Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2370: Inch

The second thirty-seventh chapter

On top of several major battlefields, only the monks of the blood and undead knights are truly tit-for-tat.

The undead knights are arrogant, independent, not affiliated with other races, and their strength is among the top nine protos.

This trip to the Red Moon was met by the Zombies. He met Miha’s Dragon Cannon and defeated him. He became a defeated race and could only rush from the most primitive ground. This is a rare trip to the Red Crescent. Things.

The undead knights took a sigh of relief. After the start of the fighting, they were unceremoniously swaying and sent a full 30 strong knights to occupy a battle.

The blood family does not want to confront the Shanglong people, nor the depth of the soul family, but they have some understanding of the undead knights. They think that they will not be weaker in the battle repairing stage, but they also send out their nests and send out a full set of forty. The **** monk, against the undead knights.

On their battleboards, there were as many as twenty monks who fought for the top of the altar.

After the ancestors and blood ancestors went up, there was no such thing as a great death and a great warrior.

The Great Death and the Great Warrior are negotiating and acting in a more elegant manner. Although there is a fight, there will be no casualties.

The ancestors and blood ancestors are different.

The ancestors shrouded the thick armor, and under the body, they also rode a tall, dreamy beast that was heavy and heavy. In the hands, the two-foot-long knight’s rifle slammed into the blood ancestor, coldly said: roll……"

The blood ancestor was a little stunned, his face was not good, and he said mercifully: "Come on, I am afraid that you will not succeed, or we will simply open the deathmatch mode."

The deathmatch mode is the cruelest duel. The two sides are not dead until there are only twenty monks on the battleboard, or simply the other party is slaughtered.

The cold eyes of the ancestors shot two cold and cold light from the armor, and said coldly in the mouth: "Since you want to fight, then I will fulfill you, a group of small bats, and dare to talk to the great knight. I really don’t know how to live and die, soldiers, prepare..."

In the hands of the knight gun held high, the ancestors instantly entered the charge.

The blood ancestors laughed: "A group of self-righteous fools, what about the charge? Can you still rush into the air, the children, let us tear the iron shells, kick their heads as a ball, take off with me ......"

On the ground, the death knight rides in.

The momentum is stunned, it is really a state of charge, but as the blood ancestors said, the death knight is on the ground, the knight's rifle is also more than two feet long, and the **** monk can fly as long as three or four feet, the death knight is beyond the reach, and the charge is not. There will be any effect.

The blood ancestors began to show their arms and turned into a huge bat, flying in the air.

The ancestors sang coldly underneath: "Even if you are flying for nine days, you can't resist my ancestor knight's rifle, little bats, watch guns, lang, raise guns, give me stab."

In the order of the command, the undead knight was extremely fast, rushing over violently, and raised his hand in the distance not far from the front, and with the momentum of running, under the command of the ancestors, he slammed up.

Thirty undead knights put their hands in their hands and turned them into 30 long dragons. They snarled and slammed up.

The **** monks were shocked, and they flapped their wings and flew to the higher air.

The **** ancestors flapped a few times, and a layer of blood-colored wings appeared on the sky. The cover was down, and the mouth was cold and cold: "I want to shoot my **** family, it's not so easy..."

The blood-winged slammed into the long gun, and there was a bang in the sky.

Above the war, the blood and the warriors launched a real battle, a life-and-death battle. However, although the two ancestors were fierce in their mouths and played fiercely, they did not open a real undecisive battle, leaving a line of room. .

The blood and warring monks are high-powered generations. In the Red Crescent, their combat effectiveness has been partially suppressed, but in a short time, it is difficult to separate male and female.

At this time, the **** of death and the black warrior have begun the battle for admission.

The fighting styles of the two ethnic groups are completely another scene. In all directions, more than forty monks have separated several small groups, marching in the middle, between different ethnic monks, between different small groups, and each other. Attacks, mutual interception, although there is no dead hand, the real killing of opponents, but the intensity of this competition is not bad.

Even, Sun Hao saw that two different small groups of the death gods were also slashing each other, so that the other party could not easily pass.

Good guys, there are competitions with the same race!

If the ancestors of the race do not choose to send a designated person to the top of the undead, it is normal to compete with the same race.

According to the records, the undead altar is the true holy land of the undead. If every undead monk can climb to the altar, then its own undead source will be greatly evolved.

No matter who gets the undead crown, other monks will benefit.

Usually, every time the Red Crescent is opened, it is the era of genius blowouts in the undead domain.

The magical effect of the undead altar determines that the undead monks are expecting to stand out and become one of the hundred monks.

As long as you climb the top of the altar and you can pay attention to the battle in the altar, and do not participate in the real war, then the chances of survival are great. After the Red Crescent, progress will become inevitable.

This is why the internal monks of the death gods compete with each other. As a monk, they do not want to evolve their own origins.

Above the two battles, the battles and competitions of the four major races are in full swing.

Undead Longzu looked at Sun Hao and said with a smile: "How? Isn’t the soul ancestor not going to compete for the quota?"

The ghost family has an absolute upper hand among the fighters, but when it comes to fighting, it is hard to say.

Now, the ghost family encounters the undead dragon, and if they really want to die, they don’t know how many can go in.

The tyrannical undead dragons sent out sixteen monks standing on the battle plate, leaving only four places for the opponent.

If this is the way of distribution, then the ghosts are likely to have an embarrassing situation that does not score.

The fighters have an advantage, and they are closest to the altar. They can even interfere with the progress of other races on the top of the altar. However, if the fight is unfavorable and only four monks can be reached, the advantage of the fighters will not become practical. It is.

The first four races rushed to the top and left the undead dragons to the ghosts.

When Sun Hao heard Longzu say this, his face showed a faint smile, and his mouth said: "The dragon's strength is the best, it is the strongest family in the undead domain. My ghost family has just started, never compare, this red moon In the altar, I will take four monks and go in."

It should be said that several of Sun Hao’s disciples practice ghosts and ghosts in the city of shadows. If they can get the reinforcement of the undead altar, it will be beneficial to their practice.

However, Sun Hao is not an insatiable person. The monks around him have not participated in the Battle of the Red Moon. They are not their chance and cannot be forced.

In the attitude of being a good person and a person, in the spirit of taking a little less pressure on the ancient star nucleus after going up, Sun Hao does not intend to do much, greet him, with the disciples around him, Yi Lu lights, Xiao Yu Fei Tian and Xia Chuan Flying up and falling on the battle plate of the battle.

So far, the soul ancestors only need four places? Suddenly, several races, including the undead dragons, felt that they were boxing, and unexpectedly, they were not very comfortable.

Originally thought that the soul ancestors would fight for it, but who knows that people are like this, you gave four places, I only need four.

Hello everyone.

Of course, among the nine ancestors, the ancestors and the ancestors knew the details of the soul know that the monks around Sun Hao are really these few, the little boy and the earth dog are actually spirits. Pets can be no quota, so they don't feel any surprise.

Undead dragon ancestors took their own huge size, covering the sky and the 16 huge undead dragons, Zhang Da, the black and the winter is like the bones of the cave, looking at Sun Hao, his mouth screaming: "Soul, you The decision was really unexpected. I didn't expect you to only need four places, but I suddenly found a problem."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "What problem, please ask for advice."

Undead dragon ancestors smiled and said: "I suddenly found out that I don't have to die. There are two outstanding juniors who also need to climb to the top of the altar, to get the chance to know whether the soul ancestors can be accommodating?"


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