Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2355: Silver component

The darkness of the zhong, there is no time concept, it is endless battle.

At the end of the killing, Sun Hao has adapted to this darkness, and after the eyes have been able to faintly see some things in the darkness, the rhythm of the attack has slowly stopped.

The first to stop the attack is the high altitude Jin Liuwei.

The floating thin barrel of Jin Liuwei slowly fluctuated. After shooting and not knowing how many dead creatures, the enemy could no longer feel the enemy within the range of the range, and gradually stopped shooting.

On the ground, the star officer and the dragon gun cooperated and continued to fight for a long time, and slowly stopped. The first wave of attack from the Red Crescent’s nest finally ended completely. Sun Hao led the team and there was no loss in the red moon. The old nest is based on zhong.

Feel the rules and terrain of the Red Crescent, Sun Hao found that this has completely become a level of banned law, that is to say, here, Sun Hao's death **** has been restricted.

When I get here, every battle is lost, and that is really lost.

Fortunately, Sun Hao’s team is strong enough. In such a battle, the loss is negligible and there is no need to use the death god.

At the end of the war, Sun Hao took the rest of the troops on the spot, and the easy road lights took the Tengu Knight out to explore the terrain.

The concentric ring is derived from the Red Crescent Cave, which has a magical ability to evade, allowing Sun Hao to perceive the presence of his companions and summon them.

However, the special contact between Miha and the ancestors has been invalidated by the influence of the law after entering the Red Crescent.

Fortunately, there is a baby dog ​​next to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao said to Bianmu: "You can see if you can find the position of the two ancestors. If possible, it is best to come together and fight together."

Bianmu discovered that it was difficult for him to have a chance to perform in the Red Crescent. Until now, even if he said that he had helped the small fire, he did not have the proper opportunity to express himself.

Xiaofeifei, the bag and the two sachets are all so prominent. His dear dog does not show a magical side. This is a disaster for Bianmu, who has a strong desire to express himself.

Now that Sun Hao has finally given him the opportunity to play, naturally he has to perform well. His mouth is screaming: "Give it to the side of the animal husbandry. Any time, anywhere, as long as it is looking for someone, give it to me. Yes, Xiaomi Mi, when your perceptual abilities fail, that is, when I am full of magical powers, I will show you the power of my husband..."

Miha chuckled: "You can't make it? It's said that all kinds of breaths in the nest are disordered, the rules are different, it's hard to find someone, everyone is still going to kill, when, I don't know when it will come together." ”

How can it not be done? The animal husbandry paw patted his chest: "Yes, you can be sure, you wait, Xiaomi, I will find it for you."

As he said, the side of the animal husbandry lowered his head and sniffed on the ground. After taking a few breaths, the animal husbandry immediately took the dog's paw and fanned it in front of the nose. The mouth said: "The smell of good smell, I smelled a thick position, there is a stinky big guy in the red moon nest. Agarwood, you have to be careful."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "There are red moons and old devils in the Red Crescent. This is inevitable. At that time, there will be a fierce battle."

Bianmu has shrunk a few noses, and the dog's eyebrows wrinkled: "I do, this old guy's smell is too strong, covering up any other breath, with my ability, I can't even smell too far, if other Any dog ​​coming, any monk coming, must be dumbfounded at this time, but who let me stand here and graze, see my **** dog sniffing the sky..."

Bianmu used to show the gods and three sniffs, sniffing and sniffing the cause and effect, and sure enough to let him find the whereabouts of the zombies and the ancestors, and after pointing out the direction, Bianmu said proudly to Miha: "How? Know the side Is the animal husbandry so powerful? Tell you, I am the most respected right arm of the Holy King..."

Mikhail’s big eyes, his mouth said: “It’s quite good to find a way, but it’s like your role is like a hound dog. When you meet a real war, I’m sorry, can you just stand by?”

Bianmu is a bit dumbfounded, Wang Wang cried: "What is this about you? I told you that I am very good at the side of the animal husbandry, and I am going to lick my mouth, and I will bite a bite. Even if you move in the air, you can’t escape my dog. bite……"

Miha smiled and asked: "And then?"

The pastoral language is stuffed, right, after biting zhong, it seems that his own lethality is not particularly strong. If you meet a monk like Aquilaria, even if you bite zhong, it seems that you can not bite.

I have been completely despised. The dog's eyes turned a few times, and the animal husbandry found a small fire: "Big sister, big sister, you heard it, this little mother skin actually despised the dog, and, big sister big sister, little mother skin actually said that she is the first noble, This can put the big sister where you are, I am angry with her, this is what I want to be the big sister..."

First expensive? The position of the small fire on the spirit list is now the first one after the three places of Xiaohong, Qingyu and so on.

Miha is casually talking, but it is also a joke, but the words, the little fire heart can not be happy.

The small fire is just the birth of a normal fire rat. The original requirement is not high. The only thing that cares about is the status of his brother. Some people are actually provoking their position. It is really impossible to stand by.

Bianmu this little boy, a little clever, but the key to the problem, the attitude of the small fire immediately changed, the whole voice is a lot more positive: "Well, how can I help you? Give her some color." ”

Bianmu smirked and said: "We are so, this is the case, right, big sister, this Xiaomi's father, Zhuangzu, wants to borrow the power of agarwood to win the crown of death, hey, I wonder, once let her father give it When it is, chances are that her status will be greatly improved, so I think..."

Sun Hao never imagined that the side of the animal husbandry was actually a dog, and he played the idea of ​​not killing the crown.

Moreover, I also said that I had a small fire to help myself. If you know, Sun Hao will certainly be ridiculous, and the dog is really not the virtue of the house for three days!

Sun Hao is now carrying a team and moving forward in the direction of the direction of the pastoral guidance.

Along the way, the war continued, and every time they moved forward, they killed a half-dead creature that did not know how many rushed out of the darkness.

The Red Moon is said to be a giant spider. The celestial altar of the Red Moon, the semi-dead creature, the number of spiders, there are black and evil spiders, steel spiders, moon magic spiders, bone spiders, etc. In the worm of the spider, occasionally there will be other tall dead creatures with high strength and strength.

For example, two-headed blood zombies, two-headed King Kong and so on. The body of the double-headed King Kong is a stone, which is a powerful semi-dead creature that is automatically gathered after the stone is blood-stained.

There is basically no other resource in the dark space. But after a large number of semi-dead creatures, especially those with powerful semi-dead creatures, there are often some gadgets.

Sometimes, when you break through some special terrain, especially when it resembles the terrain of a double-headed diamond nest, there will be some magic weapons or magic weapons.

Most of these magic weapons should be left behind by the predecessors who died in the Red Crescent, and a small part of them are the retained items after the ancient war. For example, the silver suit components mentioned by the ancestors are likely to be ancient times. Important refiner.

In the legendary zhong, the silver set components are combined to a certain number, that is, after three, there will be some special effects, the more the number, the more special effects, and the stronger the intensity.

Within the Red Crescent, the chances of the silver suit appearing are very small. The legendary zhong, every time the red nest opens, the nine protoss break into its zhong, and the silver package will not be more than three.

The ancestor collects this set of components, which means that at least one of his silver suit components exists.

Before the big team was gathered, Sun Hao was very surprised. After a fierce battle and annihilation of a tall double-headed King Kong, within its huge body, a silver-colored leggings fell out.

Is this a silver legging? Sun Hao was very surprised. He didn't expect to be lucky. He really got a silver legging.

However, according to the agreement, after the completion of the exploration of the Red Moon Altar, this silver leggings silver light will be transferred to the ancestors.

In the darkness of the zhong, Sun Hao did not know how long he had gone, and he did not know how many dead soldiers were killed.

Finally, in front of Sun Hao’s team, Sun Hao saw the team of the zombies. I saw a huge battlefield.

I saw the real thrilling battle.

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