Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2356: Shocking

In front, the light of the soul of the blasphemy flickers everywhere, dense and dense, like a star.

He was a ground force, and along with the flashing light spots, Sun Hao clearly perceives the terrain inside the Red Crescent, like a huge threaded slope, spreading down.

The Bohai Sea of ​​the Zhuangzu Department is now in the midst of a deadly battle with the semi-dead creatures.

I don't know how big the thread is on the slope, there are battlefields everywhere.

Far from the perimeter of the battlefield, Sun Hao perceives a huge melee, and his heart is full of shock.

If you have the fighting power, you will wave your own weapons and slash the semi-dead creatures. Even if your legs are interrupted, you can see them crawling and fighting hard as long as you don't completely fall apart.

Hundreds of millions of battlefields have given Sun Hao a feeling of not knowing how to intervene.

The cockroaches and the semi-dead creatures have been completely smashed together. When they join hands, they attack together. Sun Hao can only look at it.

Putting his own large forces on the edge of the bones, leaving Xiachuan here to guard, Sun Hao took the others around him, along the bones, and quickly moved in the direction of the zombies.

Passing along the way, I saw it, it was a scene of a war of death and death, and the warrior, at this moment, showed the feeling of letting Sun Hao marvel.

A semi-dead creature was hacked to death by the warriors of the warriors after killing many warriors who were many times far behind themselves.

The ground is full of skeletons and dead creatures.

The rules within the Red Crescent are slightly different from the first few layers of the Red Crescent. After the semi-dead creatures in the old nest are destroyed, they will not be assimilated by the yin, but will accumulate on the ground. They will not be turned into yin, nor will they become the food of the newborn semi-dead.

Sun Hao even saw that the number of thousands of warriors had become a mountain, like a small ant, attached to a huge double-headed King Kong, crazy attack.

Beside the double-headed King Kong, the hustle and bustle piled up like a mountain, but in the end, the powerful double-headed King Kong banged and fell on the ground.

After the victory, the cockroach stood on the body of the double-headed King Kong, waving the weapon in his hand, the bones of the bones cracked open, and roared, then rushed to the next battlefield.

Sun Hao’s troops are long-range combat units.

The ghost can fly, so when Sun Hao enters the old nest, there is not much feeling, that is, shooting for a long time, do not know how many monsters fell on the ground.

Only the double-headed King Kong who broke the silver leggings, because of the white silver of the body, and its powerful strength, only caused the attention of Sun Hao, other monsters have been shot far away by Sun Hao’s long-range troops. distance.

After seeing the dialogue state of such a storm in the Bohai Sea, Sun Hao had the feeling of a terrible battle.

Going down the thread, Sun Hao saw a huge battlefield of seven or eight hundred million, that is, the eight billion-dollar bone sea led by the ancestors, connected end to end, scattered on the slant of the thread, and launched a deadly death with the semi-dead creatures. The battle.

Along the way, Sun Hao also discovered the various attacking abilities of those semi-dead creatures in the Red Crescent.

To be honest, because of the existence of the two branches of Jin Liuwei and Dragon Cannon, Sun Hao did not have a personal understanding of the power of these half-dead creatures in the Red Crescent.

The real semi-dead creature, once it is close to it, is terrible. The double-headed diamond is as hard as steel, with a huge fist and a powerful lethality when wielding.

Killing a double-headed King Kong often costs thousands of dollars.

The double-headed Gorefiend is also the power of the double-headed blood zombies. The ground can smash a lot of warriors and kill the double-headed Gorefiends. It also costs a lot of money.

The black-scarred spider has a magical penetrating ability, and it is able to create a skeleton that pierces the skeleton. It is estimated that it is quite difficult for the monk to meet this spider.

It is a pity that the black evil spiders are trapped in the sea after they have been pierced, and they are restrained by themselves.

Moon Magic Spider has a magical paralysis to determine the attack effect. Unfortunately, the numbness of the bone shelf is also the same. In the middle of the numbness, it can also be a tough attack. The relatively weak defensive moon magic spider becomes a dish.

The remote bone spider faces the sudden landing of the Bohai Sea is the most brittle, as long as four or five squats around, you can hack.

In the terrible battle, the loss of the Bohai Sea was terribly heavy. The place where Sun Hao looked, every billion-dollar Bohai, the battle damage exceeded 30%, and the battle has not completely ended, and the loss continues.

Following the battlefield, Sun Hao took the team forward quickly and ran for four or five days, which only caught up with the big forces of the zombies. Here is the real main battlefield.

The strength of the four Bohai Seas, under the leadership of the sacred ancestors, was a fan, advancing forward.

The ancestors took their own elite, and the Zombie monks were careful, in front of the team, command coordination, and collect resources.

Seeing the actions of the ancestors, Sun Hao suddenly discovered a fact. It seems that he forgot a very important thing, that is, he did not collect resources after the battle.

The interior of the Red Crescent is not a lot of grass. The terrain in many places is very strange. Although there are few resources, each of them is worthless.

The more important resources are actually from the semi-dead creatures killed by the team. Unlike the previous six layers, the semi-dead creatures here are not assimilated by the yin, and some special parts of the body become valuable baby. .

For example, the skin of a double-headed King Kong can be refined to produce a super-defensive treasure. For example, the heart of a double-headed Gorefiend can refine a strong blood of eternal life, especially for the monks. The monk's refining body has a huge blessing effect.

There are also poisonous sacs of the moon magic spider, the scorpion of the black evil spider, etc., and different parts of different semi-dead creatures are valuable resources.

Sun Hao couldn’t help but shake his head slightly. He would like to meet his ancestors with one heart, but he forgot to collect resources.

In particular, the double-headed King Kong that was killed by himself was strengthened with silver leggings. A hard skin can be used to refine the defensive power of the inner armor, and some strange resources. In fact, it can also be collected.

With a heart and soul, Sun Hao said to Xia Chuan: "Ogawa, organize teams to collect some useful resources along the way. The semi-dead creatures here are all entities. After collecting resources, they can bring them out."

Xia Chuan, who was sitting in the back, said in Sun Hao’s thought channel: "Okay, Master, I am going to tell you, I found a lot of semi-dead creatures left in the battlefield of the Bohai Sea. Some of these semi-dead creatures were artificially stripped. Signs of collecting resources are being prepared to ask if we also need to collect some."

Miha’s voice followed, and giggled and said: “Every time the Red Crescent is opened, the Nine Protoss enters the Red Crescent, one of the biggest purposes is to collect all kinds of cultivation resources, each time The opening of the Moon Magic Cave is a resource event of the Nine Protoss. It is the source of the public, the value of the Red Crescent, and the value of the city. Many things are helpful to the practice of the monk monk, and more is good."

Xiaoyu called out: "Ogawa, hurry to do it, yes, my scythe is a good hand to collect resources. They are peeling and cramping. It’s too good. Ogawa is busy, oh... ”

Far away, the ancestors perceive the existence of Sun Hao, and they were very surprised to see Sun Hao. The gods came and asked: "The soul ancestor, you actually caught up with my core army? Then that is~ Do you have a way to find me?"

Sun Hao floated up, striding in the sky, falling to the side of the zombie, and said with a smile: "Yes, there is a way to find you, and I can still perceive it. The bones are not very close to us." Far, his troops are also moving forward."

The zombie gave a thumbs up to Sun Hao: "Great, the soul ancestor has a lot of ability to admire me, and I have the ability to find me in the Red Crescent, and if I don't guess, the soul of your team loses. Shouldn't it be big?"

Miha chuckled and said: "There is basically no loss. Those half-dead creatures simply can't get our troops."

The ancestors looked at Sun Hao's side, and looked a little, and erected a thumb. The mouth said: "Great, the soul ancestors actually have the means to concentrate their troops in the Red Crescent, the means of the soul ancestors, I am old. The stiffness is amazing. It's no wonder that you don't need assistance from the bones, but I am a little bit of your ability."

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