Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2305: Who is the power (4)

Who is the power of the second three zero five chapter (four)

Until now, Sun Hao has discovered that the best way for the monks to go further is to use their own 12-point force to truly consolidate their own foundations, which will affect the next step and even the practice after many steps. Please search (%¥¥) to see the most! The fastest updated novel

All the way, Sun Hao really ate a lot of accumulated sweetness.

For example, Sun Hao’s murderous cognac gave Sun Hao the perfect god, which has now become a powerful cornerstone of Sun Hao’s magical law.

For example, Sun Hao's refining perfection has laid the unparalleled accumulation of Sun Hao.

This time, even if it is Longjing, Sun Hao actually has a real goal.

In the city of shadows, the inheritance of the soul ancestors has the secret of raising the source crystal.

If Sun Hao’s heart is strong enough, his hands are poisonous, and it is not difficult to upgrade Shen Jing.

The soul ancestors of the previous generation are indeed the generations of sorrowful hands. This secret technique is called “Soul Festival”. Simply put, it is to use the ghost as a sacrifice, and use their source to wash their soul crystals constantly, and finally generate more powerful and more powerful. Soul Crystal.

"Soul Sacrifice" is the true housekeeping skill of the rise of the soul ancestors of the previous generation. He used this secret technique to kill the same kind of oneself when he was still very weak, constantly strengthening himself, and steadily, step by step. Ancestor.

Seeing the "Soul Festival", Sun Hao couldn't help but think of his own experience of becoming a Yin Emperor. In fact, the soul ancestors of the previous generation left the instinct of "Soul Festival" in the race of the Ghost.

The process of the yin soul to the spiritual tomb is the process of strengthening itself.

However, it is very likely that the ghosts who rely solely on instinctual action will not have enough strength to advance every step of the way, so they have not been able to give birth to a second soul ancestor for so many years.

Until I appear.

Sun Hao is different from the previous generation of soul ancestors. After reaching the height of the ghost, Sun Hao rarely uses the soul of the ghost to strengthen himself.

The root cause is that Sun Hao feels that those who have consciousness, the ghosts with their own will are actually the same as the living people, depriving them of the soul of the soul, just like the evil way.

Now, if Sun Hao can succumb to his heart and let go, the massive sorrows in the city of Shadows will be enough to make the crystals of Sun Hao's hands grow to the point where they need them, and truly have no foundation for their own Dan and body synthesis.

This method is a bit inhuman.

But it is very likely that this method is precisely the meeting of the last generation of soul ancestors to Sun Hao.

Among the stone stone forests, there is a vague suggestion: "You can have two opportunities to strengthen your own abilities, and then truly lead the ghosts to become stronger and stronger in the undead domain, that is, to sacrifice more than 80% of the ghost city, then you Naturally, it will become a powerful soul ancestor..."

Sun Hao saw this method and only shook his head in his heart.

The second method is to make Sun Hao’s eyes shine: “If you don’t want to sacrifice your own guards and people, then you can only go to the Black Gate and smash the Red Crescent Cave. Only there will be enough opportunities. Let you gather enough yin to strengthen your source crystal..."

Sun Hao is preparing to go to the Red Crescent, isn't it just a good thing?

The reason why it will be the Red Moon Magic Cave, is white, that is, the number of semi-dead beasts in the Red Moon Magic Cave is enough, enough Sun Hao to kill the soft hands, you can use the soul of the soul to gather a large number of undead troops to sacrifice to become their own soul crystal nutrient.

According to the experience of the soul ancestors, the difficulty of taking the ritual will be quite large, and it takes a long time to succeed.

However, it may be slightly different from Sun Hao. The soul of Sun Hao is a ghost. It is no different from taking a sacrifice to his own people. The ghosts of the souls are just generated, without any self-existing thoughts. The sacrifice does not have the slightest pressure on the heart.

After deciding not to sacrifice the people of the city in the shadow city, Sun Hao’s attention began to shift.

I also realized the use of the sigh of the soul, especially after the configuration and characteristics of the sacred arms, Sun Hao was awakened from the enlightenment of the entire collection.

Thoughts and feelings, found a busy scene in the city of shadows, a large number of ghosts are dispatched by the soul, is building in a big way.

What makes Sun Hao more gratified is that the ghosts floating around are busy, but they don't seem to be chaotic, and there is no collision between them in the air. The entire city of shadows is busy and not chaotic.

A little bit of a sense, Sun Hao found that this situation is a masterpiece of Miha and Yi. The two young ladies who have had enough to eat and have nothing to do are actively participating in the construction of the city of shadows, helping the soul to be inside the whole city. The ghosts are well organized.

With a faint smile on his face, Sun Hao shook his head slightly and sank into another thought of something crucial.

Among the innocent stars, Sun Hao encountered a mysterious, mysterious power that is quite familiar.

This great power left a cognition about the virtual world.

This is a big power to point to myself.

But this is not the point. The point is what will you want to tell yourself when you are on the road? Sun Hao instinctively perceives that this mysterious and powerful monk wants to tell himself what kind of things, but seems to be subject to any restrictions, can not tell.

So who is he? What do you want to tell yourself?

Sun Hao thinks carefully, as if the big man said something: "Three generations of life, three marriages, life and death hanging on the line, I can only say so much, I hope you can understand, hey, this is the last time, I hope you will not let me down ......"

By the way, the last thought of the monk is: "Three times, this is the third time, I hope you can understand..."

I don't know who the monk is, but these words reveal a lot of hidden information. What kind of things does he want to tell himself?

Sansheng Sanshi, the marriage of the three worlds, is that me? Still speaking of himself?

He wants to tell me, then should I say that?

Sun Hao sank into thinking: "So, he said this is the third time, that is, he has reminded himself three times..."

However, although he has some familiar feelings for him, in the true sense, he is like seeing him for the first time.

Who is he?

Want to tell yourself what?

Three times before and after? What three times will it be?

Seriously recalling, after a long time, Sun Hao suddenly shocked and thought of something that he had not yet understood.

I remember that in the witch palace of the male and female witches, I once saw a scene after a long time in the future. At that time, I saw myself in the secret and together with Xiaolan.

At that time, I couldn’t understand myself who made me see this scene.

Will it be the means of this powerful monk now?

If so? So, does he want to tell himself that he has a marriage with Xiaolan? What he let himself see, may not be the marriage of this world?

What is the earth-shattering of the means of the monks?

Sun Hao is caught in a deep confusion, then will this power be a powerful monk of the male and female witches?

Let’s take a look at the future that I can’t figure out, then when is the first meeting?

After half a ring, Sun Hao’s body was slightly shocked.

In the knowledge of God, the singular sorcerer who seldom speaks suddenly suddenly emerges without a word: "Be kind to those who take you to the imaginary, and be kind to those who lead you to the imaginary!"

There are very few things that can be remembered by the sorcerer.

I did not expect to throw this sentence out now.

Suddenly, in Sun Hao’s mind, or in the memory of his body, he recalled the moment when he first felt the mighty monk.

The first time I met with the great monk should be that I was separated from my head. The headless body was in a desperate situation. When I encountered a strong opponent, I was in a never-ending battle, and it was always difficult to win. .

Moreover, that time, he told himself that "the kind of people who take care of themselves to go to the virtual ~ actually still refers to Xiaolan.

Thinking of Gerland's confused and fascinating past, Sun Hao's face showed a faint, warm smile.

Now I want to come. The monk is appearing three times before and after. He wants to tell himself. It is very likely that he wants to be kind to Gerland. He divides it three times and tells himself that he has a marriage with Teresa III.

In this way, if he arrives in the future, he may have to go to the territory of the Witch. When it is time, he will run back to meet Gerland.

However, the monk's fee is so great, even the use of such a powerful supernatural power, is the purpose really so simple?

Who is he? How can you care about Xiaolan so much?

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