Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2365: Huge contrast

To be honest, before the war, the ancestors and the ancestors were full of confidence in Sun Hao’s troops, and he believed that Sun Hao’s Jin Liuwei might surprise everyone.

But now, the ancestors and the ancestors have been stunned by the glory of the Lich family.

Is there such a ridiculous thing? Eight corpse, how is this generated? Can the cultivation of corpse be so easy?

How did the Great Lich do it?

The soul ancestors may not be able to stop it, and there are too many corpses. Dumplings in all directions, the pressure must also be crushed to death.

The ancestors and the ancestors looked at each other, and there was a sense of helplessness in their hearts.

Fortunately, I have not met the Lich family. I am sure that I will not be an opponent. It is estimated that I am going to be ruthless.

The undead dragon ancestors lifted the huge dragon claws and touched them on the head of their bones, and they had a lingering heart and a cold sweat.

Just now he still feels invincible and lonely, but now, seeing eight corpse, he is already fortunate that his dragon army has not encountered a powerful interception of the Lich.

Not to mention the other, the Lich family only needs to split half of the troops, and take out four corpse witches to the battleboard, then the undead dragons will definitely lose the outcome of losing.

This is too horrible.

The Great Lich’s troops were completely settled and fully vacant, and they were busy for three days.

Sun Hao’s three million ghost soldiers calmly floated in the air without any fluctuations, as if the opposing army did not exist.

The battle plate of the undead altar is quite interesting. Before the two sides started fighting, they could not run past the harassment, which means that the ritual ceremony has not yet started.

And the sites on both sides are absolutely the same width, just like war chess, exactly the same on both sides.

Therefore, on the two sides of the site, the contrast is quite large.

On the side of the ghost family, there are only three or two kittens, and the Lich family is a sea of ​​people, and the military is at its peak.

After all the troops were in place, the big lich laughed: "The soul is small, then this army, it is, it is all to send food."

Sun Hao’s side, Bianmu said: “Do you want to fight as long as you have a lot? What logic, this old boy will know what is really elite after a while...”

Sun Hao now knows that the big lich is opposite Andrew Devi.

The other is that now Andervi should have recognized his identity. After all, the shape of the animal husbandry is so strange.

However, Andervi did not have any sound at this time, and even there was no confession in his thoughts. This attitude is worth pondering.

Sun Hao’s acceptance of Anderville itself is an accident. Now he wants to be independent. Sun Hao will not have too much dissatisfaction. This means that it will rain, and she will marry and go with him.

As long as Andrei did not betray himself and did not devote himself to his own disadvantages, Sun Hao did not intend to pursue it.

Sun Hao did not even let the side to confirm whether another big lich was An Dewei, Sun Hao believed his judgment, and, as long as he did not make unusual moves, Sun Hao did not intend to break.

Good and good.

Opposite the command of the monks, the opposing corpse army began to confidently kill Sun Hao.

On the long front, the army was thickly covered.

Fully put a corpse in the sea, in the big lich, it is enough to destroy everything. Once you enter the range, the corpse will shoot in batches, and as long as one round, you can get the little snack on the opposite side.

Sun Hao’s million Jin Liuwei is very thin and has a long line on his side.

It seems so uncoordinated, the front line is too long, and each column of Jin Liuwei has only two fighters, which looks very fragile.

Seeing the formation of Sun Hao, the ancestors and the ancestors of the sky looked at each other and thought of the super long range of Jin Liuwei, and the expression of gloating on his face appeared.

The way the big lichs look, it makes them very uncomfortable, but in this battle, even if the big lich can win, the soul ancestor Jin Liuwei will definitely let him remember for a lifetime.

Still far and far away.

The longest range of the corpse is more than twenty miles away.

When the Great Lich did not care, the sorcerers were still neatly advancing without any defensive measures.

On Sun Hao’s side, Jin Liuwei’s spiritual will is in full swing.

The opponent has entered the range and can fight. Xiaoyu Feitian said in the thought channel: "Boss, I am a little bit sweaty, the feeling of the coming of the war, are we attacking now?"

Xia Chuan’s voice came out calmly from the channel: “No hurry, let the foremost corpse move forward five miles, and estimate that their farthest range is still far away.”

Sun Hao's thought channel said: "According to the records of the classics, the farthest range of the corpse witch is at least 20 miles shorter than Jin Liuwei. According to my estimation, the ordinary corpse can only advance forward under the shooting of Jin Liuwei. About five miles, so the best shooting distance is to let them move forward for fifteen miles."

Bianmu said: "Rely, boss, or you are the most insidious, but I like it."

The corpse army was not slow, and it quickly advanced into ten miles.

Sun Hao’s Jin Liuwei Qi Qiping flatly held his own strong, silent, but the entire team has tightened the string.

Many Jin Liuwei, who have already given their initial wisdom, have already shown their excitement.

Even the easy road lights were a bit unsettled, and the thoughts said: "It’s too exciting. When I think of the troops that are so stacked on the opposite side, I feel like a mountain rain is coming from the wind, and my heart is catching ash. It’s not the feeling of catching fire..."

Sun Hao is not moving, it seems that the old man is set, and there is no response at all.

The opposing troops approached quickly.

The yellow orange and orange waves are like the wheat waves, and they have always come to Sun Hao.

Soon the troops advanced into the five miles and reached the limit that Sun Hao said. Sun Hao’s right hand was lifted up, his hand slammed down, and his thoughts were released. The attack was named: “Shooting!”

The corpse is a ground force. Correspondingly, Sun Hao’s Jin Liuwei also stood on the ground to launch an attack.

Under the order of Sun Hao, the two rows of Jin Liuwei Qi Qi forwarded the first wave of thin arrow-like arrows.

The waves of the willows rush forward.

Did not wait for the first wave to approach the opponent, the second wave, the third wave rushed forward.

The zombie and the ancestors of the ancestors were in full swing.

Above the sky, the big lich smashed, these strange golden ghost warriors will actually be long-range arms, and it seems that the range is far more than their own big corpse.

This is the first type of long-range unit that has suppressed its own squadrons on the range. Has the ghost family ever heard of such a golden long-range evolutionary unit?

However, the Great Lich is not particularly valued now, and its own corpse forces can only start shooting in about five miles. At this distance, it costs a little, and it is not enough to take the soldiers to the past!

The Great Lich believes that as long as his army reaches the range, the opponent is one or two rounds of volley.

But the next scene, let the big lich's heart tremble, the next scene, let all the ancestors of the battle are in the cold.

A wave of fine will not be able to shoot the first row of corpse, but actually produced a magical through effect.

A wave of fine willows quickly passed through the army of the corpse, and walked forward a lot of fifteen miles. This was the end of the situation and disappeared.

Not only the first wave of thin willows, but also the second wave and the third wave.

A wave of thin willows is actually composed of two front and rear arrows, three waves of thin willows, that is, six dragon arrows run through the corpse.

Insufficient preparation, rushed to fight, and accurately said that the corpse that stood on the ground suddenly stunned after three waves of fine willows.

The thin willow is like a strong wind, and the corpse is like a wheat field.

The wind blew, the wheat in the wheat field was blown down by layers, and the wheat waves were shorted down.

The difference is that after the strong wind blows the wheat waves, the wind will pass and the wheat waves will stand up again.

The corpse that Dingliu shot to actually fell to the ground and was completely killed. The important parts of their bodies have been penetrated by arrows.

Because of the lack of preparation, the corpse witch did not advance fully, so even the foremost corpse warrior was only able to advance forward less than three miles. When there were more than two miles from the farthest range, it had already fallen. On the ground, I will never get up.

Almost less than half a musk time, the sacred corpse army, the former military part, within a full range of twenty miles into a restricted area, fell a large piece of yellow orange orange corpse, on the ground, paved A thick layer.

The former army did not.

How could this be? The big lich is dumbfounded, and all the monks watching the battle are silent.

All the corpse army involuntarily stopped outside Jin Liuwei's range and did not dare to move forward.

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