entire spiritual tomb of the tomb seemed to scream the voice of Sun Hao.

"The soft heart is only willing to cry in the shadows. The lamb screams and screams and screams a cold wind. There are too many shackles in the sky. I have to stare at the sad pain, my beloved white. Paper, leaving beautiful eternity, I paint a shadow of the soul on it..."

With Sun Hao's long period of whispering whispers, the entire spiritual tomb has undergone tremendous changes.

A towering building, like a shadow-like building, looms, floating among the clouds in the dense land.

Look carefully, it seems like a shadow.

If you don’t take it seriously, it seems to be real.

The soul glimpses on the No. 1 Ling Tomb, follows the rhythm of Sun Hao, constantly resonating with his own thoughts. At the same time, he also excites the inexplicable shouts in Sun Hao’s thoughts: “The Holy City, the Holy City The holy city is in the world, the adults are mighty!"

In the secret tomb of the tomb, many ghosts followed the soul together and shouted: "Adults are mighty."

Sun Hao’s disciples who stayed in the secret field practiced to resonate their thoughts and help Sun Hao complete the feat.

Xuanyuan and Miha floated in the air, overlooking the looming city, full of curiosity, it seems that this is another big thing.

The tomb of the tomb is very wide, the white clouds are soaring, and I don’t know the depth. Now, in the depths of the clouds, the shadows are vivid.

The shadow area is very wide, under the cover, the cemetery has completely become the core of the shadow. Above the high spiritual monument, Sun Hao's sinister body shimmers with a slight aura, constantly faint ripples around.

The ripples pass, and the shadows gradually become materialized.

At the end, Sun Hao stood on the spiritual tablet, his arms were up, and the clear voice spread throughout the tomb of the spiritual tomb: "Come out, the city of shadows hidden in the shadows."

The city of shadows hidden in the shadows!

Among the eyes of Mich, there is a shining light.

Miha, who knows the history of the undead, knows that the city of shadows is one of the most famous holy cities in the world.

Unexpectedly, I came to the base camp of the ghost with my husband, and witnessed the birth of the city of shadows. This time, I was so feasting.

However, even more shocking scenes have just arrived.

At the moment when the city of shadows appeared, above the sky, all the rolling white clouds suddenly came alive, as if they were contaminated by shadows, turning into a group of gray clouds.

Seriously looking at it, it turned into a cluster of neatly arranged ghosts.

Nowadays, these ghosts are facing the Sun Hao in the air and bowing, just like a pilgrimage.

These sorrows are vastly different from the ghosts above the spiritual tomb. The layers of the body are like silver, and the body is also taller than the ghost above the tomb.

The key is the quantity. A white cloud is a phantom square. The huge spiritual tomb is densely covered, and the clouds are in the clouds. Looking at it, it is such a white cloud, with silky gray ash, it seems that the white clouds that are affected by the shadows are A ghostly corps, slowly moving in the air, facing the spiritual monument, opened his arms to Sun Hao.

The real ghost king, the real soul ancestors.

The thoughts of the soul one seem to be shaking, and the thoughts of excitement and excitement are rushing up: "The holy city is in the world, the soul sighs, the souls are long live, the souls are long live..."

Sun Hao has already sensed it, and has already learned the basic situation from the sigh of the soul of the soul.

The miracle building is the soul ancestor of the previous generation staying in the city of shadows. Before the soul ancestors of the previous generation returned to the market, they sealed the city of shadows and sealed the soul sigh. At the same time, using the power of seals, the city of shadows was built into a strange spirit. The secret tomb, in the space of different degrees, constantly cultivated the seal of the ghost in the inside.

From the sigh of the soul, Sun Hao perceives that his own ghosts and guards are more than three million, and the strength of each ghost is not weaker than the ordinary Yin Emperor.

In other words, city of Shadows is in the world, and the strength of the Ghosts has been greatly improved. It is said that the strength of the backbone is no longer weaker than other races.

The most crucial thing is the sigh of the miracle building soul. The existence of this thing makes the ghost family have many different general forces.

Standing still, standing on the spiritual tablet, feeling the use of the soul's sigh, accepting the worship of the ghost and the guardian, Sun Hao's heart, can not help but sigh, the generations have heroes, the last generation of soul ancestors, really powerful, Moreover, it is extremely hot, and it is a great loss of the spirit of the ghosts. It is continuously reduced, and it is also laid out. This is a world-famous layout, but it will completely change the pattern of the undead domain.

However, the last generation of the soul ancestors did not expect that, this time accepting his inheritance, inheriting his clothes, actually will be a human monk, really is not as good as a day!

This is from

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