Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2357: Killing the altar

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The ancestors are polite, the ability of the ancestors, Sun Hao still admire, the monks around you, are not the same together?"

The bronze mask of the ancestors swayed a few times, and said in his mouth: "I am a stupid way. I and my ancestors each brought eighteen bones, and they were evenly distributed to their subordinates. They entered the Red Crescent. In the middle, it is the boundless sea of ​​hardships, not the special way we have. In this way, we still suffer a lot."

Sun Haoyi, immediately understood, said in his mouth: "The effect is the same, but the loss is indeed large enough."

Zangzu said that when he came in, there were eighteen bones, and the battlefield that Sun Hao saw all the way, together with the current core theater, only had twelve bones. That is to say, the number of bones has been sharply reduced. There are as many as six.

Also, even in the current twelve bones, the damage of each bone sea is more than 30%.

This kind of loss is really big enough.

The ancestors laughed happily: "This is already very good. This is the largest number of troops left by the Zombies and the bones after entering the Red Crescent in the past few years. The old bones have a huge blessing effect on the cockroaches. According to my conservative estimate, the bones on his side have been able to maintain a complete 16 or so. Once we meet, this kind of combat power can be regarded as a powerful force."

Sun Hao pointed in one direction and said in his mouth: "If I guessed well, the zombie attacked in this direction. If you don't want it for a month, you can meet the troops of the ancestors."

Zangzu swept his own troops and found that the direction was slightly biased. If he followed his own progress, he would eventually encounter his ancestors, but the time was afraid to be extended several times. Chong Sunhao gave a thumbs up. Zangzu said: Thanks, Shen Xiang, the sooner the meeting, the stronger the strength of my squatting warrior, the better the fighting strength, Mimi, according to the direction of the soul ancestor, led the elite troops, quickly get me open, meet the ancestors."

The study of the Red Crescent and the ancestors on the Red Crescent is far beyond Sun Hao.

Although the two did not get in touch the first time after entering, although they did not have the magical concentric rings like Sun Hao, the two also had a clumsy way to bring their troops together.

Moreover, the two also have the means to approach their general direction with the other side, and realize the meeting in the process of advancing.

Obviously, the two ancestors also have some means, otherwise they will not be able to achieve this favorable situation.

After a month, the two ancestors met.

I learned that Sun Hao had gathered his own team for the first time, and it took a long time to find the zombie. It was pointed out that after the location of the ancestors, the bones of the monks were immediately convinced.

The ancestors sighed: "The soul ancestors, or your means are even more powerful, I thought that I am already very strong, who knows that compared with you, I don't know how much."

The mouth of Nawei bones has a tendency to fall: "Little brother, it is no wonder that the fire of my soul can have a special feeling for you. It turns out that you are the real noble person of my life..."

The greatness of Sun Hao and the means of Sun Hao have already made the bones and the ancestors stunned.

The bone ancestors and the ancestors thought in their hearts that they didn't bother to think about it, and they didn't know that the old guys knew that the soul ancestors would be so powerful and what it would be like at that time.

Fighting for the crown of undead, the nine will have a battle.

There are two types of fighting methods: fighting and fighting.

The soldiers are very simple. It is the warriors of all of us who fight together to decide on the order of entering the undead altar.

Fighting is a confrontation between monks and monks. The ordinary monks played a game and decided to enter the list of undead altars.

These two kinds of confrontation are very important. The ancestors and the ancestors look at the good fighting forces around them, maintain a good team of monks, and then think about the powerful forces of the soul ancestors, those powerful monks, and suddenly they will not die. The battle of the altar is full of confidence.

There are even some small expectations in my heart, I hope that the old guys will not be overly surprised.

I hope that the old guys will not be shocked after seeing their own bones.

Yes, after the two ancestors met together, a little statistics showed that the troops that the two tribes had dominated had a total of twenty-five forms of bones. This is a powerful team of troops, any race. Dare to fight with their own soldiers, will definitely be submerged on the spot by the bones of the sea.

Since the beginning of history, this time into the Red Crescent, the strength of the two communities is to maintain the best, reaching twenty-five bones.

Of course, since the history, this time into the Red Crescent, the loss of the bones is also the largest, reaching more than a dozen bones. For the past, when the ancestors joined the old nest together, the total strength is ten. The bones of the sea are much more.

Standing in the nest, gaining a firm foothold, and achieving a relatively stable battle pattern in front of you, can maintain five bones, even if it is fortunate.

This time, the bones of light loss have surpassed the previous trips of the Red Crescent, and the preserved bones have reached twenty-five terror.

The strength of the military!

Feel the bones of the jungle as a team, feel their strong fighting power, the two ancestors are really sighed and full of confidence.

The biggest difference in entering the old nest is that there are too many bones, so after entering, the team will occupy more land and the more dead creatures will be encountered, so the loss will reach ten bones.

The benefits are also quite obvious. The number of bones guarantees the safety of the monks. The elite monks brought by the two races all have a lot of protection from the bones. After entering, they basically do not have to participate in the war. Until now, the two families lost the monks. The number is no more than ten people. Compared with previous years, I don’t know how many times stronger.

The so-called one step is strong, step by step.

The existence of the soul ancestor has prevented everyone from suffering heavy losses in the fourth to sixth layers of the Red Crescent, and the strength of the two ethnic groups has reached the number of terror. This advantage is preserved enough to go further on the altar of undead.

The tribal army round, the ancestors of this old savage giant immediately sensed the silver leggings of Sun Hao, the bones of his mouth cracked, and said with a smile: "Soul, I am on you, I feel the taste of silver components, hehe, After the altar, I also asked the soul ancestor to give this component to the old bones."

A silver leggings may have many magical uses, but for Sun Hao, it is really something outside of the body. It doesn't require the ancestors to help Sun Hao **** the ancient star nucleus. At that time, as long as he does not add chaos to Sun Hao, a silver leg protector is worth it. .

For Sun Hao, finding the ancient star nucleus and stepping into the final stage of the perfection of the perfection is the most important thing. The face is a faint smile. Sun Hao said: "Well, you can rest assured, your seat is full of words." As long as you can help one or two on the altar, this silver leg protector, I will give it to you."

The ancestors said with a smile: "Well, it’s refreshing, so that’s it."

Nawei said on the side: "The little brother is relieved, even if there is no silver leggings, Xiaohao brother has something, and my Navy is also indispensable to help."

The strength of Nawei is ranked in the top five among the Zombies and the bones. The true fighting power is not under his own disciples. Sun Hao screamed at him and said: "Well, by then, there will be labor brothers." ”

The tribal forces met and did not rush to move forward. There were entangled troops and they fought for more than two months on the long front, which completely eliminated all the dead creatures within the distribution area.

At this time, Xia Chuan has secretly led the troops of Sun Hao to collect the resources of mountains.

These things are collected from the dead creatures that have been killed, filled with many storage devices, and Xia Chuan has a little soft feeling.

But these resources are very precious Do not look at the red nest in the nest, but if you get to the undead domain, it is quite rare, after all, the Red Moon Cave will be open for thousands of years. If you take it to the middle class, it is even more expensive.

In accordance with the meaning of Sun Hao, Xia Chuan has worked as a hard-working collector, especially in the team of Sun Hao, who has a treasure-seeking expert, and she has added many tasks to Xia Chuanping.

In the semi-dead creatures collected by the two ancestors, Bianmu pointed out that there are at least three kinds of resources that can be collected in the middle of the imaginary family. They are the tears of the refining gods and the gods of the moon. and many more……

Ok, Xia Chuan is busy again. When the three tribes were completely settled, the resources collected by Xia Chuan were all transferred to Sun Hao’s Sui Ningkong Tower, which was initially valued and worth more than one hundred large-scale veins.

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