Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2366: Harvester

The second three six six chapter harvester

The range is more than twenty miles from the corpse army! This is not a little bit.

What is even more horrifying is that within the range, the golden arrow of the soul ancestor is actually an indiscriminate shot.

That is to say, any opponent, in attacking Jin Liuwei, must have all the arrows within the entire range before attacking Jin Liuwei.

The far-range range, plus this metamorphosis!

Jin Liuwei! What kind of arms are different.

After the silence is silent, it is a while.

The ancestors and the ancestors laughed happily, and they were very proud. This is their ally. They know that their opponents will be shocked. If not, their opponents are dumbfounded.

The big lich looked at the battlefield and looked at the corpse army that fell to the ground. He suddenly screamed: "How is it possible? What kind of arms are you? How can there be such a metamorphosis of range and attack power?"

Sun Hao did not speak, Sun Hao, the voice of Xiaoyu Feitian passed away: "The soul of the ancestors of the army, Jin Liuwei, the ultimate warrior after the second evolution, how can the eight corpse Wuhai? There is a kind of battle, custody How much do you kill!"

Jin Liuwei, the ultimate warrior after the second evolution!

Other ancestors finally knew the origins of the army, and they remembered this golden magical long-range shooter.

Another big lich floating under the battle disk said to himself: "Sure enough, when he came, the inherent pattern within the undead domain was completely broken, and he would be so dazzling in somewhere..."

After saying this, the big lich was silent again, standing in the air without saying a word, quietly waiting for the final result of the battle.

The big lich gnawed his teeth and screamed in his mouth: "I have to see if you can kill as much as you can, and give me a rush, rushing over and tidying up..."

The corpse forces got the order and moved together. The original shooter unit, for the first time, played the knight-like speed and rushed forward.

What is the most depressing thing when a battle takes place between shooters?

That is, the range is far less than the opponent, and the opponent is crushed and killed, and can only be beaten and can not fight back.

Today's corpse encounters this situation.

Even more so that the big lich is gnashing his teeth, the soul ancestor has actually gotten the inch, and at the same time, it has issued the order for the team to advance forward.

Yes, Sun Hao has given up the task of rushing forward.

Jin Liuwei was flying in the air, picking up the bow and slowly drifting forward. The two rows of Jinliuwei were slightly staggered in height, like the ripples on the two sides of the coastline, gradually surging forward.

The arrows in the hand are aimed at the direction of the corpse, while floating forward, while pouring down the arrow without interruption.

After floating, the field of vision is better. Some obstacles such as a small mountain bag can not provide any cover. The corpse is completely exposed to Jin Liuwei’s line of sight. As long as it is within the range of the corpse, it becomes a target. .

A wave of flat willows is shot through to the point.

A wave of oblique willows strikes the body of the body in the shelter.

The two rows of Jin Liuwei each performed their duties and launched a proactive attack on the opposite eight sacred seas.

To be honest, this is a very shocking and ridiculous scene.

It’s not too ridiculous that only a million troops have launched an attack on the opposite Eight Army.

The real result is that all the monks are speechless.

The corpse of the corpse fell, and without any effort, it was harvested by pieces. On the ground, a yellow body was fallen.

It was like a yellow carpet.

The corpse did not fight back, the range was a little farther, and the stronger corpse was still not able to fight back.

The speed of the corpse rushing is not fast, they are not good at assault.

When a long-range unit is fully suppressed on the range, it becomes a real nightmare.

Lost the right to speak and there is no chance of attack. I can only watch as a piece of thin willows pour into myself, and I can’t help myself.

The corpse warriors who did not have much wisdom were afraid, and the team began to be confused; the corpse witch with the wisdom of wisdom was even more afraid and began to retreat involuntarily.

If it is on the ordinary battlefield, the corpse army has already broken this battle. It is not easy to escape in the early days. In that case, the million Jin Liuwei is absolutely unable to catch up. If it is not good, it can really escape most of it.

But this is the battleboard of the Red Crescent.

The battle disk floated in the void, surrounded by nothingness, the corpse witch simply could not run out, subject to the rules, can only retreat.

The huge-scale corpse army was suppressed by the million Jinliuwei, and it kept going backwards and back.

The big lich looked at his big army and huddled together, and the corpse was a sorcerer.

The Great Lich desperately waved his scepter and tried to order the sorcerer to take the courage to move forward.

However, there are too many corpse forces, and his ability can not achieve complete control at all. If it is the upper hand, it is better to say that as long as the command backbone, let them implement their own orders.

The battle is unfavorable. Many of the backbones have been shot on the spot by the opponents. A large number of corpse have lost their command and can only rely on instinct to act.

The result is a mess.

Above the sky, the big lich closed his eyes, holding the Pharaoh's scepter, and the whole body was shaking.

Another big sorce, looking up at the battlepan, sighed in the mouth.

how could this be! I thought I could give him a surprise, but who knows this has become a big joke.

Real jokes.

On the one hand, it is thin, and it seems that there are only two lines of Jin Liuwei, but it is an aggressive attacker.

On the other side, the corpse of people crowded has been huddled together. It is the corpse witch who wants to go backwards, but there are not so many places to retreat. A large number of corpse witches are forced to the front and are shot on the spot.

On the battleboard, there was a scene of horror that made the nine great Protoss monks completely silent, and they were built together, and there were a lot of massive corpses, so they were shot and killed on the spot.

It is not a rebellion, because the corpse that rushes out the farthest is only able to rush out of a distance, and then it is turned to the ground. No corpse can rush to the position where he can launch a gas bomb to attack the opponent.

There are also corpse witches who are unwilling to issue a gas bomb and want to attack each other.

However, the distance was too far, and there was no effect at all. The gas bomb did not even hit the opponent and failed to form an explosion, so it disappeared silently in the air.

The war situation is so shocking.

The battle has made people feel so helpless, so miserable, so tragic.

The current situation of the massacre of hundreds of millions of troops has made every monk who watched the war shudder.

The greatest particularity of a monk is that the wisdom is higher, but in terms of combat power, some monks are not particularly high.

Now that I have seen such a massacre scene, I can’t help but think about it. Especially the monks of the Lich family are even more chilling.

The Lich family is a distant war, and the speed cannot be fast. In the past, the advantage of the Lich family was that in the distance, the farthest strike method of the undead domain, the melee strength is not too weak, the past has been very proud, even if you meet the death knight or death, dare to call They drank a pot.

In the past, the Lich family always felt that only the undead dragons were their own nemesis.

But that doesn't matter, because the undead dragons are the nemesis of most races in the undead domain, not just the lich, and other races are as uncomfortable as encountering the undead dragons.

But today, the lichs found that their true natural enemies are actually the ghosts, the Jin Liuwei of the lower-level racial ghosts.

When Jin Liuwei came out, the corpse and the sect of the sect had no chance of rebellion and could only be allowed to kill.

In addition to being able to fly, large size, super defense, and unbelievable dragons with confidence in themselves, the monks of other races are actually in a state of trepidation at this time. Too great, if it is a race of their own After this kind of Jin Liuwei, is there any chance of victory?

The fast-moving undead knights feel that they may have the chance to lose both opponents.

The flying arms vampires feel that they may have some chances to hurt a part of Jin Liuwei, but it is estimated that the real loss will be quite serious.

The black warrior feels that it is best not to provoke the ghosts; the speed of death is not particularly fast, and the defense of the gods is not particularly strong. The gods feel that they have no chance to get close to Jin Liuwei.

Among the major races, the ancestors and the ancestors had long been admired by Jin Liuwei, and they knew that they were not opponents. At this time, they were relatively peaceful.

This is from

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