Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2339: brat

The second three thirty-nine chapter little guy

If a million Jin Liuwei is shooting at a big monk, even if Sun Hao himself does not dare to make a big connection.

This locking ability is quite scary.

In addition to the ability to lock the air, the second ability of the hammer is "crushing", breaking the sky and breaking it, and hammering it out, its power is broken.

After the smashing and refining, Sun Hao’s second ability to sense the broken hammer has a feeling that is not very reliable.

The hint of the broken sky hammer to Sun Hao shows that this ability is "under the right conditions, a certain chance to crush anything that was hit."

The right conditions, a certain probability, let Sun Hao know that this ability has certain trigger conditions.

That is not how reliable.

Sun Hao has realized this ability in a rough way. He has a whimsy in his heart. He has cultivated the cold forging 36 hammer. He has a strong ability to shape and shape, and now he has more crushing ability.

If you use a hammer to correct the sound, trigger the crushing effect, then what kind of wonders will happen at that time?

Sun Hao is just thinking about it, now there is no time to experiment. The crushing effect is also triggered, and the test does not necessarily produce an effect.

However, the strange crushing effect of the broken hammer makes Sun Hao cry and laugh, this stuff can not be used in the future, really want to accidentally hammer the magic weapon that is about to be refining, it is really funny It is.

For the time being, if you really want a refining device, you can use it to play the hammer. The cold forged 36 hammer with this hammer is still enough.

It took a little time, and before the arrival of Xiachuan, Sun Hao really gave a broken body Dan.

This kind of spiritual refining is quite difficult. If it is not necessary to condense the mirror function of the empty tower, it may not be easy to refine it.

The higher the level, the lower the rate of the elixir will be, and the same will be the same.

The phase is not bad, of course, the high-grade Ling Dan can not be too low quality, if the quality is too low, he can not form.

Three broken bodies Dan, Sun Hao gave his three disciples, Xiachuan, Xiaoyu Feitian and Yilu lights one by one.

As for Miha, the time is still long, and I will talk about it later.

In fact, there are already a few monks around Sun Hao who have cultivated to the point of great distraction. The demand for the broken body Dan is not small. At that time, Sun Hao must spend some time and refine it one by one.

Four spirits, Luo Mei and Xiao Hong are all grinding their own self-cultivation, and actively preparing for the advanced fit. The repairs of Xiao Yan and Lu Shan also went straight to the late part of the distraction, and they are currently working hard to practice.

However, it has just got a few people who have broken the body Dan. At present, there is still a long way to go before the fit.

However, this does not prevent them from getting the ecstatic mood after breaking the body.

Xiaoyu Feitian: "Following the boss is happy, other monks are full of distraction, seeking to worship grandmother, the family may not be able to get a broken body Dan, hey, Xiaofei has already got a one, boss, you are too Handsome..."

This time attacking Tieqiling, Sun Hao’s team is a profit.

Taste the sweetness, Xia Chuan suggested: "Master, what special place will you meet next time, can everyone still do the same?"

Sun Hao is now gradually coming to understand that Tieqi Ridge should be the fourth floor of the Red Crescent. Similar to the existence of the ancient three-story remains, it is impossible to appear too much.

Unless you are willing to run around in the fourth floor like the first three floors, search for special places everywhere, otherwise the possibility of meeting again in the fourth floor is quite small.

When the team completely circumvented from Tieqiling, the front, the zombies and the ancestors were a bit strange.

The ancestors said very unexpectedly: "I didn't expect this ride to be so quiet. I thought he would have a little headache for the little soul."

The ancestors nodded: "In theory, like Tieqiling, we can't completely circumvent it. According to the convention, the troops that have fallen to the bottom will come to a battle. The scale may not be large, but very few. I didn’t want to fight, I didn’t expect it to be so quiet.”

The ancestors said with a smile: "That means that although the strength of the soul is not strong, but the restraint is particularly good, the discipline is extremely strong, and his subordinates do not have any random chaos."

The ancestors said: "Also, in the past, all the soldiers in the temple were scattered, and they were quite free. When our big team passed, the guys wandered around, which led to the offense. So, we can Speed ​​up the progress and go straight to the fifth floor."

Osteopath: "Well, those guys have already gone to the sixth floor."

Zombie: "It's okay, I have to wait until we arrive, and then attack the old nest. Otherwise, it will be cheaper for us. Those guys will be ruined and will not be launched in advance."

The two ancestors exchanged and led the team to move forward. After half a month, the two ethnic groups finally reached the entrance to the fifth floor.

The army is vast and sturdy, forming a square array, which is hundreds of kilometers in a row, looking at it, densely packed, and a white dead sea.

At the entrance to the fifth floor, the two ancestors did not wait for Sun Hao, and began to gather elite troops into the fifth floor.

The structure of the Red Crescent Cave is quite strange. In general, it seems that the layers are spiraling down. There is a very clear dividing line between each layer. The soldiers and monks of the Nine Protoss can be between the layers as long as they have enough strength. Walking through, but the half-dead creatures in the Red Crescent Cave seem to be subject to huge rules and never cross the border.

The semi-dead creatures on the fourth floor of the Devil's Cave have been cleaned up. As long as they can get through the five-storey entrance and stand firm, the big team can go in and start moving forward.

The two discussed it. According to the old rules, the zombie led some zombies into the shield, and the ancestors led some of the smashing shots to open the way.

The ancestors took the lead and took the lead.

However, just rushing in, the ancestors rushed back as big as a cow.

When the ancestors saw it, they immediately asked: "What is the situation inside?"

The bronze mask of the ancestors swayed, and the voice said lowly: "There are a lot of moonlights around the entrance. After entering, there is no place for the cone. Outside, there are a lot of broken spiders. Even if you and I go in, you can’t My zombie guards are going in, fearing that they will suffer major losses, the key is not necessarily able to stand up..."

The brow of the ancestors was deeply wrinkled, and the mouth said: "Weird, according to the truth, the moon demon will not get together, and the broken oracle spider will not be surrounded by our entrance. This combination really wants us. It’s impossible to hurt.”

The Moon Devil is a peculiar one. It appears in the back layers of the Red Moon. It grows a big spider with a faint face like the moon. The most annoying ability is the extremely high paralysis effect of their offense.

Once hit by its spider legs, no matter how high the repair, there is a certain chance to directly paralyze the spot.

The broken oracle spider is a big spider with a great chance to penetrate the opponent. The number of these two spiders is quite large on the fifth floor, but it should not be piled up, but now these two spiders are actually in everyone. At the door, this is really not a good thing.

The bronze mask of the ancestors shook a few times and said dullly: "There is no other way, I can only continue to try. I will lead the team to see if I can open the situation."

After that, he took the lead and drilled in. The zombie guard behind him got the order and sneaked in.

Three days later, the zombie body flashed and appeared on the fourth floor, and the bronze mask on his face shook.

The ancestors looked at the armor of the sacred ancestors, and the bones of the bones moved and did not speak.

The sturdy ancestors brought in the tens of thousands of elite zombies to defend, but now, it has become a polished commander to retreat, that is to say, 10,000 elites have been wiped out.

The zombie did not express any opinions. This kind of battle, unless he did not go in, otherwise, the loss is inevitable, and his heart is hurting his own team, but the fifth layer of the Red Moon has to be embarrassed.

Come back! I was beaten again!

Come back! Called back again!

For two months, the ancestors went in and out more than ten times, and the number of troops led each time gradually increased, but the losses gradually increased.

Unknowingly, the devastating loss of the ancestors has reached 500,000!

The heart of the ancestors began to drop blood This is the invincible teacher he has worked hard to cultivate, the elite in the elite.

So lost so much!

However, the loss has to continue, the team still failed to gain a foothold on the fifth floor.

Seeing that the team did not move in front, Sun Hao, who followed him, thought about it, took a few monks and ran to see the situation.

The five-story doorway has gathered a large number of moon magic and bone spiders to block the road, and the zombies have suffered heavy losses.

Distressed by his old lady, Miha finally couldn’t help but reveal some of his strength: "Hey, let me go, let the little guys help us open the way..."

While talking, I patted the zombie baby on my shoulder.

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