Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2341: Strange phenomenon

With Sun Hao and Miha participating in the battle, it is extremely difficult, and the five-level entrance to the ancestors and the ancestors.

The ancestors thought that the five-story entrance that would cost millions of troops would not be a problem. After two days of fighting, the surrounding moon magic spiders and bone spiders were finally cleaned and cleaned.

The big teams were drawn in and the tribes finally stood firm on the fifth floor of the Red Crescent.

There are too many teams in the ancestors, and the team has completely come in. It took three months to complete, and finally entered the fifth floor, which is the few elite soldiers behind Sun Hao Temple.

After a break, the scouts sent by the ancestors brought news that both ancestors had trouble.

The marching line of the tri-ethnic coalition forces should have fallen into the calculations of other ancestors. At the fifth floor of the Red Crescent, other ancestors have deliberately sought trouble for the tri-husband coalition forces.

At the entrance, so many moon devils, and so many bone spiders, are not normal in themselves, much like people deliberately brought in and blocked the door.

The intention should be very simple, that is, deliberately add chaos to the three tribes, so that the tribes are constantly consumed by elite warriors in the battle, weakening the strength of the three tribes.

Although there is no evidence, the estimated situation is that it is inseparable.

It’s hard to get into the fifth floor of the Red Crescent. It’s not long before I left. The scouts brought bad news.

On the way forward, there were a lot of corpse blocking roads, powerful gas bombs, and formed a long-range isolation belt with great lethality. If the tri-national coalition forces want to continue deeper, it is estimated that they must fight the corpse.

The number is so much that you can't hide!

How can there be so many corpse gatherings among the five layers of the Red Crescent? This is obviously very abnormal. So many corpse witches are still in the wild. Are there no lichs coming out to recognize the Lord and take them away?

The strength of the corpse is strong, and it can be said that it is the most powerful long-range unit in the undead domain. Every corpse is born with a long-range shot of poisonous gas.

The corpse witch is a very powerful undead protoss among the middle class. Once in groups, it is quite difficult. The corpse also has a monk. The corpse that can practice is called the lich, and the most powerful lich is also It is one of the nine ancestors of the lich, the special title is "big lich."

So many corpse witches are here, shouldn't the big lich be a ghost?

Think about it, it shouldn't be. The Great Lich has absolute dominance over the corpse. So many corpse witches are definitely a very rare force in the hands of the Great Lich. The Great Lich throws these corpse witches here. Is it typical of harming others, is it necessary?

I don't understand! This is not the point.

The key is that so many corpses are blocking the road. How do you break? The two ancestors began to frown.

The corpse's range is far stronger than the scorpion shooter.

After the sorcerer’s attack, they were all pieces of poisonous gas bombs. A large number of corpse witches stopped the road, and they couldn’t get around them. They had to kill them in the past, and this was to be hurt.

The team stopped.

This time, Sun Hao and Miha were themselves in front, but they also got information together.

Nawei sighed and said: "When the long-range arms of the corpse witch are on the scale, the nemesis is quite small, and they are not afraid of death. They are more afraid of the undead knights, the undead dragons, and other fast-moving troops. ......"

Miha looked at Sun Hao with both eyes.

In Miha's view, the corpse witch is just a pediatrics. As long as Sun Hao is willing to participate in the battle with Jin Liuwei, it is possible to suppress the corpse by death. How many kills, the corpse does not shoot poison gas at all. The opportunity to play will be directly destroyed by the public.

Sun Hao also perceives that the situation is a bit wrong. It is recorded in the classics that after the fifth and sixth floors, the individual strength of the semi-dead creatures blocking the road becomes stronger, but the density is not too large.

Once a high-density team emerges, it can be basically determined that someone is secretly engaging in ghosts.

After the nine great Protoss entered the undead domain, they were in a competitive relationship with each other.

Sun Hao feels that his Jin Liuwei is still a little Tibetan, waiting for the key moments to reuse, the cards should not be used too early.

However, Sun Hao also felt that in this battle, he could go to the Tengu Knight who sent the light of the road to try it.

The Tengu Knight has two abilities, flying and stealth.

Unconscious, the sky has been swaying, and the Tengu Knight has already killed.

To say that the restraint against the distance, the Tengu Knight is the strongest.

I can touch the other side without knowing it.

The most important thing is that the Tengu Knight is sufficiently concealed to play, which can affect the outcome of the battle, but it is difficult to find traces of its existence.

Enough for the observers who may exist in the dark to be suspicious.

The ancestors and the ancestors began to mobilize the team and began to plan the offense.

Sun Hao did not participate in any opinions. The thought channel said: "The lights, you bring the Tengu Knights to come over, after a battle breaks out, quietly lurking in the past, remember, not how fast you want to kill the enemy, the only requirement is to act It’s enough to be secret, and it’s going to be annihilated by the thunder.

The sound of the road with a little excitement came out: "Received, Agarwood, I promise to keep both the enemy and the enemy in the fog."

The ancestors mobilized a bone sea cover, which is purely cannon fodder.

The white bones of the mountains and plains waved the simple bone weapons in their hands and killed them in the front.

When the soldiers are over 10,000, the feeling is very large. When a bone sea, the number of battles of 100 million levels, the battle scene is very vast.

On the overwhelming horizon, thousands of miles of battlefields are all white bones, but they are all soldiers.

Sun Hao and Zangzu, the ancestors and Miha and others stood up and stood on a tall mound to watch the battle.

Nawei has personally arrived at the battlefield ahead to start the war.

Nawei itself has a strong heritage of the ancestors, who led the bones to fully enhance the speed, attack and defense.

The bone sea has not been able to get close to the corpse and has been discovered.

The sorcerers raised the pharaoh's rod in their hands, and a poisonous gas bomb rushed over to the bones.

Sun Hao saw that the white bones that rushed in were in the gas bombs, and they suddenly fell apart and fell to the ground. They were white bones and they were instantly dyed green.

Just after a battle, thousands of shackles fell on the long-range strike of the corpse.

From a distance, the battlefields in front of the fire were flying, and the gas bombs formed a large piece of fog in front of the front of the bone shelf.

You are fearless, without any pain or fear, as long as you can act, as long as you are not being beaten, you are marching forward tenaciously.

The reason why the monks of the Wan family are very hostile to the undead, the root cause is that the undead people have smashed the dead, and they have made their own immortal warriors. Once they fight, they don’t die, they don’t fear death, the overwhelming feeling, really let Wan The family monk hated in his heart.

The number of bones and seas is very large. The shock wave generated by the long-range gas bombs of the corpse has a comprehensive impact. The front of the scorpion is falling down piece by piece, and the loss of troops is very fast.

Less than an hour after the war, the damage of the bones has reached 20%.

Although Sun Hao’s death-killing deity is strong, it can only kill hundreds of thousands of people with one stroke. After such a billion-dollar war, even if he is to display death-killing magic, he still cannot catch a huge battle damage.

At one hour, the bones are still far from reaching the intended destination, and the loss continues.

The bones of the bones of the ancestors showed a distressed human expression on the face, and the scorpion wand in the hand, the second bone sea began to move again, and surrounded the battlefield.

There are seven floors in the Red Crescent, and the real battle is still on the seventh floor.

At that time, the Jiuzu hegemony has to fight with the powerful semi-dead creatures, especially the Red Moon Old Devils in the old nest. I don't know how many troops need to fill them.

Can not think about it, just killed to the fifth floor, the ancestors may need to lose a few bones of the force to break through the defense of the opposite corpse.

At the moment of the second Bone Sea operation, Sun Hao raised his hand and threw out a death god. In the sound of the white hoes, the scattered fires of the souls were suddenly ignited, and hundreds of thousands of cockroaches rejoined the battle.

Just then above the sky, a while fell to a group of corpse.

This large corpse does not know what happened. In a while, the cut wheat is generally quickly fell to the ground.

In less than a moment, among the formations of the corpse, there was a huge hollow that seemed to be hollowed out.

I don't know what's going on, more corpse is not in charge of this change, still crazy attack.

The cockroach vacated and fell into the second corpse.

Nawei, who is supervising the war, saw a rather strange phenomenon. The attacking ability of the corpse witch seemed to be a little weaker. The warriors in many directions had already rushed to the opposite side very quickly.

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