Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2358: Lock shot

Opportunities and dangers often coexist. ??

There are many dangers in the Red Crescent Cave, especially the Red Crescent, where the monsters are dense and strong, and the first level of the law is prohibited. Every monk who comes in is extremely likely to fall on the spot.

Even if it is a fit, there must be a lot of force protection to be safe.

If you lose your protection, once you get into a siege, if you don't get it, you will be paralyzed and be shackled. In the end, if you can't do it, you will be silently wiped out in the Red Crescent.

However, as long as it is fully prepared and can stand in the foot of the Red Crescent, it will become a treasure of resources.

Many rare and cherished resources, all of which are produced here, some resources are still unique here.

Compared with the undead protoss, in the presence of Bianmu, plus Sun Hao’s own knowledge, Sun Hao even has many strange resources that are not known to the undead protoss.

It can be said that the trip to the Red Crescent has greatly supplemented Sun Hao’s resource reserves. Most of the resources, Sun Hao, may not be used, but they are quite useful to the monks around Sun Hao.

After the three tribes gathered, after some adjustments and deliberations, it was decided to let Sun Hao’s troops attack the road. The two ancestors’ teams followed and went deep into the deep nest of the Red Crescent.

The downward spiral **** is extremely soothing, and the length is like infinity. Sun Hao's Jin Liuwei is like an erected ripple, hanging in the sky, not moving fast forward, every moment, constantly shooting a thin willow.

The front of the team was always cleared by Jin Liuwei in a blank space of ten miles.

This kind of blank zone, along with Jin Liuwei's advancement, continues to extend forward. On the ground, Xiaoyu’s flying knives became a hardworking bee, constantly harvesting all kinds of resources, and Xiaoyu Feitian opened his eyes and smiled.

Occasionally, the front of the team will also appear thick and thick steel properties semi-dead creatures, but most of these creatures are bulky and can't fly.

After the appearance of such a semi-dead creature, it was the turn of the Dragon Cannon to play, and several rounds of artillery were past, and they were wiped out.

It is a pity that the dragon cannon has a powerful destructive effect, and the monster killed by the dragon cannon is called a bone without a bone, and there is no residue left.

Bianmu squatted and said: "Mimi, you are simply a defeated child."

Miha: "There is no difference between these few small money, hehe."

Occasionally, there will be very powerful individual semi-dead creatures in front of the team. After advancing for more than a month, a huge three-headed phoenix with a flame of greenness screamed and screamed from the darkness.

The two ancestors saw the phoenix, and the heart was shocked. The ancestors reminded Sun Hao: "Be careful, this guy is at least a combination of strength and strength. In this red moon nest, there is a unique natural advantage..."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Nothing, see me Jin Liuwei stop it..."

Between the talks, Sun Hao’s thoughts will move, and Jin Liuwei’s name is given: “All of them, lock the phoenix, volley...”

This is the first time that the lock function has been activated after Sun Hao refining the broken hammer.

When Sun Hao holds the broken hammer, the function of the lock function is to lock the air, and any opponent can't hide Sun Hao's broken hammer.

When Sun Hao started the lock function and blessed himself on Jin Liuwei, what happened was another wonder.

Usually, Sun Hao’s million Jin Liuwei are facing the front and shooting their own arrows straight, forming a large area of ​​coverage. There is really nothing to aim at and not aim at, as long as the enemy in front is one by one. Was shot on the spot.

This time, after encountering a huge phoenix, a million Jin Liuwei Qi Qi aimed at the phoenix phoenix, under the control of Sun Hao's thoughts, slamming, shot a wave of fine willow.

The wind and the corner bow and the fine willow hunting

The light and dark locks are empty, and the moving waves are light;

Looking back at the shooting phoenix, thousands of miles and clouds.

With a bang, millions of fine willows in the air, like a torrent, turned into an torrent of torrents, rushed to the phoenix.

The phoenix screamed sharply and fiercely, and the wings were flying in the air, trying to avoid the fine willow shooting.

As a stream of water, the thin willows, after chasing the phoenix, hovered in the air, climbed up and chased it up.

The phoenix was shocked, the wings were fanned, the air crossed a beautiful arc, and the side flew out, trying to get rid of the thin willow track.

Thousands of fine willows followed, and in the air is also a beautiful arc crossing, screaming, chasing after, oh, oh... the flowing water will fall on the three heads of feng feng .

The three heads of the three heads of the phoenix plunged up, screaming screamingly, slap the wings and escape to the distance.

After it has reached such a force, it has not only relied on instinct to fight, but already has basic wisdom, knowing that it is scared, knowing that it can be beaten.

Sun Hao’s heart was ordered, and the second wave of fine willows locked shot again. Once again, there is a wave of tracking arrows in the air. No matter how the three heads of the phoenix escape, they can't escape the thin willow wave...

Another burst of noise, the three heads of the three phoenix screams in the air, screaming a few wings, but finally can not fly again, the entire huge body booming, fell heavily on the ground.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile and said to the two ancestors: “Fortunately, not to be insulted.”

The two ancestors looked at the millions of Jin Liuwei floating in the air, and their hearts were cold and cold. The million-strong army could lock the shot at the same time. This gadget has directly threatened a fit.

Knowing the thoughts of the two ancestors, Sun Hao said with a faint smile: "Jin Liuwei also has shortcomings, that is, once it cannot be completely broken, it should be difficult to produce a powerful blow."

The face of the ancestral bronze area must have a look of bitter smile. The voice is full of bitter taste: "It is true that Jin Liuwei may not break our defense, but the impact of this lock shot is enough for us to suffer. To such a million-strong army, it is better for me and the old bones to run as far as possible, but..."

The bones of the ancestors showed a lingering expression on their faces: "The soul ancestors, ancient legends, you were also a top-level race. I didn't believe it at the time, because the ghosts didn't have the domineering spirit of the upper race, but now, I believe. It is."

Nawei lamented: "If you don't believe it, you can't do it. Lectra's combined arms are indeed only capable of the upper-level race. Xiaohaoxiong, I admire you for the five-body cast."

The three ancestors spoke for a while, and Xiaoyu Feitian had already led his own sickle to clean up the resources of the three heads of the phoenix, and the animal husbandry also had to bring it. The three heads of the phoenix are rare. Half dead creatures, what resources are there, and they need to be grazing to screen.

Going to the side of the three heads of the phoenix, while the animal husbandry sniffed a few times, the eyeballs began to spin, and the mouth barked: "Boss boss, this ghost phoenix body is a treasure, you give income to the tower, right, I suggest you let Long legs Ling to concoct this phoenix, the average person is close to death..."

Not to mention, the team of Xiaoyu Feitian, the two fastest-running sickle guards, was instantly burned into a fly ash by the green flame of the phoenix.

Xiaoyu Feitian was shocked.

Sun Hao has said with a smile: "Oh, that's it. I put these three heads into the tower and let the long legs gather to collect resources."

What is the idea of ​​Bianmu’s playing this dog? Sun Hao’s heart is clear, isn’t the flame on the head of the three-headed phoenix extremely beneficial to its master practitioner?

In fact, there is no need to long-legged out of the horse. Sun Hao has a lot of ways to collect the materials of the phoenix on the spot.

However, Changji Ling is one of Sun Hao's best friends and partners, and the most trusted person. Any resource that helps her, Sun Hao is really not awkward.

When the mind is moving, the condensate tower is spit out, dripping and floating, floating above the three heads of the phoenix, the golden light spits, covering the whiskey tower, and Sun Hao crisply sighs: "Receive."

The huge three-headed phoenix body disappeared was taken into the tower by Sun Hao, and was thrown into the southern Suzaku Mountain in Long Legling. The heart said to Zhu Ling at the same time: "Long legs Ling, just killed A yin-like genital phoenix, the meditation flame inside its body should be extremely beneficial to your flame practice, throw it into your yard, and check it yourself."

Zhu Ling was practicing in the frosty water at this time, and she heard a faint surprise: "Is it ah? Xiaohao, you have helped me a lot. My three fires are really hot, and the last one is worse. Thanks. , Xiaohao, giggling..."

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and his heart said: “Congratulations to the friends, the three fires are really good, and the fit can be expected.”

In Zhu Ling’s voice, there is also a touch of joy: “When the time comes, Xiaohao will give me protection.”

Sun Hao: "This is of course." 8

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