Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2351: Powerful soul ancestors (3)

Sun Hao’s Jin Liuwei is not much, and it is about one million. Floating behind Sun Hao’s body, it is lined up like a wave of erection, gently undulating in the air.

The ancestors and the ancestors saw that Sun Hao had a long line of struggle, that is, a thin army like paper. To be honest, he was not optimistic about the fighting ability of this team.

The opposite side is the skeleton.

The locust plague is often the heart disease of the imaginary family. The bones are also a major evil in the Red Crescent. If it is not particularly annoying, it will not be called a bone.

Can those golden little guys make a difference?

If Sun Hao had already revealed his embarrassment on the road, the ability of the monks around him to be super-excellent has already made them feel shocked. At this moment, they are not going to let Sun Hao take the risk to take the lead.

In their view, the most likely effect of the millions of troops surpassing the bones of the total number of bones is that they are instantly overwhelmed and mourn.

Zangzu swept his own baby daughter and found that Miha looked like a eager look. He didn't worry. He knew a little bit. He was afraid that this strange little man of Agarwood was a bit powerful.

Even so, the ancestors and ancestors did not reassure Sun Hao’s fighting ability.

Quietly gave orders to his troops, all the bones, all the soldiers are ready to fight.

Once Sun Hao’s team can’t resist it, then everyone will immediately go up and immediately block Sun Hao’s bones. At least, can’t Sun Hao’s army be overwhelmed?

Sun Hao’s golden army is right, what should be called Jin Liuwei, the speed is not very fast, slowly moving forward, floating in the past.

Far away, when I saw a cloud-like skeleton, the accidents of the two ancestors happened, and there was still a long way to go. Jin Liuwei actually stopped when it was completely out of the attack distance. Down, fluttering in the air, like a streamer, generally fluctuating with the wind.

is like this, and the archer has entered the range and is ready to prepare.

Will the range be so far? The ancestors and the ancestors expressed their disbelief! The two monks, such as Nawei, who came to watch, also said that 10,000 are impossible.

However, the monks on the side of Sun Hao entered the battle.

The easy road lights fluttered in the air, and the air whispered: "Master, do you want me to seduce the bones?"

After Sun Hao swept a few eyes in the air, he shook his head slightly and said: "This distance is too far away. Jin Liuwei does not need such a long buffer distance. All the troops will advance another hundred feet..."

Even if you move forward a hundred feet, the distance is still far from extraordinary.

With the eyes of the two ancestors, at this point, the skeleton that can be seen is still only a small black spot, and it is not even clear.

This distance, fear is far more than the corpse's range is more than double.

In other words, the two ethnic monks, including the ancestors and the ancestors, did not believe how, and this strange army of Sun Hao could shoot so far.

Next, let them happen in an unforgettable scene.

Sun Hao floated in the air, his mouth whispered, and the will of his thoughts finally gave the order that the monks around him had been waiting for for a long time: "Offensive!"

A wave of thin, like a wicker-like yin arrow, instantly emitted, people can not see the specific shape of the arrow, the two families of monks only see, the front seems to be thousands of wicker floating in the wind, quickly Spread to the direction of the bones.

The ancestors and the ancestors finally knew why Sun Hao’s team would be called Jin Liuwei. In this way, it’s really like a wicker.

The density of the wicker is indeed quite high, just don't know what the effect will be?

Wicker flew past, and there was no such situation that instantly smashed the bones of the bones. What surprised people was that the wicker immediately spread from the first black cloud to the second dark cloud.

At about the same time, the back of a wave of wicker fell on the first black cloud.

Jin Liuwei's attack has no sputtering power like the corpse witch, and it is not as good as the sound and light effect of Miha. If there is any particularity, it is enough to have the ability to penetrate.

The two ancestors saw that Jin Liuwei’s first wave of wicker arrows was worn in the bones of the camp, and it was completely dissipated in the air.

In front of the Sun Hao team, the first encounter was attacked. The flying black cloud had already begun to appear after three rounds of blows. One bone bird fell down like a raindrop.

The distance is too far away, and the bones don't know where the blow came from. It’s awkward, and a group of black clouds are flying around.

Finally, after half a ring, although they could not find the enemy, they knew the direction of the wicker, shook their wings, and there was a sizzling sound above the sky. A lot of gray clouds took off and went to Sun Hao. Killed it.

Seeing overwhelming, the momentum of the bones flew like, the ancestors and the bones suddenly raised the spirit and issued a command to prepare for war.

Sun Hao's Jin Liuwei floated slowly in the air, like the upside down golden satin swaying with the wind. Every time he shakes, he shoots a wave of thin willows and rushes to the front.

Overwhelming bones from all heights, from the front of the team, flapping their wings, screaming into the fine willow array.

According to the experience of the skeleton, similar to this kind of long-range strike, everyone can work together to get the number to fight, and then everyone can quickly approach each other with their own speed advantage, tearing the opponent into pieces.

Unfortunately, this time the bones encountered Sun Hao.

Several times as many as the number of the team, the scorpion rushed over, under the sky, covered with a thick layer of bones after being shot.

No matter how it flies, it is very abnormal. It feels like it has been flying for a long time. When you actually see your opponent early, you still can't find any enemy in front.

And a wave of arrows always runs through his body and continues to kill behind him.

Through, through!

A wave of fine willows runs through the past, and a single wave of fine will not kill the bone bird. However, after three waves, the bone bird can't resist it and is naturally killed on the spot.

However, the thin willows that Sun Hao shot, formed a powerful attack surface, from the distance to the front, there are always three waves of thin willow, always appear in the skeleton.

What makes the two ancestors stunned is that no matter how the skeleton is, when it is closest to everyone, it is still outside the five miles.

Such a distance, perhaps the attack of the corpse can basically play a normal attack effect.

Jin Liuwei has formed an absolute dominant force within such an attack range.

The winners are no exceptions, shooting them.

Xiaoyu Feitian raised his right hand and screamed in his mouth. Miha also took a small hand and celebrated loudly.

The difference between the two monks was extremely incomparable, and the expression of surprise was falling in their eyes. They were old and excited.

Hey, although there are many troops in the ancestors of the ancestors, if the Sun boss really works hard, the troops of the ancestors are really not enough.

There is no suspense, and the bones are shot on the spot.

The army of the two ancestors only needs to stand farther, watch the battle ahead, and fight side by side.

The horrible Jin Liuwei, a good and powerful fine willow. The two ancestors brought an incomparable shock.

One million Jin Liuwei, originally in their view, after the real battle, is completely useless, and it is likely that after the opponent's round of offense, it will be lost.

But now, they feel that they are wrong.

Looking at the troops behind him, the ancestors of the ancestors came to a conclusion that made them feel incredible and deeply shocked.

That is, as long as Sun Hao is willing, his own 30 bones, his own embarrassment or the zombie army are afraid that it is difficult to enter Jin Liuwei within a certain distance.

The ability of the skeleton is known to everyone. It is not big, and its defense is very strong. Even if it is swept by a powerful monk, it can withstand one or two and fight hard.

The strongest of them is to fight and bite. Once they are close to the bones, even the army of the zombies can't bear it.

In the hearts of the two ethnic monks watching the battle together, a judgment is made The only way to deal with Jin Liuwei is to take the great monk into the Jinliuwei defense line and use the individual strength of the monk. Get the corresponding battle results.

Just think about the few followers who have strong individual abilities around Sun Hao. Suddenly, the two monks can't help but take a breath.

This combination of soul ancestors is really powerful.

There are not many troops, but they are quite elite. The million-strong army is blocking the enemy.

The war lasted for a whole month.

Everyone looked tired and looked at it. I didn't know how many bones flew in front. Anyway, there wasn't a skeleton who could see Sun Hao's Jin Liuwei, let alone attack.

In this way, let the two monks feel a headache, there will be a bone loss of great loss, and the soul ancestor will get on the spot.

The first game of Jin Liuwei out of the station, so that the two families of monks have an intuitive understanding, this is the invincible shooter, invincible warrior!

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