Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2344: Bags

Not convinced, Xiaoyu Feitian once again violently increased the force, the body of the bag swayed a few times, and there was no promotion!

Still not, Xiaoyu Feitian was a bit dumbfounded, and his mouth shouted loudly: "Ogawa, the lights, all come to help..."

The body of the Bao Ketu deity is the behemoth of the maritime hegemony. He is very scary when he is in the realm of Jin Dan. Now he is together with Sun Hao, and he is under the spurt .

More importantly, Sun Hao also used the technique of turning heavy weight on him.

Under the strong mystery blessing, the body of the packer is transformed into a huge steel ball.

The weight has reached a very terrible level. If it is not the ground inside the Huangquan Well, it seems that there are special rules that are not affected. If this is not the case, the heavy packer has already crushed the passage.

It’s not just that Xiaoyu’s flying sky can’t move, even Xiachuan and Yilu’s lights go up, and they can’t push half a minute.

Well, Master’s method is really not something that everyone can speculate. Just throwing a meat dumpling out, and so many of his distracted powers can’t push it, it’s really depressed.

Sun Hao smiled and said in his mouth: "Keto's body must be heavy enough, or else, even if we push it, the effect will not be too good, so let me help you..."

After that, Sun Hao single-handedly squatted on the body of Bao Ketu, pushing forward and swaying, rumbling, and the body of Bao Ketu had rolled.

Sun Hao smiled in his heart, his head shook a few times, and said in his mouth: "You keep up, the meat ball has started. Next, you should be able to push it, crush it..."

Sun Hao’s single palm has just been shackled on the packer. In fact, there is no force at all. The guy in the packer has already rolled up.

The visual feeling for the few disciples of Sun Hao is that Master is really too powerful. He has made the bag that can not push the force of breastfeeding. Actually, Master can get it right away with a single push.

Looking at a few disciples who rushed forward with the packer figure, Sun Hao shook his head slightly, and Bao Ketu was doing bad things for his own disciples, letting them know Master’s heroism while also trying the package uncle. Great.

This packer map is really interesting.

The weight of the Bao Ketu itself, plus the addition of the weighting technique, the huge incomparable weight needs three distracting powers to push, and the rolling effect after the push is also displayed immediately. The three disciples push the packer all the way. run ahead.

On the ground, covered with thick layers of meat.

According to Sun Hao’s instructions, the three disciples, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, saw the front roll, and the thunder rumbled away.

The powerful rolling, the sound of the faint wind and thunder broke out in the well of Huangquan, and it was dull and scattered.

Above the Huangquan Well, the ancestors and the ancestors heard the sound of the wind and thunder, and perceive the powerful power contained in them. They have a feeling of trepidation.

Within the Huangquan Well, isn't there a powerful creature that wakes up and is running fast?

If this thing really rushes out, it is estimated that the team's losses will be mostly.

I dare not neglect, the two ancestors commanded the team to advance quickly, for fear of unexpected changes.

Sun Hao followed the rolling big meat group and rushed forward.

At the beginning, I didn't see any abnormality. After a while, Sun Hao found that the baggage had rolled over, and there were some crushed bone powder and some dry corpses.

These should be the ancestors and zombie warriors who were accidentally dropped by the ancestors and the ancestors.

They were not immediately destroyed by the semi-dead creatures, but they were crushed into powder and thin skin by the unloading of the packer.

Shaking his head with a smile, followed by Sun Hao began to display the art of death.

Every time he rolled over a bone powder or a place with more corpses, Sun Hao did not forget to throw a death god, resurrected the friends who had been killed by themselves, and let them find their way out.

Huangquan Well is similar to the Shishi Tiankeng. In some places, the well wall is not particularly steep. The skeletons and zombies, as long as they are not destroyed by the dead creatures inside, actually have the opportunity to climb up slowly.

The warriors and zombies are not smart enough to know what happened.

Anyway, if you come alive, you will continue to move forward.

The ancestors and the ancestors were busy commanding the elite soldiers to move forward, but they did not pay attention to what happened behind.

Mainly because the bones of the sea are too large, the number of more than 30 bones, the ancestors can not have the ability to command the full.

The sacred ancestors are also similar. It is amazing to be able to command millions of elites. Other zombies with a slightly weaker strength are where he goes.

Because the ruins of Huangquan Well are everywhere, and the tiankeng is changing from time to time, the troops led by the two ancestors cannot be too regular, and the formation of the team must be affected by the terrain.

Even if it is an elite force, there will be a small number of cases left behind.

The two ancestors can only take care of the majority as much as possible, and the soldiers who are left behind can not manage so much.

The ancestors of the ancestors and the ancestors occasionally aimed at the huge mass of meat that had rolled over underneath. It was a **** group and it was rolling forward.

In this way, it is like a powerful and weird semi-dead creature running fast, scary, giving them ten courage to run down and see what happened.

The Huangquan Well, which has been rolled by the big meat ball, as long as it is a wise monk who avoids being a snake, has fled with his own team to escape from this right and wrong place. No one really wants to run down and see.

Sun Hao took his own team and went down in the dark Huang Quanjing.

The scroll lasted for half a day. In Sun Hao’s knowledge, there was a dark group in front of him, like a big mouth waiting for the meat dumplings to enter.

In the heart of the move, Sun Hao said to Bao Ketu: "Bag, be careful, there is an ambush in front."

The bag quickly returned: "Understand."

It’s not easy for Buick to come all the way. In order to advance, he is very tough, and he is often shopping.

His combat experience is not worse than other people. If you don't say anything else, it is said that Sun Hao's vast ambiguity in the empty tower, where the environment is extremely bad, can often find the shadow of his practice.

The big meatball rumbled forward.

The big mouth is open, so I am waiting for the big meat ball to roll over and eat.

With a bang, the big meat ball hit it.

Unknown monsters are overwhelmed, slamming, and the meat wall is wrapped in a meat ball, trying to swallow the gram.

However, the huge force crashed down, it felt a little painful, and there was a feeling that the body swallowed a big iron ball and the body suddenly felt a little heavy.

The flesh was splashed, and the monster in the dark felt that his mouth was suddenly broken.

But it doesn't matter, it's a big mouth, it's not a big problem, it's just a matter of self-healing.

Still have to swallow!

However, when the meat wall was sent inside, the problem came again. The monster found that he actually swallowed his mouth.

After a little stay, the monster was aware of it. The big meat dumpling did not know when to reach out a few tentacles, like four strong ropes, firmly attached to the edge of his mouth.

To swallow, even swallow yourself.

The secret monster was annoyed, and the rows of teeth stretched out and slammed into the other side.

One bite, the meat is dripping on the blood. But at the same time, inexplicably, the monster found himself **** as well!

In this way, it is like a bite of yourself.

Xiaoyu Feitian and others were stunned at this time to discover that the big meat dumplings, that is, the Bao Ketu had turned into a huge octopus, and the dog skin plaster was hung on the mouth of the big mouth.

Eight huge wrists kept pulling the big mouth and gradually closed the big mouth.

The big mouth unwillingly took the sharp teeth and tried to kill the packer figure, but as long as its teeth hit the packer figure, immediately he would bite his mouth and splash the blood.

Well, every monk around Master is a big monster, and he has a wonderful skill. When it comes to this melee, it is estimated that no creature will be the opponent of Packer.

Fighting, anti-injury, plus wrist and foot blood self-therapy, the Tuctu's melee skills are quite skillful, secretly unknown monsters roaring, and screaming, but there is no way to take the gram.

The gram is to tighten the mouth of a big monster and close it. Then, just inside the channel, like pulling a radish, the eight feet are working hard and they start pulling out the big guy.

A huge worm, the size of the round body is similar to that of the passage. It grows long in the depths of the Huangquan well, which is not known, and is gradually pulled out by the packer.

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