Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2364: Huge disparity

The third battle disk was settled.

The undead crown did not hesitate, and immediately opened the fourth battle. This time, it was a **** red light and a dark black light. The selected troops suddenly became a vampire family and a black warrior.

The ancestors screamed at the battlepan and screamed at Sun Hao. Sun Hao knew what the old bone was laughing at, and clearly knew that he was right.

The top eight ancestors fought in the battle, leaving behind, only the big lich and soul ancestors did not participate in the war, no doubt, the determination of the ancestors is correct, the undead crown is judged, the big lich and the soul ancestors Strength is the most powerful, it should be the last one.

Sun Hao’s heart is also vaguely understood. His Jin Liuwei is probably the same as the Yalong, or else there will be no drama of the million monks.

On the other side of the Great Lich, the number of corpse that may accumulate is quite horrible, or it will not be the last appearance.

Just in the heart of Sun Hao's heart speculation, above, the blood ancestors and the big warriors have already flown up and began to call their own troops into the battle.

Both the blood and the black warriors are middle-level undead, and the ordering of the two is quite close.

Whoever is not convinced of who.

In this battle, they are both equal and evenly matched. The most amazing thing is that the fighting methods of both sides are actually melee types.

The blood family waved their claws and stretched out their own fangs to bite their opponents. The black warrior waved his fists and used his special martial arts and ground fighting wrestling skills to strangle the blood.

In the hand-to-hand combat, it was called a thrilling battle. On the entire battleboard, there was a battlefield everywhere, and there was chaos.

This is a close battle.

The strength of both sides is quite the same, the number is similar, each has its own characteristics, and it is hard to understand.

After playing for more than half a month, the situation became clear.

The number of blood races slightly dominated, and finally, with this weak advantage, gradually expanded the results and achieved the ultimate victory.

Only this is a tragic victory.

After the fierce battle, the number of **** army is less than three million. The victory is victory, and the vitality is greatly hurt.

Sun Hao was gloating, and he felt comfortable in his heart. When he first came into the undead domain, the blood ancestor tried to intercept himself in Teminus. Is it alright now? It’s a big injury!

The battlefield where the blood ancestors are located slowly rises. In this battle, the blood and the black warriors all fought hard, and the two sides suffered heavy losses. The sacrifices were quite a lot. Looking at the size of their warships, they were almost the same as the battlefields where the zombies were.

Undead dragon ancestors are a few unwilling to roar, every time this is true, it is truly invincible and too lonely. Every time the undead dragons are on the battle plate of the Red Crescent, they will not get a good record. It is really a big wind.


However, what makes the undead dragons wonder is that many times in the past, the undead dragons are the last to appear.

I don't know why, the second place in this order is admitted.

If you follow the consistent order of the undead crown, that is, the undead crown believes that the strength of the two races on the scene is close to or beyond the undead dragon.

These two races are undoubtedly the Lich and the Ghost.

How is this possible?

The Lich family is only in the middle, and the Ghosts are even just the next level. How can it be compared with the great undead dragon?

Undead dragon ancestors smashed their dark eyes and looked down to the bottom, waiting for the mystery to be revealed.

The undead crown began to turn, as expected, and the remaining ghosts and lichs were selected.

A silver ash shines on Sun Hao's body. Sun Hao feels a looming pull, and does not resist this pull. Sun Hao's body slowly vacates.

At the same time, an orange-yellow light shines on another big lich who has not played. The pharaoh's scepter in the big lich has a slap in the mouth, like a sharp arrow shot straight into a huge battle.

Without waiting for Sun Hao to fly to his position, the Great Lich has already laughed on the battleboard: "Children, come up together, hey, a few old guys, let you see the glory of my Lich family. Hey, this era is an era of the great Lich family. This time, the Red Crescent is the stage of my Lich family..."

When the words were not finished, above the sky, the voice of the zombie came out: "The big lich, the sixth and fifth floors of the red moon, are you doing ghosts?"

The big lich denies: "Big stupid, what do you say? I didn't understand, what kind of ghost do I have? What kind of ghost does my sacred lich family need?"

Speaking this way, the direction of the big lich is in a steady stream of corpse warriors, rows and columns, neatly arranged, and the staff is on the battle.

Under normal circumstances, there is a huge difference between the middle and lower orders in the undead domain. The lower order mainly depends on the number to win, and the middle level begins to pay attention to the elite.

Generally speaking, for example, the number of blood ancestors and black warriors is basically in the number of a bone sea, of which about 30% is elite.

And to the top, the number will not exceed 80 million.

In the lower order, such as the ancestors and the ancestors, usually, the killing of the altar will bring together the strength of five to six bones plus their elite composition.

When there is a group of ghosts, the strength will be about one to two bones.

This time, the ghosts and the ancestors cooperated, and in the cognition of the ancestors of the undead protoss, they may also bring some bones.

But the real situation, but let all the ancestors face each other, I can't believe it.

The soul ancestors slowly lifted off, and the soldiers under his seat followed closely, floating up neatly and falling on the battle plate.

However, this amount is too much to play!

Only three million!

It’s just that there are so many remaining forces after the blood clan.

three million? What is the top? If you can't afford to stand up to the opposite side of the corpse, you will finish playing.

Opposite, the corpse still continues to enter the battlefield from below.

The more the number, the more black, the large pressure, not counting the already entered, the total number of corpses above the warfare has exceeded the number of a bone sea, and it seems that this entry is far from over.

Floating in the air, the big lich looked at Sun Hao’s troops very incomparably. He smiled in his mouth: “No, soul boy, are you actually doing this? Actually, the new ancestor, there is no red moon. The experience of the magic cave, hey, I know that you are so strong, I don’t need to identify so many corpse army, I have a bit of a show..."

The corpse is constantly coming up, and in the eyes of several ancestors, the Great Lich does have a suspicion.

After entering the two corpse of the number of bones, the Lich's troops still have no signs of suspension. Later, a group of people are taller than the corpse, and they wear a big corpse like a crown.

The sorcerer of the Lich family is a warrior, without wisdom, and the corpse witch is the corpse warrior after completing an evolution.

Once the corpse has wisdom, it can become a lich after self-cultivation and practice. In theory, it is more likely that the corpse will become a lich.

A large corpse of a large number of bones, it is very prominent in the battle!

But this is not over yet. The Great Lich seems to be demonstrating its own strength. It seems to show the strength of the Lich family to the undead gods. The strength is still flowing.

When all the troops of the Great Lich were fully boarded, all the ancestors took a breath.

Even the arrogant undead dragon ancestors in the air are also a **** expression.

Rely on, is it wrong? How did the corpse become a beggar? The full-fledged army of eight corpse, Wuhai, even if it was encountered by the undead dragon, it was enough for him to drink a pot.

How come there are so many corpse witches? You know, the corpse is a mid-level undead, and in the middle ranks, the ranking is also above the blood ancestors and the black warriors.

It is reasonable to say that the strength of a corpse, Wuhai, is already in the sky.

Yes, this time is good, in front of everyone, is the eight corpse of the sea of ​​witches. Since the history, the huge middle-order undead protoss troops that have never appeared before have appeared on the battle one by one neatly arranged The corpse of the corpse is a sacred sea, far away, like a sea of ​​yellow oranges.

This is too horrible.

A huge contrast has emerged. What it feels like, it is like a dragon, and it is an ant.

Things are so ridiculous. The middle-aged corpse witches formed a total of eight ocean-like forces, and the ghosts of the lower order, well, only three million.

With such disparity in strength, do you still need to fight? Is it necessary to fight? This embarrassment is estimated to be similar to that of the dragon and the corpse. The ghost family is also symbolically resisting it. Is it an alternative admittance?

Such a huge force gap makes the ancestors and the ancestors a bit dumbfounded.

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