Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2343: Rolling meat dumplings

In front, the ancestors and the ancestors began to organize large forces to open up to the wells. The two ancestors each chose a direction and used the thoughts to command the troops to move forward quickly.

This kind of advancement is to pass through this dangerous area at the fastest speed. The faster the speed, the better the effect.

After Mie perceives his father's will, he rarely went to Sun Hao to explore Huang Quan's well with Sun Hao. He said to Sun Hao: "Yong Gong, you are killing behind, I will help my father first. Come back, don’t kill too fast, I want to participate in the battle..."

When it was over, Miha flew past the ancestors.

Far away, Sun Hao saw Miha's rise and spurt the golden light. This little girl should be watching the zombie family too slowly, and ran to give his old army a blessing speed.

The most powerful place for the phoenix phoenix is ​​the acceleration.

Miha suddenly came back and let the zombie a little accident. After Miha took out the glamorous golden plaque in his hand, the zombie couldn’t help but be bright. The baby’s magic weapon was not low, giving the ancestors Very strong feeling.

The bronze mask shook a few times, and the zombie said: "Mija, how come you are back? Don't you get tired of being with you?"

In the hands of Miha, the phoenix-winged pheasant was raised, and a huge gilt-colored ball began to glisten at the gimmick of the gilt.

Miha said to his father with a smile: "Hey, I came to help you with your own strength. The sharpness of our ancestors is that the speed is too slow. I just happen to coincide with the opportunity. I got the way to bless the ancestors. Give me out, Feng. wing……"

In the crisp drink, Miha stunned his hands and smashed the golden ball. The light ball burst open. A huge gold-plated wing flashed on the top of the zombie elite army. The zombie itself felt like a slamming body and felt like this. The children have already flew up in general.

Overjoyed, Zhuangzu said loudly: "Mijah, it's really good, good spell effect, great coverage, and the speed problem of our zombies is actually solved by you, lang, rush..."

The elite team of the ancestors rushed forward, and with the help of Miha's magical magic weapon, the loss of the zombies will be reduced by many times.

Zombie is very good. Chimiha has come from such a place to find such a powerful metamorphosis. It just makes up for the shortcomings of the zombies and is very useful.

This time, his elite troops can reduce the possibility of a lot of losses.

The heart of the ancestors is full of joy, but what kind of chances does her daughter get? It’s really necessary to ask, and it works.

Like the ancestors, the ancestors began to command the troops, and rushed to the opposite side of the vast Huangquan Well from different directions.

If you look down from the sky, there is a strange scene inside the Red Crescent Cave. Many white dragonflies walked through the black hole-like wells and spread to the white tide.

The march was not smooth sailing. In many places, Huang Quanjing suddenly formed, and a large number of cockroaches had too many reactions, and they fell into the ground with the ground.

The ancestors and the ancestors did not save the fallen embarrassment, but the command troops quickly advanced.

Occasionally, Huang Quan’s well suddenly protruded a huge tentacle, or a big mouth. The surrounding soldiers were weaker and immediately swallowed or dragged into the Huangquan well.

Sun Hao took a sneak peek at the five million army on his face and began to move in.

Because Sun Hao’s team chose this direction, there is no wisdom and zombies that naturally open the way. They don’t know how to compete with friendly forces.

After quietly advancing a long way forward, Sun Hao ordered the troops to rush straight into the Huangquan well.

The wellhead of Huangquan Well, selected by Sun Hao, has a diameter of more than 30 feet and presents an irregular circle. From the top to the bottom, it is a dark big stone tiankeng.

This is the Huangquan Well near the edge. The strength of the semi-dead creatures inside is not very strong. The main reason is that some vision is degraded. There is only one big mouth worm, green, and the biggest organ is a mouth. At first glance, the body is one. Open your mouth.

After Sun Hao’s team came down, a long worm swooped over and the ground was green.

Sun Hao led Xiaoyu Feitian's sickle to go on the road, and he fought for a half-day, standing firm, but at this time, Sun Hao met the same problem that other ancestors had encountered through Huangquan.

The underground passage of Huangquan Well is indeed spacious enough to connect the caves inside. Each hole has a height of seven or eight feet and a width of four or five feet. It is definitely a relatively large hole, but compared to millions of troops, this hole It is a bit small.

Sun Hao found that it is best not to have all of his troops come in, because there are not many teams that can participate in the battle.

According to statistics, those Huangquan wells appearing out of thin air are actually big holes suddenly drilled by powerful creatures. When they find the prey, they will burrow the hole and swallow the prey.

This is the most troublesome thing in the past, and it is very likely that it is true.

If you run into the clearing of Huangquan Well, you will inevitably encounter the current situation of Sun Hao. The inside of the well is not the vast field outside. There are not many soldiers who can participate in the battle. In this case, the inside of the hole can be a little killing. In some cases, if you encounter an attack from the inside of the cave, you will lose a lot if you fail.

Several monks around me face each other.

Xiaoyu Feitian said: "It seems that we think the problem is too simple. Every special place is not so easy to be embarrassed. It is more difficult to kill the thing."

Feeling the terrain inside the cave, Sun Hao couldn't help but think of the time when he was burying the sky. At that time, I fought side by side with the small fire and Gaia. At that time, the small fire gradually grew up and gradually became a powerful swallowing family from an ordinary mouse.

I remember that I met countless corpses in the real female tomb that was smaller than this hole. I couldn’t kill and kill. Finally I figured out a trick to roll the meat ball, and then I passed the pass.

The situation is similar today.

Sun Hao’s heart was moving, and the pink and lovely eight-armed bagugram appeared in the hole. When he saw Sun Hao, Bao Ketu immediately said: “Boss, what is the command?”

The monk around Sun Hao knows the details of Sun Hao. He knows that Sun Hao has two very powerful spirits. The little boy who looks very harmless in front of him is the body of the Eight-legged Deformed King, which is still in Qingyunmen. The mountain beast.

I don’t know what effect Master has to call the gram diagram at this time.

Sun Hao saw the Bao Ketu, his face showed a smile: "Bag, you look at the current environment, think of nothing?"

Bao Ketu looked around for a long time, and his face showed a terrible expression on his face. He said in his mouth: "Boss, isn't it, you have to roll the meat again. When I rolled it that year, I took a shower for three years. Wash off the stench..."

Sun Hao laughed: "I asked your body to become such a hard and hard meat dumpling?"

Packer figure knows that this roll is inevitable, his face shows a smile, his body jumps forward, the air, the whole body suddenly turns into a huge soft octopus, and his feet are embracing his body, suddenly become A huge meat group.

A few monks only felt that the front was dark, and the front had been blocked from a strict one.

The voice of Bao Ketu came out: "Boss, you can roll, my body can adjust the size according to the needs of the hole, to ensure that the boss is comfortable, come on, come on, roll the meat ball. ”

In the heart of Sun Hao’s heart, the golden silkworms gently fanned their wings, and a weight was applied to the body of Bao Ketu.

Packer figure stunned: "Boss What have you done? Zhang feels that his body suddenly becomes a few times heavier, can you still move?"

Xiaoyu Feitian has already understood Sun Hao’s tactics at this time, but he expressed doubts about the lethality of this meat dumpling. He said in his mouth: "Boss, he can't hold the dead half-dead creatures? Don't crush others, yourself. Piercing someone else?"

Sun Hao thinks of the strange ability of the packer figure, smiles and says: "Nothing, Xiaofei, you can try to promote the body of the bag."

Xiaoyu Feitian’s palm rested on the body of Bao Ketu, and his mouth said: “Master, you are too small to slap me. The power of Xiaofei is not as good as you, but there is no problem in overthrowing a mountain. ""

The huge body of the bag moved slightly, and Xiaoyu’s face was red, but could it be promoted?


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