Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2352: Powerful soul ancestors (4)

Hundreds of millions of bones are like dust, and the wind is like a cloud;

The evangelistic red moon is in a hurry, and the golden willows fly to the army.

What is a long-range strike? Sun Hao gave the perfect interpretation of the two ancestors, overwhelmingly, hundreds of millions of bones, like the clouds, the bones of the flying attack, there is actually no bone can rush into the range of five miles.

Even those whose strength is not weak, similar to the existence of the skeleton head, is no exception, the weaker bones, even shot in the 20th.

Jin Liuwei's peculiar shooting runs through, so that no bones can escape. It runs through the entire range, and there is no difference in the whole range. The unit of the soul ancestor is simply too abnormal.

The two ancestors face each other.

They found that they had lost their souls! Moreover, they finally remembered a legend that has been circulating in the nine gods.

Legend has it that the warriors of the nine Protoss are all capable of rising, and they are all able to evolve in battle. Usually, the soldiers of each race can easily realize an evolution.

But sometimes, some fighters can achieve two evolutions. At that time, their combat ability will produce a very different change. The troops that do not have the soul ancestors are the result of that change.

Both ancestors were masters of wisdom and heaven. Watching the Sun Hao battle and shooting their own headaches with unparalleled strength, they kept thinking and discovered several facts that made them even more admired or horrified.

First, the soldiers under Sun Hao's department, although the total number is only five million, each unit has a different general shape.

Seriously to see, their body has a golden light flowing, obviously different from ordinary fighters, that is to say, these troops are likely to have special combat capabilities.

The soul ancestor army is five million. If you are not doing well, it is the kind of real elite army. If you can't do your own 30 bones, you will not see it!

Second, they also thought of some strange things that happened after the round of Sun Hao. For example, why did Tieqi Ridge not move, such as why the four-in-five became easy, and how did Huang Quanjing not lose too much force...

These strange things are really related to the soul ancestors.

With such a strong team, it's no wonder that those places have become strange.

Zangzu secretly asked his baby daughter with the zombie secret: "Mija, do you have some special abilities in several of your arms?"

Jin Liuwei showed a strong fighting power. At this time, there was no need to cover up. Miha immediately returned: "Oh, yes, every unit is very powerful, but it is slightly weaker than Jin Liuwei. !"

Sure enough, as I guessed it, the zombie was speechless for a while, thinking, Miha actually gave himself a sloppy eye, did not ask her, did not tell her the real situation, it is really a big woman, the woman can not help!

After thinking about it, Zangzu asked again: "Is the chasing army of Tieqiling settled by you?"

Miha replied: "Hey, Tieqiling was flattened by my dragon guns!"

Zombie... "You killed from Tieqiling?"

Miha: "Yes, my phoenix-winged gilt is the strongest result of Tieqiling. How about? Daddy, Mimi has this baby, my zombie warrior has inserted the wings of soaring." ”

Zangzu swept Miha's golden light and radiant baby. The heart said that this thing is really the best baby of the Zombie. The agarwood guy is really generous, actually gave this baby to her daughter. Come, my daughter is still very popular!

The ancestors asked again: "What happened inside Huangquan Well? I seem to have heard the battle."

Miha: "The half-dead creatures in that well have been killed by the public. You and the soldiers of the ancestors are all married to catch up with your big army."

The sacred ancestors immediately understood, no wonder those elite monks who apparently fell will climb back up.

Well, needless to say, the dark shadow of the horror described by the soldiers is the masterpiece of Aquilaria.

Well, Zombie said that he was completely convinced.

The self and the ancestors were careful in the front, walking back and forth in a step-by-step manner, fearing that they would be inevitably lost in the Red Crescent.

As a result, the soul ancestors sneaked behind and ploughed all the places they dared not to provoke.

What is this called?

Zangzu swept his ancestors and thought of it, Lao Tzu would not tell you this old bone, let you in the fog, my heart is suspicious!

Hey, think of the bones of the ancestors still in the drums, the zombie suddenly feels not to mention how comfortable.

Zangzu knows the true identity of Sun Hao, and knows that the undead crown does not have any beneficial effect on Sun Hao. Sun Hao’s entry into the Red Crescent Cave is obviously another important thing. Hayou has also vaguely mentioned that Aquilaria has no conflict of interest with himself.

Otherwise, to be honest, if Zangzu cooperates with Sun Hao, he will be a bit worried that the tail will not be lost.

Sun Hao's strength is too strong, full of shock, if Sun Hao is also aiming at the undead crown, he still has a fart, and if he is not good, he will marry Sun Hao.

Fortunately, Sun Hao’s deity is not an undead race. It’s fortunate that he has no role in taking the undead crown.

Sun Hao’s Jin Liuwei is in power.

Coupled with the performance of the monks in front of Sun Hao, the two ethnic monks have already felt the tremendous pressure that Sun Hao brought to them.

Good guy, originally thought that the weakest link of the tri-band coalition forces, actually turned into a change, became the most fierce part.

It seems that far away, everyone saw a cat lying in the grass, did not care, after entering, suddenly found that it turned out to be a big tiger, could not help but scared a big jump.

Under the ancestors of the soul, there are several generals who are not weak.

Under the soul of the ancestors, a million Jin Liuwei, can be a billions of troops, once Jin Liuwei opened the range, any team, it is difficult to have the opportunity to close.

Looking at the soul ancestors floating in the air, the two monks felt a deep shock.

This is the real hidden master! No sound is already, a blockbuster.

After picking up the bones, the elites of the two families did not lose weight and continued to move forward. It didn't take long for the scouts to send intelligence and encounter the female spider.

Mother spider! The two ancestors instinctively have a headache, but this thing is quite troublesome. Usually, once it happens, it is a battle that lasts for a long time, and it must also take the soldiers to the unique places of Pingping.

This is a special scene that is even more powerful than eating a soldier in Huangquan.

The mother spider, Sun Hao's face showed a faint smile, the heart thought, if time permits, this terrain is the best place to train.

It is a pity that the ancestors and the ancestors will not give themselves so long to train the soldiers. Otherwise, they only need to spend some time and can pull out a Jinliuwei army.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao still abandoned his very attractive idea and chose to move forward quickly.

Follow the two ancestors, come to the front of the female spider, look forward and look forward to a huge, hill-like nest, inside, there are many mothers who have been killed by Sun Hao to quickly hatch small spiders spider.

Different from the previous one, there are a lot of female spiders here. If you calculate their super incubating ability, the speed of sending troops is extremely scary.

In particular, these female spiders can quickly hatch a self-destructing little spider, which is quite annoying.

Once the war begins, the front will inevitably rumble, and the rumbling explosion will not stop.

Standing in front of the female spider, the ancestors cracked their own bones and shelf mouth, and said in their mouths: "The soul ancestors, it is estimated that only your Jin Liuwei can get it out, my shooter troops do not have such a long range ~www. also screamed in the sky: "Well, soul ancestors, this is called more energy." ”

Sun Hao looked at the front and observed it. The mouth said: "The structure of the female spider is very strange. Their mother spider is hidden in a thick layer of cohesive soil. In the judgment of Jin Liuwei, this It belongs to the class of buildings and has an attack effect, but it cannot penetrate..."

Sun Hao's Jin Liuwei can penetrate the body and can penetrate the body of yin, but indeed, as Sun Hao said, Jin Liuwei's attack is only the ordinary shooting attack effect after encountering something like the wall of the physical state.

According to this attack method, Sun Hao can also produce a weak attack strength. Of course, the efficiency of the attack is greatly reduced.

Zangzu said with a smile: "Also, we spend a little more time, better than hard water."

Sun Hao looked at Xia Chuan sideways and smiled and said: "Ogawa, the mother spider shells have some hidden concealed soldiers, this embarrassing, you let your star official guards come to fight."

Xia Chuan stood up: "Yes, Master..."

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