Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2304: City of Shadows (2)


The soul ancestors of the previous generation are absolutely personal things, means the sky.

However, Sun Hao is a human monk, but he does not intend to be king in the undead domain. Of course, unlike ordinary monks, the Terran, which has risen from the heavens of the heavens, is not a big race among the rebellious gods.

After all, in the days of Tianling, Sun Hao had ghost friends, and when Sun Hao was still weak, it was the ghosts who did not die to help Sun Hao to have a great difficulty.

In Sun Hao’s mind, the big race in the undead domain is not much different from other aliens in the Wanzu. It is different to say that the environment in the undead domain is worse and the rules are more special.

In fact, among the imaginary people, there are many laws within the ethnic domain that are quite special. This is not a patent for the undead domain.

The reason why the imaginary family is hostile to the undead domain is that the strength of the undead domain is very strong, surpassing the general imaginary and strong family.

The existence of the undead cloud of the undead domain allows it to develop with peace of mind, and can concentrate on aggression and invade other people.

In this way, regardless of their own safety, they can attack and destroy other races at will, and they do not engage in any diplomatic race. Naturally, they are hostile to the imaginary people.

After entering the undead domain, Sun Hao discovered that the races within the undead domain are also full of struggles. If the unrequited gods and the great races are united, their strength is quite considerable.

Not to mention the other, that is, now, the soul of the ancestors left to the shadow city of Sun Hao, the strength accumulated here, has reached a very terrible degree, full of millions of gods above the combat power, which is divided into thousands, crossing I have robbed 10,000, but there is no fit.

If you add a soul that is faintly equipped with the combined strength, the overall strength of the Ghosts has actually surpassed the current Terran.

This kind of strength is just one of the big races of the undead domain.

Standing on the sigh of the soul, standing on the sigh of the soul, accepting the worship of the ghost, Sun Hao’s heart sighs.

Under the sigh of the soul, the City of Shadows has all lived in the world. This is a city floating in the clouds, or a shadow hidden in the depths of the clouds. There are many buildings in the Sun that are unexpected for Sun Hao. The sigh of the soul The use of these buildings was reflected in Sun Hao’s mind.

The entire city of shadows is currently divided into three layers.

The innermost layer is based on the sigh of the soul, the building of the No. 1 Ling Tomb.

The most effective, naturally, is the miracle building of the ghost family, the sigh of the soul.

Sun Hao sensed the role of miracle architecture. One is that the speed of the souls of all the spiritual tombs in the No. 1 spirit tomb is doubled. The second is that in the undead domain, all the souls of the soul are upgraded by one gear; the third is the grandson. Hao's various sorcerers' abilities have doubled their effects; fourth, Sun Hao can train the ghosts of different attributes...

Miracle architecture gave Sun Hao unexpectedly powerful effects.

Really, before this, Sun Hao would never think of the existence of a miracle building, it would be so abnormal.

This is a dojo that has beyond the expectations of Sun Hao and has a powerful law effect.

To say that there are any flaws, it is likely that the effect of the miracle building is limited by the scope of the undead cloud.

The sigh of the soul shows that only in the area covered by the cloud of immortality, the miracle building has a normal increase effect. Outside the cloud of immortality, the effect of the miracle building will be weakened according to the distance.

This is the innermost layer of the City of Shadows.

After the miracle building, the total number of ghost warriors that can be accommodated in the No. 1 Ling Tomb is greatly improved, and it is possible to station a total of 300,000 ghost soul warriors to practice and improve.

Beyond the No. 1 Ling Tomb is the area covered by the cemetery.

This is the building in which Sun Haobu is located. It has now become part of the city of shadows and is part of it. It is characterized by the black and white ground of ordinary undead cities, the undead temple built by Sun Hao, and the mass grave. And other special buildings.

The vampire in the Temple of Undead still received the sigh blessing of the soul, the combat power increased, the strength became stronger, and the number of vampires in each of the undead temples increased.

The area of ​​the cemetery itself is not small, and now it has been expanded. It is also possible to build special buildings among other undead gods.

The sigh of the soul even reminds Sun Hao that within the scope of the cemetery, there is a site of the rock of the Canglong. Once the building is restored, it can attract the strong existence of the bone dragon.

There are also mausoleum ruins that can accommodate mummies and lichs.

These things, like the spiritual tombs, are places where undead creatures gather. Once they are built successfully, they will gather together to the aura of the undead domain, and gradually generate them according to the special rules of the undead domain.

In the city of shadows, there is also Sun Hao who is very interested. The inheritance classics left by the soul ancestors of the previous generation, a huge forest of monuments, engraved with dense essays, Sun Hao only needs to use his thoughts to understand, you can know that this is hidden. The message, get more knowledge of the undead domain and the ghost family.

Seeing the powerful function of the city of shadows, Sun Hao’s mind is a bit clear. Perhaps the city of immortality will not be too simple. The king of death may have some special combat troops, but he did not understand it.

The thoughts of Soul One have been in a state of considerable excitement.

The world of Shadow City makes him feel that the spring of the Ghosts is coming.

On the second floor of the City of Shadows, there are a large number of buildings that need to be restored.

Sun Hao waved his hand and entrusted these heavy construction tasks to the soul one, as well as his own disciples who practiced within the spiritual tomb.

There are few things for a few disciples.

The soul is excited, cheering in the thoughts: "Thank you, adults, thank you, the soul must not live up to the expectations of adults, let my shadow city bloom as soon as possible."

Sun Hao comforted the soul a few words, and then continued to feel the looming cities outside the city of shadows.

Those looming, as if the virtual shadows exist in the city, that is the real home of the ghost.

A tomb of different sizes, different heights, and different shapes, like a cloud of gray and gray clouds floating in the clouds.

Countless undead warriors, but strange, have a certain ability to think, it seems that the ghosts of the human race are now between the white clouds, and worship the souls together with the ghosts.

These ghosts are all their own people. They have lived in the city of shadows for many years.

Now they let them see the sky again. From the bones, they have regarded themselves as saviors and become true ancestors.

A huge number of ghosts! Even if there are no more zombies in the city of immortality, it is estimated that there is not much difference.

It can be said that when the city of shadows came out, the strength of the ghost family has increased dramatically, and Sun Hao can form a huge regiment to fight the Red Crescent.

After Sun Hao distributed the task of urban management, he plunged into the stone monument of the collection and began to receive important information from the ancestors of the previous generation.

Sun Hao has always attached great importance to his knowledge accumulation. To any place, as long as there is an opportunity, Sun Hao’s first choice is to learn.

Learning can make you less detours.

The more you learn, the farther you go, the more advanced Sun Hao’s cultivation is, the more he discovers that the more things he does not understand, the more knowledge he needs to master.

Sun Hao sat on the knees of the sigh of the soul, and the body glowed with a faint silver radiance. It seemed to be the pinnacle of the city of shadows. Many sorcerers were always practicing, and worshipped Sun Hao in the air.

Sun Hao sank into the stone monument stone forest, a large amount of information poured in. A large number of Sun Hao did not come into contact with, the knowledge about the undead domain, especially the use of some of the sacred souls of the sacred soul, poured into the mind.

Dividing and absorbing these knowledge into different categories, with Sun Hao’s vast knowledge, as well as powerful memory and comprehension, and digesting this knowledge, it took more than three months.

After earnestly digesting and absorbing this knowledge, Sun Hao got the biggest gain, and in the heart, he immediately admired the soul ancestor.

The discovery of the City of Shadows has really solved Sun Hao’s current two biggest problems.

There are two main purposes for Sun Hao to enter the undead domain.

The crystal of the phase and the ancient star nucleus, among the cities of the shadows, there are crystals of the law, especially the highly concise technique of the yin crystal. With the glory of Shen Hao, you can use the knowledge just obtained to truly gather beyond the dragon crystal. The presence. . . .

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