Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2340: a bit fierce

The second three or four zero chapter is a bit fierce

The sacred ancestors looked at the little zombies on Miha's shoulders that were less than a foot high. The eyes under the bronze mask only turned their eyes.

The large group of elites have suffered heavy losses. What is the use of such a zombie baby?

Since Miha wants to take the shot, considering that he will start to work sooner or later, now that the team is in difficulty, they can reach out to help everyone through the storm.

Sun Hao smiled lightly and said: "That line, I also went in with Xiaomi to see if I can help."

Miha laughed.

It’s difficult to stop everyone.

Zangzu shook his head, did not speak, and all killed here. The loss must be rushed to the inside.

The ancestors also said at this time: "I am also going in, everyone is working together, and it is impossible to stabilize the position more quickly."

The three ancestors, together with the elite troops of the ancestors, should indeed be able to fight better. The ancestors nodded and said in a low voice: "If that is the case, everyone will follow me."

Between the words, take the lead and rush into the fifth floor of the Red Moon.

Sun Hao and Miha looked at each other and followed, and rushed into the entrance like a black hole.

Suddenly black and white, and suddenly turned bright, Sun Hao found himself already under another sky, and instantly entered a huge battlefield.

In the air, it seems like a moon-like big spider flying in the air, slamming at everyone, a little further away, countless bone spiders throwing a spider-like arrow.

The attack of the bone spider does not harm the moon demon, as the Jin Liuwei of Sun Hao has a special injury-free effect.

However, the killing effect of the bone spider on the zombie troops is quite horrible. When Sun Hao came in, there were already many zombies falling down and the body was shot into a sieve.

After a long period of fighting, Zangzu also achieved certain combat results, forcibly launched a defense circle of about one mile.

However, the number of bone spiders is too much, and it is remote. This range is also within the range. After coming in, it is fighting against the arrows and the troops lose a lot.

There are not many zombie fighters who can really hurt the moon demon and the bone spider. They mainly rely on the big axe of the zombie to keep harvesting the moon magic.

However, the sacred ancestors are not completely immune to the numbness of the Moon Devils, and they often play on the ground and can’t move.

After coming in, the brows of the bones could not help but wrinkle slightly. The doorway was completely caught in the range of the bone spider. If the crispy shooter came in, he would die. He could do it, that is, waving the bone stick in his hand. The biggest possibility is to eliminate the air moon demon.

Miha looked around a few times, and he wowed in his mouth: "Yanggong, what should I do?"

Sun Hao looked at the front and said, "Give me the little guy, let me send him to the bone spider. The bone spider is remote. Once it is close, the combat power will be greatly reduced..."

After the zombie baby came in, he was already scared by the atmosphere of the battlefield, kneeling on Miha’s shoulder and holding it to death.

Miha touched his little head and whispered: "Baby, you will have to fight for it later, but I am waiting for you to help me contend."

After that, he pulled his little hand down and gently loosened it. The little zombie flew to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s right hand grabbed the right leg of the little zombie.

In the mouth, screaming, "Go, big steel zombies," Sun Hao slammed his right hand and threw the little zombies forward like stones.

The great power of Sun Hao, throwing a small zombie, throwing out the speed is very fast, the distance is also very far.

With a hiccup, the little zombie has become a little black spot, passing through the moon magic circle, and rushing to the sea of ​​bone spiders.

Countless, sly bone spiders have launched attacks on small zombies.

The target is too small, too fast, and there are really few bone spiders shooting small zombies flying in the air.

However, the little zombies have been frightened!

Finally, the fear reached its zenith. During the flight, the little zombies broke out and screamed, and the flying body suddenly began to grow bigger in the air.

With a bang, the little zombie has fallen into the bone spider group when he landed on the ground. At the same time, his body has become the shape of a huge steel zombie with a height of a hundred feet.

The ancestors and the ancestors saw this huge change, and saw the big zombies that stood in the bones of the spiders in the hills, and the hearts felt incredible.

The changes before and after this zombie baby are too big, right?

It’s really rare to change from a small one to a peerless zombie. It’s just that I don’t know how big the zombie fighting power of this inflatable ball is.

The big steel zombies have roared and violently attacked the bone spiders. The steel-like body, the limbs are weapons, and they are in the bones of the spiders. They don’t have to find an opponent, just wave their hands and kick their legs. One is a big piece.

The long-range attack ability of the bone spider is quite strong, and it can be close to the combat capability. The defense power is just as weak as other remotes.

The steel zombie tiger entered the flock, and this outbreak, the bone spiders suddenly fry.

Miha shouted in the lineup: "Come on, stiff, kill the bones of the spiders, and come back with a lot of prizes."

After throwing out the big zombies, Sun Hao looked around and saw the situation.

There was a word in his mouth, and Sun Hao pointed at the battlefield ahead, and a spell was thrown over.

The fifth layer of the Red Moon is also the second-level ban, and usually, among such combat levels, the combat effect of low-level spells is quite limited.

Seeing Sun Hao's casts, the ancestors and the ancestors couldn't help but look at each other. It seems that they saw the helplessness in each other's eyes. This soul ancestor is still tender, don't know the land of banned law?

But immediately, the ancestors opened their own bone bus, a pair of surprised look to fall, the eyes behind the bronze mask of the ancestors revealed an incredible look.

By the way, they actually saw a big white skull appearing in the air. What is this? It is natural to know that they are well-informed, this is death without death!

The white hair licked and squeaked, and it turned out that the magic came into effect.

On the ground in front of the battle, the sects of the zombies, the zombies who have not been assimilated by the yin, but have been shot into a sieve, and can no longer stand up, have already climbed from the ground under the influence of the **** of death. Get up and re-enter the battle.

The zombie sensed the situation of his elite warrior, and he could not help but blurt out his mouth: "No, actually all come alive!"

Indeed, on the ground, as long as it is not disappearing, the zombies who can be resurrected will stand up in an instant.

Not only have you just rushed in and lost, but there are still zombies that were completely annihilated but not fully assimilated in the last battle.

The total number exceeds 40,000!

A powerful and powerful death-killing deity, a powerful and lethal effect, the zombie had to serve.

After the ancestors' chin swayed a few times, they suddenly thought that they would also die.

The soul ancestors can use it, and they can use it if they can't do it well.

When the mind is moving, there is a word in the mouth of the ancestors, and the bone stick in the hand is pointing forward, and there is also a big bang in the mouth: "Death!"

Spells are not a big sound and can be successful.

Above the sky, there was no white hoe, it seemed to be a machine jam, oh, oh... a few bangs, no response.

The ancestors found that their own death gods seemed to be out of use.

Undead, the ancestors once again pointed the bone stick to the front, and once again displayed a death god.

Unfortunately, the situation is exactly the same as the first time.

Yes, the ancestors understood that the souls of the soul ancestors could not use them.

This is still a place for the second level of ban, but only prohibits your own spells, does not ban the soul ancestors!

What is this all about?

The ancestors felt incredible.

Zombie laughed happily: "Oh, old bones, you don't lose sight of the eye, the soul should have a way to lower the level of spell demand, there is no comparability, but haha, with the soul of the **** of death, our chances of winning Most of it, ok..."

After the dead zombie team was killed, bone spider and moon demon have been re-enclosed.

Now that Sun Hao is a **** of death, a large number of zombies appear directly in the array of bone spiders and moon demons.

Suddenly, the five-story entrance was caught in a scuffle.

Farther away, the steel zombies waved their thick arms to the left and right, constantly sweeping the bone spiders around them, and playing bones on the shelves.

The ancestors looked at the little zombies in the original impression. The chin said one by one: "Yes, with death and the big guy, it looks like we passed the time..."

The performance of the little zombies is remarkable, a bit fierce! However, the ancestors felt that the most fierce is the soul ancestor. Can you actually display the death **** on the fifth floor of the Red Crescent?

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